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Number of items: 159.

Shahbodin, Faaizah and Badioze Zaman, Halimah (2010) Penggunaan pakej multimedia C2HADAM menggunakan pendekatan PBL bagi kursus sains. In: Pembangunan dan Penilaian Perisian Kursus Multimedia. Penerbit UPM, UPM, pp. 53-74. ISBN 978-967-344-177-8

Pratiwi, Lustiana and Choo, Yun Huoy and Draman @ Muda, Azah Kamilah (2011) An empirical study of density and distribution functions for ant swarm optimized rough reducts. In: Software Engineering and Computer Systems. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 590-604. ISBN 978-364222190-3

Choo, Yun Huoy and Abu Bakar, Azuraliza and Hamdan, Abdul Razak (2008) A Rough-Apriori Technique in Mining Linguistic Association Rules. In: ADVANCED DATA MINING AND APPLICATIONS. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5139/2 . Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Razali, Sazalinsyah and Osman, Mashanum (2006) Framework for Agent-Based Buying Decision Process. In: Agent Computing and Multi-Agent Systems. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 4088 . Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 748-753. ISBN 9783540367079

Devaraju, Anusuriya and Techanamurthy, Umawathy and Mohd. Yusoh, Zeratul Izzah and Zakaria, Mohd Hafiz (2007) E-learning for disability: creation, assessment, and implementation. In: NTI Journal (Special Issue) on Teaching and Learning. INTI International University College.

Hisham, Syariffanor and Edwards, Alistair D. N. (2007) Ageing and its Implications for Elderly Web Experience. In: Advances In Universal Web Design and Evaluation. Idea Group Publishing, London, pp. 97-114. ISBN 1-59904097-2

UNSPECIFIED (2009) Citra Dua Hati Satu Aspirasi Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad & Tun. Dr. Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali. In: Suaidi, M.K and Syed Hassan, S.N and Bakar, N. and Shaaban, A and Mohd Ibrahim, I and M.Subramaniam, I.D and Mohamad, M.A and Mohd Taib, M and Mohd Adnan, S and Ali, Ruziah and Saaban, M.S.K, (eds.) Citra Dua Hati Satu Aspirasi Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad & Tun. Dr. Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali. Penerbit Universiti Kampus Bandar Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, pp. 1-53. ISBN 978-983-2948-66-7

Mohd Bakri, Nurhazirah and Shahbodin, Faaizah and Bakar, Norasiken (2010) Problem solving steps in online PBL. In: Proceeding 2010 4th International Symposium on Information Technology. IEEE, pp. 348-352. ISBN 978-1-4244-6716-7

Bakar, Norasiken and Badioze Zaman, Halimah (2007) Development of VLAB-CHEM for Chemistry subject based on Constructivism-Cognitivism-Contextual approach. In: Proceeding of The International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, ICEEI 2007. School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institue Teknologi Bandung, Bandung Indonesia, pp. 568-571. ISBN 978-979-16338-0-2

Bakar, Norasiken and Salam, Sazilah (2010) e-Pembelajaran@UTeM. In: e-Pembelajaran di IPTA Malaysia. Pusat Pembangunan Akademik Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia & Jabatan Pengajian Tinggi Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia, Malaysia, pp. 253-268. ISBN 978-967-5878-21-3

Ahmad, Ibrahim and Bakar, Norasiken (2009) The Development of Interactive CD Learning for Autism Children. In: Blended Education: Towards a Personalised Learning Environment. Malaysian Educational Technology Association (META), Educational Technology Division, Ministry of Education Malaysia, Malaysia, pp. 345-350. ISBN 978-983-43633-4-5

Ab. Halim, Haslinda and Bakar, Norasiken and Ahmad, Ibrahim and Shahbodin, Faaizah (2009) Designing a virtual laboratory for chemistry using Animated Pedagogical Agent (APA). In: Blended Education: Towards a Personalised Learning Environment. Malaysian Educational Technology Association (META), Educational Technology Division, Ministry of Education Malaysia, Malaysia, pp. 485-494. ISBN 978-983-43633-4-5

Wickramasinghe, N. S. and Bali, Rajeev K. and Lehaney, Brian and Schaffer, Jonathan and Gibbons, M. Chris and Abd Ghani, Mohd Khanapi (2009) Healthcare Knowledge Management Primer. In: Healthcare Knowledge Management Primer. Routledge, USA. ISBN 978-0-415-99443-9.

Wickramasinghe, N. S. and Bali, Rajeev K. and Goldberg, S and Troshani, I and Abd Ghani, Mohd Khanapi (2011) Pervasive Health and KM: A wireless knowledge based approach for facilitating superior chronic disease management in Abd Ghani M.K, ed. (2011)The analysis and design of a Pervasive Health Record: perspectives from Malaysia. In: Pervasive Health and KM: A wireless knowledge based approach for facilitating superior chronic disease management. Springer, USA. (In Press)

Ahmad, Mohd Riduan and Dutkiewicz, Eryk and Huang, Xiaojing (2011) Energy efficient cooperative MAC protocols in wireless sensor networks. In: Wireless Sensor Networks. INTECH, Croatia, EU, pp. 1-24. ISBN 978-953-307-325-5

Ahmad, Mohd Riduan (2011) Cooperative MIMO Systems in Wireless Sensor Networks. In: Radio Communications. INTECH. ISBN 978-953-307-091-9

Ahmad, Mohd Riduan and Dutkiewicz, Eryk and Huang, Xiaojing and Suaidi, Mohamad Kadim (2010) Optimal cooperative MIMO scheme in wireless sensor networks. In: Radio Communications. INTECH, Croatia, EU, pp. 151-166. ISBN 978-953-307-091-9

Ahmad, Mohd Riduan (2010) A Survey of Low Duty Cycle MAC Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks. In: Emerging Communications for Wireless Sensor Networks. INTECH. ISBN 978-953-307-082-7

Ahmad, Mohd Riduan (2008) PROPAGATION MEASUREMENT FOR INDOOR WLAN SYSTEM. In: Special Topics in Propagation and Communication Engineering. Penerbit UTM. ISBN 978-983-52-0663-4

Rajiani, Ismi (2011) Green product in Malaysia: Still a long way to go. In: UNSPECIFIED FONA-Social Ecological Research and German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), p. 43.

Jano, Zanariah (2012) Presentations. In: Managing Soft Skills for Personality Development. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, India, pp. 147-163. ISBN (10): 0-07-107813-4

S. S. S. , Ranjit (2011) Block based motion vector estimation using fuhs16 uhds16 and uhds8 algorithms for video sequence. In: Block based motion vector estimation using fuhs16 uhds16 and uhds8 algorithms for video sequence. Search Algorithms and Applications, 12 (12). InTech OpenPublisher, Croatia, pp. 225-258. ISBN 978-953-307-156-5

Juhaini, Jabar and Soosay, Claudine and Othman, Norfaridatul Akmaliah and Tahir, Md. Nor Hayati (2011) Factors Influencing Strategic Technology Alliance Formation of Malaysian Manufacturers. In: Innovation, Management and Service. International Association of Computer Science & Information Technology Press, Singapore, pp. 20-26. ISBN 978-981-08-9175-6

Sulaiman, Hamzah Asyrani and Bade, Abdullah (2011) Balanced hierarchical method of collision detection in virtual environment. In: Software Engineering and Computer Systems, Part III. Springer, 2011, pp. 493-501. ISBN 3642222021, 9783642222023

Isa, Halim (2011) Development of a Questionnaire for Prolonged Standing Jobs at Manufacturing Industry. In: Advances in Human Factors, Ergonomics, and Safety in Manufacturing and Service Industry. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA., pp. 253-263. ISBN 978-1-4398-3499-2

Isa, Halim (2011) Modeling of an Integrated Workstation Environment for Occupational Safety and Health Application. In: Advances in Ergonomics Modeling and Usability Evaluation. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA., pp. 503-512. ISBN 978-1-4398-3503-6

Omar, Rosli and Sulaiman , Marizan (2011) Performance of Modification of a Three Phase Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) for Voltage Quality Improvement in Electrical Distribution System. In: POWER QUALITY MONITORING,ANALYSIS AND ENHANCEMENT. InTech, Janeza Trdine 9,51000 Rijeka,Croatia, pp. 304-324. ISBN 978-953-307-330-9

Tan, Chee Fai and Chen, Wei and Rauterberg, Matthias (2012) Adaptive Neck Support For Wellbeing During Air Travel. In: Handbook of Ambient Assisted Living - Technology for Healthcare, Rehabilitation and Well-being. Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, 11 . IOS Press, Netherlands, pp. 1-18. ISBN 978-1-60750-836-6


Tan, Chee Fai and Chen, Wei and Kimman, Floris and Rauterberg, Matthias (2010) Sleeping In Sitting Posture Analysis Of Economy Class Aircraft Passenger. In: Electronic Engineering And Computing Technology, Series: Lecture Notes In Electrical Engineering. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 60 . Springer Netherlands, pp. 703-713. ISBN 978-90-481-8776-8

Mohammad Nasir, Mohd Zakaria and Dwijotomo, Abdurahman and Amir, Mohd Zubir and Abdullah, Mohd Azman and Hassan, Muhammad Zahir and Hudha, Khisbullah (2012) Position tracking of automatic rack and pinion steering linkage system through hardware in the loop testing. In: 2012 IEEE Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC 2012). Proceedings of a meeting held 16-17 July 2012, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. (CFP120). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ( IEEE ), pp. 111-115. ISBN 9781467320344

Hassan, Muhammad Zahir and Mohd Irwan, Mohd Azmi and Abdul Munir, Fudhail (2011) Application of Finite Element Analysis For Prediction of Disc Brake Squeal. In: Proceeding of The Fourth International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ICMS2011). Modelling and Simulation, 2 . World Academic Union (World Academic Press), United Kingdom, pp. 74-77. ISBN 978-1-84626-070-4


Mat, Zawiah and Abdullah, Norida (2008) Pemikiran Kritis dan Kreatif dalam Buku Kemahiran Insaniah, 7 Kompetensi Unggul Mahasiswa. In: Kemahiran Insaniah. 7 Kompetensi Unggul mahasiswa. Penerbit Universiti, UTeM, Melaka, pp. 51-73. ISBN 978-983-2948-31-5

Minhat, Mohamad and Xu, Xun (2008) Characteristics and Technologies of Advanced CNC Systems. In: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology. IGI Global, Hershey, PA 17033-1240, USA, pp. 519-526.

Abdullah, Norida and Ninggal, Mohd Tajuddin and Nordin, Mohamad Sahari (2011) The relationship between self-esteem, job-search intensity and career decision-making among final year students: An application of structural equation modeling. In: UNSPECIFIED International Association of Technology, Education and development (IATED), 005281-005289.

Abdullah, Norida and Mat, Zawiah (2008) Bab 2 - Pemikiran kritis dan kreatif dalam buku Kemahiran Insaniah. 7 kompetensi unggul mahasiswa. In: Kemahiran Insaniah. 7 Kompetensi Unggul mahasiswa. Penerbit Universiti, UTeM, Utem, Melaka, pp. 51-73. ISBN 978-983-2948-31-5

Mohd Khanapi, Abd Ghani (2013) Pervasive Health Knowledge Management. In: Pervasive Health Knowledge Management. Springer, USA, pp. 81-102. ISBN 978-1-4614-4514-2

Jaya Kumar, Yogan (2012) A Genetic-CBR Approach for Cross-Document Relationship Identification. In: Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 322 (322). SPRINGER VERLAG, BERLIN HEIDELBERG, pp. 182-192. ISBN 978-3-642-35325-3

Maslan, Mohd Nazmin (2012) Identification and Control of a Piezoelectric Bender Actuator. In: 2012 Third International Conference on Intelligent Systems Modelling and Simulation. IEEE, pp. 461-466. ISBN 978-1-4673-0886-1

Maslan, Mohd Nazmin (2012) Identification and Control of a Piezoelectric Patch Actuator. In: Latest Advances in Systems Science and Computational Intelligence. WSEAS, pp. 204-209. ISBN 978-1-61804-094-7

Jano, Zanariah and Janor, Hawati and Mohd Jailani, Mohd Nor and Rabiah, Ahmad and Shaaban, Azizah (2014) A qualitative content analysis of e-strategies for Research, Innovation and Commercialization: A case of global bodies,Malaysian ministries and Research university. In: Goverment e-strategic planning and Management. Springer, New York, pp. 305-325.

Abu, Maisarah (2012) PRINTED DIPOLE ANTENNA WITH ARTIFICIAL MAGNETIC CONDUCTOR GROUND PLANE. In: Antenna and Applied Electromagnetic Application. Penerbit UTM, pp. 1-11. ISBN ISBN 978-983-52-0827-0

A. P., Puvanasvaran (2012) Enhancing Productivity Through Lean Behavior. In: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Social Sciences and Knowledge Management. INTECH, pp. 283-306. ISBN 978-953-51-0687-6

Suhaimi, Misha (2013) Comparison of CFD Simulation on Tray Dryer System Between Porous and Solid Product. In: Latest Trends in Renewable Energy & Environmental Informatics. WSEAS Press, pp. 59-64. ISBN 978-1-61804-175-3

wan abdul razak, intan azmira (2012) Electricity Load Forecasting Using Data Mining Technique. In: Advances in Data Mining Knowledge Discovery and Applications. InTech, pp. 235-254.

Azraai, Shamsul Bahari and Sulaiman, Mohd Yusoff and Din, Abdul Talib and Mohlis, Mohd Adib Muizzuddin (2009) Heat Transfer in An Array of Staggered Tube Using CFD Method. In: Proceeding for 2010, 2nd International Conference on Applications and Design in Mechanical Engineering 2009 (iCADME 2009). Proceeding of International Conference on Applications and Design in Mechanical Engineering 2009 (iCADME 2009), 4 (7172). Penerbit Unimap, Unimap Perlis, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-5415-07-4

Din, Abdul Talib and Rahimi, Roslina Aida and Ab Kadir, Mustafar (2010) A numerical analysis on double acting pneumatic telescopic cylinder motion characteristics. In: Proceeding for 2010, 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, Chengdu, China. Proceeding for 2010 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technolgy, 5 . IACSIT, Chengdu, China (Sichuan University). ISBN 978-1-4244-6350-3

Sulaiman, Hamzah Asyrani (2012) Bounding Volume Hierarchies for Collision Detection. In: Computer Graphics. INTECH, pp. 1-17. ISBN 978-953-51-0455-1

Ramani, Anis Niza and Hassan, Mohd Yusri and Abdullah, Md Pauzi and Hussin, Faridah and Jasmani, Noor Zarith Iffah (2008) Deregulated Issues In Electricity Market. In: Deregulated Issues In Electricity Market. Penerbit UTM.

Abd Manap, Nurulfajar and Mat Ibrahim, Masrullizam (2012) Real Time Door Access Event Detection and Notification in a Reactive Smart Surveillance System. In: Image and Signal Processing. 0302-9743, 7340 . Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, pp. 459-467. ISBN 978-3-642-31254-0

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin and Mat Hanafiah, Mohd Ariff (2010) Customized Fault Management System for Low Voltage (LV) Distribution Automation System. In: Fault Detection. InTech, pp. 51-70. ISBN 978-953-307-037-7

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin and Mat Hanafiah, Mohd Ariff (2010) Development of Customized Distribution Automation System (DAS) for Secure Fault Isolation in Low Voltage Distribution System. In: Programmable Logic Controller. InTech, pp. 131-150. ISBN 978-953-7619-63-3

Sivarao, Subramonian (2009) Neural Network Multi Layer Perceptron Modeling For Surface Quality Prediction in Laser Machining. In: Application of Machine Learning. In-Tech Publication-Austria, Austria, pp. 51-61. ISBN 978-953-307-035-3

Md Ali, Mohd Amran and Raja, Izamshah and Abu Bakar, Mohd Hadzley and Sivarao, Subramonian and Hussein, Nur Izan Syahriah (2012) Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene Composites Containing Polymer Fibers. In: International Conference on Design and Concurrent Engineering, iDECON2012. Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, pp. 239-242. ISBN 978-967-0257-16-7

Lee , Mei Ph'ng and Agus, Setyo Budi and Zolkepli, Buang and Norizan, Md Nor and Hassan, Naziri Khalid and Mohd Ridzuan, Nordin (2008) University-Community Engagement in Malaysia:Practices and Prospects. In: Enhancing the Quality of Higher Education through Research: Shaping Future Policy. The Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, Malaysia, pp. 66-91.

Al-Amani, Umar (2012) Sintering and Characterization of Rare Earth Doped Bismuth Titanate Ceramics Prepared by Soft Combustion Synthesis. In: Sintering of Ceramics - New Emerging Techniques. InTech, pp. 357-378.


Al-Amani, Umar (2012) Synthesis and Properties of Nd-doped Bi4Ti3O12 using the soft combustion technique. In: Bismuth: Characteristics, Production and Applications. Nova Science.

UNSPECIFIED (2007) Mathematics for Computer Science I (Linear Algebra). In: M.A., Burhanuddin and Burhanuddin , Mohd Aboobaider and Burhanuddin, M. A. and Burhanuddin , Mohd Aboobaider and Zuraida , Abal Abas and Abd. Samad, Hasan Basari, (eds.) Mathematics for Computer Science I (Linear Algebra). NIL, 1 (NIL). FTMK, UTeM, pp. 1-216. ISBN NIL

Mohd Aboobaider, Burhanuddin and Abdul Rahman, Ahmad Fadzli Nizam and Abal Abas, Zuraida and Asmai, Siti Azirah (2008) Mathematics for computer science calculus. In: Mathematics for Computer Science II (Calculus). NIL, 1 (NIL). FTMK, UTeM, pp. 1-193. ISBN NIL

UNSPECIFIED (2010) Performance Evaluation of Autonomous Contour Following Algorithms for Industrial Robot. In: Anton Satria, Prabuwono and Burhanuddin, M. A. and Burhanuddin , Mohd Aboobaider, (eds.) Performance Evaluation of Autonomous Contour Following Algorithms for Industrial Robot. NIL, 1 (NIL). InTech Open Access Publisher, Rijeka, Crotia, pp. 377-398. ISBN NIL

Burhanuddin, Mohd Aboobaider (2010) Siri Mudah Membangun Aplikasi Mobile: TIP and TRIK FLASH LITE. In: Siri Mudah Membangun Aplikasi Mobile: TIP and TRIK FLASH LITE. NIL, 1 (NIL). Venton Publishing, Malaysia, pp. 1-157. ISBN NIL

Mohd Aboobaider, Burhanuddin (2011) An efficient failure-based maintenance decision support system for small and medium industries. In: An Efficient Failure-based Maintenance Decision Support System for Small and Medium Industries. NIL, 1 (NIL). InTech Open Access Publisher, Rijeka, Crotia, pp. 195-210. ISBN 978-953-308-65-7

Nora, Danish and Schumacher, Micheal and Lee, Chong We1 and Subramaniam, Ramakhrisnan (2011) Ecosystems of the world. In: UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED, pp. 22-44.

Wang, Chenqing and Abdul Rahman, Azrul Azwan and Seliger, Günther (2012) A Case Study: Feasibility and economic analysis for advanced automation in spoke rim assembly for motorcycle towards sustainability. In: Sustainable Manufacturing - Shaping Global Value Creation. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 387-392. ISBN 978-3-642-27289-9

Mustafa, Zaleha B. and Tanner, K.E (2012) Composites for hard tissue repair. In: Wiley Encyclopedia of Composites. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp. 1-14.

Noor Azlin, Bidin and Safiah , Sidek (2013) Kemahiran Komunikasi. In: Kemahiran Insaniah: 7 Kompetensi Unggul Mahasiswa. Penerbit Universiti, UTeM, pp. 1-49.

Noor Azlin, Bidin and Safiah , Sidek (2008) Penerapan dan Pentaksiran Kemahiran Insaniah di Jabatan Bahasa. In: Pelaksanaan Kemahiran Insaniah UTeM. Penerbit Universiti, UTeM, pp. 43-52.

Wan Mahmood, Wan Hasrulnizzam (2008) Industrial Types of Manufacturing Complexity. In: Proceedings of the National Seminar on Engineering & Technopreneurship 2008. UniKL British Malaysian Institute, pp. 209-213. ISBN 978-983-44271-0-8

Wan Mahmood, Wan Hasrulnizzam and Abdullah, Ilyana (2008) Fuguai Mapping: The Useful Method For Problem Solving. In: Prosiding Seminar Kemahiran Insaniah dan Kesejahteraan Sosial (SKIKS) 2008. Penerbit Universiti, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, pp. 97-106. ISBN 978-983-2948-33-9

Wan Mahmood, Wan Hasrulnizzam and Muhamad, Mohd Razali (2008) Industrial Application Of Lean Manufacturing. In: Proceedings of the National Seminar on Science, Technology and Social Sciences 2008. Universiti Teknologi MARA, pp. 243-250. ISBN 978-983-2607-17-5

Robani, Anidah (2012) The Attitude and Commitment of the Malaysian Government towards Islam in Malaysian Foreign Policy: An Assessment. In: Malaysia's Foreign Relations: The Agenda of National Resilience. UUM Press, Sintok, Kedah, pp. 27-52.

Bahaman, Nazrulazhar and Anton Satria, Prabuwono and Teddy , Mantoro (2013) Reconnaissance attack on IPv6 to IPv4 tunneling. In: International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communication. IGI Publishing, USA, pp. 1-9. ISBN 978-1-4666-3085-7

Ahlan, Abdul Rahman and Arshad, Yusri and Ajayi, BA (2014) IT Governance in a Malaysian Public Institute of Higher Learning and Intelligent Decision Making Support System Solution. In: Engineering and Management of IT-based Service Systems. Intelligent Systems Reference Library, 55 (55). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. ISBN 978-3-642-39927-5

Omar, Khairuddin and Azmi, Mohd Sanusi and Nasrudin, Mohammad Fadizul and Salleh, Abdul Razak and Abdullah, Azizi (2013) Batu Bersurat Piagam Terengganu. Batu Bersurat Terengganu: Perspektif Geometri Segitiga. In: Batu Bersurat Piagam Terengganu. Percetakan Yayasan Islam Terengganu Sdn Bhd, Terengganu , pp. 82-95. ISBN 978-983-43021-3-9

Omar, Khairuddin and Azmi, Mohd Sanusi and Nasrudin, Mohammad Faidzul and Che Wan Ahmad, Che Wan Shamsul Bahri and Abdullah, Azizi (2013) Baru Bersurat Terengganu: Perluasan Model Segitiga Dalam Kajian Digital Paleografi Digital. In: Batu Bersurat Piagam Terengganu. Percetakan Yayasan Islam Terengganu Sdn Bhd, Terengganu , pp. 190-202. ISBN 978-983-43021-3-9

Muda, A. K. and Nurul A., Emran (2011) Comparison of Feature Dimension Reduction Approach for Writer Verification. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advanced Data and Information Engineering (DaEng-2013). Springer, pp. 92-102.

Muda, A. K. (2014) Computational Intelligence in Digital Forensics. In: Computational Intelligence in Digital Forensics. Springer, pp. 1-16.

Draman @ Muda, Azah Kamilah and Choo, Yun Huoy and Draman @ Muda, Noor Azilah (2014) A New Swarm-Based Framework for Handwritten Authorship Identification in Forensic Document Analysis. In: Computational Intelligence in Digital Forensics. Springer, pp. 385-411.

Mohd Annuar, Khalil Azha and Yahaya, Muhammad Sharil and Che Hasan, Mohd Hanif and Mohamad, Syahrul Hisham and Ibrahim, Zulkifli and Mohd Ab Halim, Mohd Firdaus (2013) Pengukuran & Instrumentasi. In: Pengukuran & Instrumentasi. Penerbit Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, pp. 1-55.

Mohd Annuar, Khalil Azha and Yahaya, Muhammad Sharil and Che Hasan, Mohd Hanif and Ibrahim, Zulkifli and Mohamad, Syahrul Hisham and Mohd Ab Halim, Mohd Firdaus (2012) Asas dan Konsep Pengukuran. In: Asas dan Konsep Pengukuran. Penerbit Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, pp. 1-81.

Muhamad Khairi, Aripin and Y.M, Sam and Kumeresan, A.D and Kemao , Peng and Mohd Hanif , Che Hasan and Muhamad Fahezal, Ismail (2013) A Yaw Rate Tracking Control of Active Front Steering System Using Composite Nonlinear Feedback. In: Asiasim 2013. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 402 . Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 231-242. ISBN 978-3-642-45036-5

Goh, Ong Sing and Fung, Chun Che and Depickere, Arnold and Wong, Kok Wai (2008) An analysis of man-machine interaction in instant messenger. In: Advances in Communication Systems and Electrical Engineering. Springer US, New York, pp. 197-210.

Goh, Ong Sing and Fung, C.C. (2005) Automated knowledge extraction from Internet for a crisis communication portal. In: Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery. Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 1226-1235.

Goh, Ong Sing and Fung, C.C. (2003) Intelligent agent technology in e-commerce. In: Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning. Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 10-17.

Nurfaizey , Abdul Hamid and Tucker, Nick and Stanger, Jonathan and Staiger, Mark (2012) Functional nanofibers in clothing for protection against chemical and biological hazards. In: Functional nanofibers and their applications. Woodhead Publishing, pp. 236-261. ISBN 978-0-85709-069-0

Loh, Ser Lee and Salleh, Shaharuddin and Sarmin, Nor Haniza (2008) Double Simulated Annealing Model for Mapping of Graphs to Single-Row Networks. In: Advances in Fundamentals and Social Sciences. Penerbit UTM Press, pp. 51-64.

Razali, Sharifah Nadiyah and Shahbodin, Faaizah and Bakar, Norasiken and Hussin, Hanipah and Ahmad, Mohd Hafiez and Sulaiman, Normala (2013) Incorporating learning management system with social network sites to support online collaborative learning: Preliminary analysis. In: Advances in Visual Informatics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8237 . Springer, pp. 549-557. ISBN 978-3-319-02957-3

Mansor, Muhd Ridzuan and Sapuan, S.M (2014) Materials Selection for Lightweight Automotive Composite Hand Operated Parking Brake Lever Design with a Weighted Property Index Method. In: Engineering Composites: Properties and Applications. UPM Press, Serdang, pp. 248-264. ISBN 978-967-344-396-3

Siti Hajar , Mohamad and Norfaridatul Akmaliah, Othman and Juhaini, Jabar (2014) The impact of customer relationship management on business performance. Chapter 9. In: JPP Book Management. McGraw-Hill, pp. 35-48. (In Press)

Kamalrudin, Massila and Sidek, Safiah (2014) Automatic Acceptance Test Case Generation From Essential Use Cases. In: New Trends in Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques,Series:Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications,. IOS Press.

UNSPECIFIED (2014) MEReq: A Tool to Capture and Validate Multi-Lingual Requirements. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) New Trends in Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques,Series:Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications,. IOS Press.

Kamalrudin, Massila and Sidek, Safiah (2014) A Pair-oriented Requirements Engineering Approach for Analysing Multi-lingual Requirements. In: Communications in Computer and Information Science, Requirements Engineering,. Springer Verlag.

UNSPECIFIED (2014) Capturing Security Requirements Using Essential Use Cases (EUCs). In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Communications in Computer and Information Science, Requirements Engineering,. Springer Verlag.

Misha, Suhaimi and Mohd Rosli, Mohd Afzanizam and Mat, Sohif and Ruslan, Mohd Hafidz and Salleh, Elias @ Ilias and Sopian, Kamaruzzaman (2014) Performance test of solar assisted solid desiccant dryer. In: Computer Applications in Environmental Sciences and Renewable Energy. WSEAS Press, pp. 174-180. ISBN 9789604743704

Teo, Chee Huat and Manap, Nurulfajar (2015) Evaluation of stereo matching algorithms and dynamic programming for 3D triangulation. In: Advanced Computer and Communication Engineering Technology. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 315 . Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 641-650. ISBN 9783319076737

Misha, Suhaimi and Mat, Sohif and Mohd Rosli, Mohd Afzanizam and Ruslan, Mohd Hafidz and Sopian, Kamaruzzaman and Salleh, Elias @ Ilias (2015) Simulation of air flow distribution in a tray dryer by CFD. In: Recent Advances in Renewable Energy Sources. WSEAS Press, pp. 29-34. ISBN 978-1-61804-303-0

Hamzah, Sakidin and Siti Rahimah , Batcha and Asmala, A. (2015) Neill’s mapping function simplification for dry component using regression methods. In: Contemporary of Sciences Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. UTP PRESS, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, pp. 123-129. ISBN 9789670644165



Safei, Su'aidi (2013) - Visit of Minister of Higher Education & Delegate to Egypt 2013 -To Energize the Educational Relationship Between Malaysia and Egypt. In: Misr Fi Khatiriy (Arabic). Dar el-Gumhouriyya, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 89-113.

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Safei, Su'aidi (1999) Perpaduan Ummah Membawa Kejayaan. In: Dinamika Hijrah. Terengganu Foundation Printing , Kuala Terengganu, pp. 28-40.

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Habeeb, Hiyam Adil and Mohan, Ahmed Esmael and Abdullah, Mohd Azman and Abdul Aziz, Muhammad Shalihin and Mat Dan, Reduan and Harun, Mohamad Haniff (2022) Maintenance strategy and analysis for Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) train failures. In: Advanced approach for future technology. Penerbit UTeM Press, Durian Tunggal, Melaka, pp. 97-112. ISBN 9789672454465

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Abdullah, Rohana and Raman, Pethal and Abdul Rasib, Amir Hamzah and Abdul Rahman, Md Nizam (2022) Lean waste analysis in Malaysia automotive supplier manufacturing company. In: Advanced approach for future technology. Penerbit UTeM Press, Durian Tunggal, Melaka, pp. 153-174. ISBN 9789672454465

UNSPECIFIED (2021) Keusahawanan digital di Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Keusahawanan digital di Malaysia: Transformasi perniagaan ke arah ekonomi digital. Penerbit UTeM Press, Durian Tunggal, Melaka, pp. 1-13. ISBN 9789672454984

UNSPECIFIED (2021) Kanvas untuk pemasaran digital. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Keusahawanan digital di Malaysia: Transformasi perniagaan ke arah ekonomi digital. Penerbit UTeM Press, Durian Tunggal, Melaka, pp. 15-35. ISBN 9789672454984

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UNSPECIFIED (2021) Pasaran elektronik atau e-pasaran. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Keusahawanan digital di Malaysia: Transformasi perniagaan ke arah ekonomi digital. Penerbit UTeM Press, Durian Tunggal, Melaka, pp. 53-71. ISBN 9789672454984

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UNSPECIFIED (2021) Pengurusan kelangsungan perniagaan digital. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Keusahawanan digital di Malaysia: Transformasi perniagaan ke arah ekonomi digital. Penerbit UTeM Press, Durian Tunggal, Melaka, pp. 105-118. ISBN 9789672454984

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Electrically Conductive Adhesives (ECAs) composites in biomedical device application. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Progress on advanced & smart materials in engineering and mathematics. Penerbit UTeM Press, Durian Tunggal, Melaka, pp. 1-24. ISBN 9789672792321

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Advanced smart materials composite in IR 4.0 application. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Progress on advanced & smart materials in engineering and mathematics. Penerbit UTeM Press, Durian Tunggal, Melaka, pp. 25-36. ISBN 9789672792321

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Synthesis and deposition of Ag-TiO2 coating on ceramic tiles. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Progress on advanced & smart materials in engineering and mathematics. Penerbit UTeM Press, Durian Tunggal, Melaka, pp. 37-48. ISBN 9789672792321

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Natural rubber-based green nanocomposites in automotive engineering. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Progress on advanced & smart materials in engineering and mathematics. Penerbit UTeM Press, Durian Tunggal, Melaka, pp. 49-64. ISBN 9789672792321

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Fatigue of rubber composites with organic and inorganic particulates fillers. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Progress on advanced & smart materials in engineering and mathematics. Penerbit UTeM Press, Durian Tunggal, Melaka, pp. 65-72. ISBN 9789672792321

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Mathematical model for crack problems in bonded dissimilar materials. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Progress on advanced & smart materials in engineering and mathematics. Penerbit UTeM Press, Durian Tunggal, Melaka, pp. 73-86. ISBN 9789672792321

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Hybrid nanofluid flow in a three dimensional system. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Progress on advanced & smart materials in engineering and mathematics. Penerbit UTeM Press, Durian Tunggal, Melaka, pp. 87-98. ISBN 9789672792321

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Titanium dioxide coating prepared by thermal spray process for photocatalytic applications. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Progress on advanced & smart materials in engineering and mathematics. Penerbit UTeM Press, Durian Tunggal, Melaka, pp. 99-116. ISBN 9789672792321

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Thixoformability of Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys for semisolid metal processing. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Progress on advanced & smart materials in engineering and mathematics. Penerbit UTeM Press, Durian Tunggal, Melaka, pp. 117-130. ISBN 9789672792321

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Recent development of laser surface texturing in enhancing surface properties. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Progress on advanced & smart materials in engineering and mathematics. Penerbit UTeM Press, Durian Tunggal, Melaka, pp. 131-142. ISBN 9789672792321

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