Extraction of chicken bone as alternative source of calcium incorporated in bread

Meriam Suhaimy, Syazwan Hanani and Abd Kadir, Muhammad Asyraf and Pauzan, Mohammad Arif Budiman and Asman, Saliza and Murni Yunus, Zalilah and Mohd Hanafi, Mohd Hafidzal (2024) Extraction of chicken bone as alternative source of calcium incorporated in bread. Enhanced Knowledge in Sciences and Technology, 4 (2). pp. 613-622. ISSN 2773-6385

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The composition of the inorganic matterin the chicken bone includes calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, and magnesium phosphate. Calcium is essential for numerous vital bodily processes adults have a recommended daily calcium intake (RDI) of 1,000 milligrams (mg). In this study, the calcium containedin the chicken bonewasextracted by using an alkaline treatment. Then the extracted chicken bone was analysed for it sphysicochemical and mineral contents. The treated chicken bone was added to the bread to enhance the calcium contain in the bread. The effect of bread that has been fortified with chicken bone powder was analysed further to determine the sensory, texture, colour and nutritional content. This study showed the calcium content from treated chicken bone was higher than untreated chicken bone which was 11555.36mg/100g. Besides that the pH and moisture for treated chicken bone werelower compared to the untreated chicken bone powder. There are significant differences detected in the texture of the bread with Extracted Chicken Bone Powder (ECBP) compared to common bread by using a texture analyzer to determine the firmness and springiness of the bread. There are no significantdifference for bread with extracted chicken bone powder in terms of color for L* and a* value but there are significant differences with common bread for b* value. 50 panellists has been chosen to conduct the sensory analysis of bread and the panellists preferred to the bread with extracted chicken bone powder. For the proximate analysis of bread with extracted chicken bone powder, there are significant differences for moisture and ash content compared to the common bread. Overall results show that the extracted chicken bone powder has an impact to the properties of bread and the yield value for the calcium content of the powder was higher. This shows that the extracted chicken bone powder can be used as a calcium source for enrichment in food.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Extracted chicken bone, Calcium, Bread
Divisions: Faculty Of Mechanical Technology And Engineering
Depositing User: Sabariah Ismail
Date Deposited: 14 Mar 2025 14:32
Last Modified: 14 Mar 2025 14:32
URI: http://eprints.utem.edu.my/id/eprint/28510
Statistic Details: View Download Statistic

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