I-Sajadah Prayer Rug With Smart Raka’ah Notification Device

Mohamat Gani, Johar Akbar and Md Nawawi, Mohamad Riduwan and Kok, Swee Leong and Nazmin Azmi, Aimie and Zakaria, Mohd Hafiz (2019) I-Sajadah Prayer Rug With Smart Raka’ah Notification Device. [Technical Report] (Unpublished)

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Perform five times of solah per day is an obligation for all Muslims. Each of the five solah has different raka’ah. While performing the solah, there is possibility to forget how many raka’ah have been completed especially in performing four raka’ah solah which are Zuhr, Asr and Isya’. This difficulty of remembering the raka’ah sequences could happen to inexperienced children, the elderly and those having cognitive and memory weakness. This situation may affect the concentration while performing solah. Therefore i-Sajadah is proposed as a smart device to notify the user on exact raka’ah that has been completed. This device consists of sensory component, processor and indicator system. As a result, the innovation of i-Sajadah presents high potential solution as a user-friendly device to help Muslims to mastery the daily raka’ah sequences thus improves the concentration and quality of solah.

Item Type: Technical Report
Uncontrolled Keywords: Programmable controllers, Microprocessors, I-Sajadah, Prayer Rug, Raka’ah, Notification Device, smart raka’ah Notification device, Solah
Divisions: Library > Tesis > FTKEE
Depositing User: F Haslinda Harun
Date Deposited: 03 Jan 2022 17:25
Last Modified: 03 Jan 2022 17:25
URI: http://eprints.utem.edu.my/id/eprint/25481
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