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Number of items: 1912.

Wan Mohd Puzi, W. N. and Shahbodin, F. and Hussin, B. (2009) Designing Problem Based Learning (PBL) Problem Scenario for Statistic Using Linear and Non-linear Multimedia Presentation. In: International Conference on Information and Multimedia Technology, December 16-December 18 2009, Jeju Island, South Korea.

Hasan Basari, Abd Samad and Hussin, Burairah and Shibghatullah, Abdul Samad and Jiun, Yau Wen (2011) Embedding mobile agent technology into real time vibration sensor for condition-based maintenance. In: International Conference on Computer and Netwok Engineering, June 17-19 2011, Zhengzhou, China.

Hasan Basari, Abd Samad and Razali, Hazlina and Hussin, Burairah and Asmai, Siti Azirah and Ibrahim, Nuzulha Khilwani and Shibghatullah, Abdul Samad (2011) The integration of simple Markov model in solving single line production system. In: International Conference on IT in Asia, 12-14 July 2011, Hilton Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak.

Lim, A. M. H. and Sazli, N. S. W. and Hussin, B. and Azlianor, A. A. and Suhaizan, S. M. and Massila, K. (2009) Optimization of LRT Route for Mobile Web Application Engine. In: International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition, December 04-December 07, Malacca, Malaysia.

Asmai, S. A. and Hussin, B. and M. Yusof, M. (2010) A Framework of an Intelligent Maintenance Prognosis Tool. In: Second International Conference on Computer Research and Development, 2010 , 7-10 May 2010 , Kuala Lumpur.

Narayanan Samy , Ganthan and Ahmad , Rabiah and Ismail , Zuraini (2011) Health Information Security Guidelines for Healthcare Information Systems. In: Symposium Health Information Management Research , September 2011, Zurich Swisszerland.

Muda, A. K. and Shamsuddin, S. M. (2005) A Framework of Artificial Immune System in Writer Identification. In: International Symposium of Bio-inspired Computing, 5 - 7 Sept, 2005, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Muda, A. K. and Shamsuddin, S. M. and Darus, M. (2006) Bio-Inspired Generalized Global Shape Approach for Writer Identification. In: INTERNATIONAL ENFORMATIKA CONFERENCE, 24 - 26 Nov, 2006, Venice, Italy.

Draman @ Muda, Azah Kamilah and Shamsuddin, Siti Mariyam and Darus, Maslina (2007) Embedded scale united moment invariant for identification of handwriting individuality. In: International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Draman @ Muda, Azah Kamilah and Shamsuddin, Siti Maryam and Darus, Maslina (2008) Discretization of integrated moment invariants for writer identification. In: International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Technology ACST2008, 2 - 4 April, 2008, Langkawi, Malaysia.

Draman @ Muda, Azah Kamilah and Shamsuddin, Siti Mariyam and Darus, Maslina (2008) Invariants discretization for individuality representation in handwritten authorship. In: 2nd International Workshop on Computational Forensics - IWCF2008, 7 - August, 2008, Washington DC, .

Muda, A. K. and Shamsuddin, S. M. and Abraham, A. (2009) Authorship Invarianceness for Writer Identification. In: International Conference on Biometrics and Kansei Engineering ICBAKE2009, 25 - 28, June 2009, Cieszyn, Czech Republic.

Pratama, S. F. and Muda, A. K. and Yun-Huoy, C. (2010) Feature Selection Methods for Writer Identification: A Comparative Study. In: IEEE International Conference on Computer and Computational Intelligence (ICCCI 2010), 25 - 26 December, 2010, Nanning, China.

Basiron, Halizah and Knott, Alik and Robins, Anthony (2008) Corrective feedback in language learning. In: IMICON08.

Basiron, Halizah (2008) Corrective feedback in dialogue-based computer assisted language learning. In: NZCSRSC2008, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Basiron, Halizah and Knott, Alik and Robins, Anthony (2009) Analysis of errors in learners' written dialogues responses. In: Asia TEFL09, Bangkok, Thailand.

Muda, A. K. and Pratama, S. F. and Yun-Huoy, C. and Muda, N. A. (2011) Selecting Significant Features for Authorship Invarianceness in Writer Identification. In: Springer - Software Engineering and Computer Systems ICSECS 2011, 27 - 29 June, 2011, Pahang, Malaysia.

Muda, N. A. and Ahmad, S. and Muda, A. K. (2011) Recognizing Patterns of Music Signals to Songs Classification Using Modified AIS-Based Classifier. In: Springer - Software Engineering and Computer Systems ICSECS 2011, 27 - 29 June, 2011, Pahang, Malaysia.

Wong, Wilson and Basiron, Halizah and Sahib, Shahrin and Goh, Ong Sing (2005) Intelligent responses through network-based answer discovery with advanced reasoning. In: Computational Intelligence 2005, 4-6 July 2005, Calgary Canada.

Muhamad Noh, Z. A. and Md Khambari, M. N. and Mat Ariff, N. A. and Roslan, I. (2011) Retransmission-Based Additional TXOP Allocation for Audio-Video Transmission by IEEE 802.11e HCCA. In: 7th International Conference on IT in Asia 2011.

Yusof, R. and Selamat, S. R. and Sahib, S. and Mas'ud, M. Z. and Abdollah, M. F. (2011) Enhanced Alert Correlation Framework for Heterogeneous Log. In: The International Conference on Informatics Engineering & Information Science (ICIEIS2011), Nov. 14-16, 2011, University Technology Malaysia, KL Malaysia. (In Press)

Abdul-Latip, S. F. and Reyhanitabar, M. R. and Susilo, W. and Seberry, J. (2010) On the Security of NOEKEON against Side Channel Cube Attacks. In: ISPEC 2010.

Abdul-Latip, S. F. and Reyhanitabar, M. R. and Susilo, W. and Seberry, J. (2011) Extended cubes: enhancing the cube attack by extracting low-degree non-linear equations. In: Proceedings of the 6th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security.

Ummi Raba'ah, H. (2009) Development of learning object for engineering courses in UTeM. In: International Conference in Engineering Education (ICEED), 2009, 7-8 December 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Kamal Baharin, S. S. and Shibghatullah, A. S. and Othman, Z. (2009) Disaster Management in Malaysia: An Application Framework of Integrated Routing Application for Emergency Response Management System. In: Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition.

Ahmad, N. (2008) Classification of Protein Sequences using the Growing Self-Organizing Map. In: 4th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability, 2008. ICIAFS 2008. .

Rahmalan, H. (2006) On Crowd Density Estimation for Surveillance. In: The Institution of Engineering and Technology Conference on Crime and Security , 2006.

Herman, N. S. and Hussin, B. (2010) Quality-based Spatial/Spectral Image Transformation. In: 2010 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing Systems (ICSPS), 5-7 July 2010 , Dalian, China.

Shahbodin, F. (2009) Designing Animated Pedagogical Agent (APA) to scaffold student learning in Online Problem-Based Learning Environment. In: MUCEET2009, 20-22 june 2009, Pahang, Malaysia.


Shahbodin, Faaizah and Bakar, Norasiken and Mohd Bakri, Nurhazirah (2010) Problem solving steps in online PBL. In: 4th International Symposium on IT, 15-17 JUNE 2010, KL, MALAYSIA.

Bakar, Norasiken and Shahbodin, Faaizah and Salam, Sazilah and Ahmad, Ibrahim and Shuhimi, Rozie Ezrina (2010) Development of Virtual Learning for Chemistry Subject based on Constructivism-Contextual Approach. In: 4th International Symposium on IT, 15-17 JUNE 2010, KL, MALAYSIA.

Md Khambari, M. N. and Muhamad Noh, Z. A. and Mat Ariff, N. A. and Mas'ud, M. Z. (2011) Performance Enhancements in IEEE 802.11 DCF MANET through Variation of SIFS Values in Distance Vector Routing Environment. In: 7th International Conference on IT in Asia 2011, 12-14 Jul 2011, Kuching, Sarawak.

Ahmad, I. and Shahbodin, F. and Othman, A. (2010) Mathematics Courseware for Autism children. In: Regional conference on Knowledge Integration in ICT 2010, 1 June 2010, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

Azmi, Mohd Sanusi and Muda, A. K. (2011) Digital Paleography: Using the Digital Representation of Jawi Manuscripts to Support Paleographic Analysis. In: IEEE - 2011 International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Robotics, 28-29 June 2011, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

Md Khambari, M. N. and Sahib, S. and Othman, M. F. I. (2007) Improving IEEE 802.11 to Support Quality of Service in Wireless Networks. In: Regional Conference on Computational Science and Technologies 2007, 29-30 November 2007, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Md Khambari, M. N. and Sahib, S. and Othman, M. F. I. (2009) Achieving Stable Throughput to Support QoS in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks. In: National Postgraduate Conference 2009, 11-12 March 2009, Seri Iskandar, Perak.

Othman, Mohd Fairuz Iskandar and Bahaman, Nazrulazhar and Muslim, Z. and Nahar, Haniza and Md Khambari, Mohd Najwan (2008) Assessing Malacca wireless security implementation in government and private sector companies in – A case study. In: The 6th Regional Student Conference On Research And Development 2008 (SCOReD), 26-27 November 2008, Skudai, Johor.

Md Khambari, M. N. and Sahib, S. and Othman, M. F. I. (2009) DIFS Modifications to Support QoS in IEEE 802.11g DCF Ad-hoc Networks. In: International Conference on Computing and Informatics (ICOCI) 2009, 24-25 June 2009.

Md Khambari, M. N. and Othman, M. F. I. and Motsidi, M. R. and Abdollah, M. F. (2009) A Novel Approach on Teaching Network Security for ICT Courses. In: International Congress on Engineering Education (ICEED) 2009, 7-8 December 2009, Kuala Lumpur.

Md Khambari, M. N. and Sahib, S. and Othman, M. F. I. (2009) Improving IEEE 802.11g Mac to Support Quality of Service for Multimedia Applications in Wireless Networks. In: Seminar Kebangsaan ICT Dalam Pendidikan, 3-4 February 2009, Ipoh, Perak.

Ahmad, S. and Muda, N. A. and Muda, A. K. and A. Jalil, I.E. (2011) THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SIMULATION EDUCATION FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AREA. In: 3rd International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 4th-6th July 2011, Barcelona (Spain).

Ahmad, S. and Muda, N. A. (2011) AN EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN TO EXERCISE NEGOTIATION IN REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING. In: 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Systems (ICSECS2011), 27-29 June 2011, UMP, Pahang.

Wan Mohd Puzi, W. N. and Hussin, B. and Shahbodin, F. (2010) DEVELOPMENT OF RESEARCH FRAMEWORK FOR PBL PROBLEM SCENARIO USING LINEAR & NON-LINEAR MULTIMEDIA. In: Proceedings of Regional Conference on Knowledge Integration in ICT 2010, 01 June 2010, Palm Garden Hotel, Putraja, Malaysia.


Abdollah, M. F. and Mas’ud, M. Z. and Sahib, S. and Yaacub, A. H. and Yusof, R. and Selamat, S. R. (2011) Host Based Detection Approach using Time Based Module for Fast Attack Detection Behavior. In: 2011 First IRAST International Conference on Data Engineering and Internet Technology, 15-17 March 2011, Bali Dynasty Resort, Bali, Indonesia.

Mas’ud, M. Z. and Abdollah, M. F. and Yaacub, A. H. and Ahmad, N. M. and Abdul Hamid, E. (2011) Virtual Machine based Autonomous Web Server. In: 2011 First IRAST International Conference on Data Engineering and Internet Technology, 15-17 March 2011, Bali Dynasty Resort, Bali, Indonesia .

Othman, A. (2011) DISABILITY LEARNING TOOL: BRUSHING-TEETH USING MUSIC FOR AUTISM. In: 3rd International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 4th-6th July 2011, Barcelona (Spain).

Yong, Wee Sek and Siong, Hoe Lau and Hasan Basari, Abd Samad and Hussin, Burairah (2010) Examining the behavior changes in belief and attitude among smart phone users for mobile learning. In: 2010 2nd International Conference on Information and Multimedia Technology , 28-30 December, 2010, HongKong.

Hasan Basari, Abd Samad and Mohamad Jaya, ‪Abdul Syukor and Mohd Hashim, Siti Zaiton and Muhamad, Mohd Razali and Md Nizam, Abd Rahman and Habibollah, Haron (2011) Application of ANFIS in predicting TiAlN coatings flank wear. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Choo, Yun Huoy and Abu Bakar, Azuraliza and Draman @ Muda, Azah Kamilah (2009) Capturing Uncertainty in Associative Classification Model. In: 2nd Conference on Data Mining and Optimization, 27-28 October 2009, Selangor, Malaysia.

Sulaiman, Mohd Nor Irman and Choo, Yun Huoy and Chong, Kuan Eng (2011) Ant Colony Optimization With Look Forward Ant In Solving Assembly Line Balancing Problem. In: 3rd Conference On Data Mining And Optimization (DMO), 28-29 June 2011, Selangor, Malaysia.

Pratiwi, Lustiana and Choo, Yun Huoy and Draman @ Muda, Azah Kamilah (2011) A Framework of Rough Reducts Optimization Based on PSO/ACO Hybridized Algorithms. In: 3rd Conference on Data Mining and Optimization (DMO), 28-29 June 2011, Selangor, Malaysia.

Peh, Perly Thai Ee and Choo, Yun Huoy and Mohd Aboobaider, Burhanuddin (2010) The Intelligent Vacation Planner System using Ant Colony Optimization. In: 2010 International Conference on Computer and Computational Intelligence (ICCCI 2010), 25-26 December, 2010, Nanning, China.

Hasan Basari, Abd Samad and Idris, Ariff and Herman, Nanna Suryana (2010) Practical database design for industrial maintenance system. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2010 (ITSim’10) , 15-17/6/2010, KL Convention Centre.

Muda, N. A. (2009) Bio-inspired Audio Content-Based Retrieval Framework (B-ACRF). In: World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology, TOKYO, JAPAN.

Muda, N. A. (2010) MODIFIED AIS-BASED CLASSIFIER FOR MUSIC GENRE CLASSIFICATION. In: 11th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, 9 - 13 August 2010, Utrecht, Netherlands.

Saifudin, W. S. N. and Salam, S. and Abdullah, M. H. L. (2011) Converting E-Learning Into M-Learning Application Using MMCD. In: ADHE 2011, 2-4 November 2011, MAEPS, UPM Serdang.

Saifudin, W. S. N. and Salam, S. and Lim, A. M. H. (2011) MMCD Framework and Methodology for Developing m-Learning Applications. In: ICTLHE 2011, 22-24 November 2011, Equtorial Hotel, Melaka. (Submitted)

Saaya, Zurina and Roslan, Irda and Ramly, Marliza (2010) Resource Aware Application for Mobile Device In An Ad Hoc Wireless Network Environment. In: The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI 2010), 18-20 February 2010, Holiday Inn, Melaka.

Selamat, S. R. and Yusof, R. and Sahib, S. and Roslan, I. and Abdollah, M. F. and Mas'ud, M. Z. (2011) Adapting Traceability in Digital Forensic Investigation Process. In: Malaysian Technical Universities International Conference on Engineering & Technology (MUiCET 2011), 13-15 November 2011, UTHM, Batu Pahat, Johor.

Luqman Bayasut, Bilal and Pramudya Ananta, Gede and Kamilah Muda, Azah (2011) Intelligent Biometric Detection System for Disabled People. In: HIS, 8 December 2011, Melaka, Malaysia. (Submitted)

Pramudya Ananta, Gede (2011) Using an Adaptive Learning Environment for Conceptual and Procedural Knowledge Development. In: NCAL, 10 December 2011, Melaka, Malaysia. (Submitted)

Shahbodin, Faaizah and Che Ku Mohd, Che Ku Nuraini (2011) The Impacts Of PBL On Student’s Performances. In: International Conference on Teaching & Learning in Higher Education 2011, 21-23 Nov 2011, Melaka.

Shahbodin, Faaizah and Yusoff, Mariana and Che Ku Mohd, Che Ku Nuraini (2011) ICT + PBL = Holistic Learning Solution: UTeM’s Experience. In: Sixth International Conference On Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2011), 26-28 Sept 2011, Melbourne Australia.

Nurul A., Emran (2008) Model-Driven Component Generation for Families of Completeness Measures. In: International Workshop on Quality in Databases and Management of Uncertain Data, In Conjunction with International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB).

Akbar, F. and Herman, N. S. and Hussin, B. (2011) Effect of spectral/spatial transformation on remote sensing image for NDVI-based drought detection analysis. In: International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP 2011), 1 October 2011, Cairo, Egypt .

Ahmad, R. (2011) EVALUATION MODEL FOR SECURITY COMPONENTS: A CASE STUDY ON MALAYSIAN INTERNET BANKING. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computing and Informatics, ICOCI , 8-9 June, 2011 , Bandung, Indonesia.

Wang, W. and Hussin, B. (2006) Conditional Residual Time Modelling Using Oil Analysis: A Mixed Condition Information Using Accumulated Metal Concentration and Lubricant Measurements. In: International Conference on Maintenance Engineering, ICME2006 , October 15-18, 2006, ChengDu, China.

Razali, Sazalinsyah and Meng, Qinggang and Yang, Shuang-Hua (2009) Memory-based Immune Network for Multi-Robot Cooperation. In: 7th International Simulation Conference, 1-3 June 2009, Loughborough, UK.

Razali, Sazalinsyah and Meng, Qinggang and Yang, Shuang-Hua (2009) Multi-Robot Cooperation using Immune Network with Memory. In: 7th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation 2009, 9-11 Dec 2009, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Razali, Sazalinsyah and Meng, Qinggang and Yang, Shuang-Hua (2010) A Refined Immune Systems Inspired Model for Multi-Robot Shepherding. In: Second World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC 2010), 15-17 December 2010, Kitakyushu, Japan.

Selamat, S. R. and Yusof, R. and Kong, P. R (2007) Implementation of Identity Based Encryption in e-Voting System. In: Conference on Information Technology Research and Applications 2007 (CITRA 2007), 4-5 April 2007, Selangor, Malaysia.

Abdollah, M. F. and Mas'ud, M. Z. and Sahib, S. and Yusof, R. and Selamat, S. R. (2009) Threshold verification using Statistical Approach for Fast Attack Detection. In: International Conference on Computing and Informatics (ICOCI) 2009, 24-25 June 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Abdollah, M. F. and Mas'ud, M. Z. and Sahib, S. and Selamat, S. R. and Yusof, R. (2010) Collaborative Security Mechanism in Detecting Intrusion Activity. In: International Conference on Engineering and ICT, 18-20 February 2010, Holiday Inn, Melaka, Malaysia.

Yusof, R. and Selamat, S. R. and Sahib, S. and Abdollah, M. F. and Mas'ud, M. Z. and Ramly, M. (2011) A New Malware Attack Pattern Generalization. In: Malaysian Technical Universities International Conference on Engineering & Technology (MUiCET 2011), 13-15 November 2011, UTHM, Batu Pahat, Johor.

Mohd Foozy, F and Ahmad, R. and Abdollah, M. F. and Yusof, R. and Mas'ud, M. Z. (2011) Generic Taxonomy of Social Engineering Attack. In: Malaysian Technical Universities International Conference on Engineering & Technology (MUiCET 2011), 13-15 November 2011, UTHM, Batu Pahat, Johor.

Abdollah, M. F. and Mas'ud, M. Z. and Sahib, S. and Yusof, R. and Selamat, S. R. and Yaacub, A. H. (2010) Time Based Intrusion Detection on Fast Attack for Network Intrusion Detection System. In: 2010 Second International Conference on Network Applications, Protocols and Services, 22-23 September 2010, Holiday Villa Hotel, Kedah.

Hasan Basari, Abd Samad and Hussin, Burairah and Asmai, Siti Azirah and Ibrahim, Nuzulha Khilwani and Shibghatullah, Abdul Samad (2011) A markovian approach to determine optimal means for SME production process. In: Malaysian Technical Universities International Conference on Engineering and Technology (MUiCET 2011), 14 - 15 November, 2011, UTHM, Batu Pahat, Johor.

Mohamad Jaya, Abdul Syukor and Hasan Basari, Abd Samad and Abd Rahman, Md Nizam and Mohammad, Mohd Razali and Mohd Hashim, Siti Zaiton and Haron, Habibollah (2011) Application of fuzzy rule-based model in predicting flank wear of TiAlN coatings in PVD magnetron sputtering process. In: Malaysian Technical Universities International Conference on Engineering & Technology (MUiCET 2011), 13-15 November 2011, UTHM, Batu Pahat, Johor.

Asmai, Siti Azirah and Abdullah, Rosmiza Wahida and Hasan Basari, Abd Samad and Shibghatullah, Abdul Samad and Hussin, Burairah (2011) Condition-based prognostic tool for industrial equipment maintenance. In: Malaysian Technical Universities International Conference on Engineering & Technology (MUiCET 2011), 13-15 November 2011, UTHM, Batu Pahat, Johor.

Hussin, Burairah and Hasan Basari, Abd Samad and Shibghatullah, Abdul Samad and Asmai, Siti Azirah and Othman, Norwahida Syazwani (2011) Exam timetabling using graph colouring approach. In: 2011 IEEE Conference on Open Systems, 25-28 Sept 2011, Langkawi, Malaysia.

Asmai, Siti Azirah and Abdullah, Rosmiza Wahida and Hasan Basari, Abd Samad and Hussin, Burairah (2011) Application of multi-step time series prediction for industrial equipment prognostic. In: 2011 IEEE Conference on Open Systems, 25-28 Sept 2011, Langkawi, Malaysia.

Ahmad, Asmala and Md. Hashim, Noorazuan and Buang, Zolkepli (2006) Estimation of land surface temperature using landsat TM thermal infrared in Selangor-Negeri Sembilan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Ahmad, Asmala and Hashim, Mazlan and Md. Hashim, Noorazuan and Ayof, Mohd Nizam and Budi, Agus Setyo (2006) Satellite-based method for computing air pollution index. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Ahmad, Asmala and Hashim, Mazlan and Ayof, Mohd Nizam and Budi, Agus Setyo and Sakidin, Hamzah and S Ahmad, S. Sakinah (2005) Determining of PM 10 aqi over Malaysia using NOAA-14 AVHRR satellite data. In: Simposium Kebangsaan Sains Matematik ke-XIII UUM/PERSAMA/Kerajaan Negeri Kedah.

Ahmad, Asmala and Hashim, Mazlan and Ayof, Mohd Nizam and Budi, Agus Setyo (2005) Satellite-based approach for multi-temporal PM10 analysis over Malaysia. In: ICOQSIA 2005, 6 – 8 December, Penang, Malaysia. .

Devaraju, Anusuriya and Beddus, Simon (2005) Positioning simulator for location-based service. In: The Seventh IFIP International Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks.

Devaraju, Anusuriya and Muniandy, Sucilia Devi and Maksom, Zulisman (2006) Exploration of the solar system using multimedia technology. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Devaraju, Anusuriya and Nahar, Haniza and Marimuthu, Sivasakti (2007) MEDICT: A Malay<-> English bilingual dictionary for Java mobile phones. In: IADIS International Conference Wireless Applications and Computing 2007, Portugal.

Saaya, Zurina and Mustafa, Nuridawati and Devaraju, Anusuriya (2007) The development of practical guidelines for designing online questionnaires. In: National Conference on Software Engineering & Computer Systems 2007 (NaCSES'07), Pahang, Malaysia.

Devaraju, Anusuriya and Hoh, Simon and Hartley, Michael (2007) A context gathering framework for context-aware mobile solutions. In: The ACM International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications and Systems, Singapore.

Devaraju, Anusuriya and Mohd Yusoh, Zeratul Izzah and Zakaria, Mohd Hafiz and Techanamurthy, Umawathy (2007) MyLexic: an assistive multimedia courseware for teaching and reinforcing basic reading skills among dyslexic. In: E-Learn 2007 -World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education, Canada.

Devaraju, Anusuriya and Herman, Nanna Suryana and Sahib @ Sahibuddin, Shahrin (2007) Building of the enabled web-based GIS participation system: a tool to enhance community participation in city development plan. In: The 2nd International Conference on Advances in Information Technology (IAIT2007), Thailand.

Hoh, Simon and Devaraju, Anusuriya and Wong, Chin Chin (2008) A Context Aware Framework for User Centered Services. In: 21st International Symposium Human Factors in Telecommunication, Malaysia.

Mohd. Yusoh, Zeratul Izzah and Devaraju, Anusuriya and Zakaria, Mohd Hafiz and Techanamurthy, Umawathy (2008) An overview of learning content in MyLexics (an assistive multimedia courseware for dyslexics). In: 13th International Conference in Education.

Kamal Baharin, S. S. (2007) Geo-info to-go. In: The 4th International Symposium on LBS & TeleCartography, 8 - 10 November 2007, Hong Kong.

Kamal Baharin, S. S. (2008) Optimal Navigation for First Responders. In: Information systems for crisis response and management, Joint ISCRAM-CHINA, Gi4DM Conference, 4 - 6 August 2008, Harbin, China.

Kamal Baharin, S. S. (2011) Spatial-Science-based approach in Planning Framework for Multimodal Public Transport: Case Study of Melaka, Malaysia. In: 10th International Symposium & Exibition on Geoinformation 2011 (ISG2011) and ISPRS 2011, 27-29 September 2011, Shah Alam Convention Centre, Selangor, Malaysia.

Kamal Baharin, S. S. and Suryana, N. (2007) The Importance of Managing Context and Moving Objects Data for Emergency Management System. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI 2007), 27-28 November 2007, Equatorial Hotel, Melaka, Malaysia.

Muda, A. K. and Yun-Huoy, C. and Ahmad, S. (2011) A Comparative Study of Feature Extraction Using PCA and LDA for Face Recognition. In: International Conference on Information Assurance and Security 2011, 5 - 8 Dec, 2011, UTeM, Melaka, Malaysia.

Gede Pramudya, A. and Muda, A. K. (2011) Intelligent Biometric Detection System for Disabled People. In: International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems 2011, 5 - 8 Dec, 2011, Melaka, Malaysia.

Muda, A. K. and Yun-Huoy, C. and Muda, N. A. (2011) PSO and Computationally Inexpensive Sequential Forward Floating Selection in Acquiring Significant Features for Handwritten Authorship. In: International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems 2011, 5 - 8 Dec, 2011, Melaka, Malaysia.

Azmi, Mohd Sanusi and Muda, A. K. (2011) Arabic Calligraphy Classification using Triangle Model for Digital Jawi Paleography Analysis. In: Intrenational Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems 2011, 5 - 8 Dec, 2011, Melaka, Malaysia.

Selamat, S. R. and Yusof, R. and Sahib, S. and Abdollah, M. F. and Hassan, N. H. and Zainal Abidin, Z. (2011) Traceability in Digital Forensic Investigation Process. In: ICOS 2011, IEEE CONFERENCE ON OPEN SYSTEMS, 25-28/9/2011, Langkawi Malaysia.

Asmai, Siti Azirah and Abd. Samad, Hasan Basari and Shibghatullah, Abdul Samad and Ibrahim and Hussin, B. (2011) Neural network prognostics Model for Industrial Equipment Maintenance. In: 11th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS), 5 - 8 December 2011 , Melaka, Malaysia.

Osman, Mashanum and Chung, Paul W.H. (2010) Feasibility study on mobile and communication technologies for language learning. In: International Conference on Mobile Learning, IADIS 2010, 19-21 March 2010, Porto, Portugal.

Osman, Mashanum and Chung, Paul W.H. (2011) Language learning using texting and wiki: a Malaysian context. In: 2011 e-CASE & e-Tech International Conference , January 18-20, 2011, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan 1888.

Mohd Sanusi, Azmi and Khadijah, Wan Mohd Ghazali (2011) Arabic Calligraphy Identification for Digital Jawi Paleography using Triangle Blocks. In: 2011 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 17-19 July 2011, Bandung, Indonesia.

Azman, Farah Nadia and Dolhalit, Mohamad Lutfi and Salam, Sazilah (2011) Basic Quran recitation multimedia application for Malay-speaking readers based on meaningful learning approach: Analysis and design. In: 1st National Conference on Active Learning - NCAL 2011 , 10 December 2011, Melaka, Malaysia .

Azman, Farah Nadia and Dolhalit, Mohamad Lutfi and Shahbodin, Faaizah (2010) Multimedia tool for basic literacy: Adopting applied phonetics. In: Malaysia International Centre for English Language Teaching.

Shahbodin, Faaizah and Che Ku Mohd, Che Ku Nuraini and Bakar, Norasiken and Husain, Kalthom and Hasan, Hazmilah (2011) Implementing PBL In Human Computer Interaction Class. In: 1st National Conference On Active Learning, 10-11 December 2011, Melaka, Malaysia.

Shahbodin, F. (2011) THE IMPACT OF ICT IN PROBLEM BASED LEARNING. In: 1st National Conference on Active Learning, 11 December 2011, Melaka.

Hasan, Hazmilah and Bakar, Norasiken and Shahbodin, Faaizah and Hussain, Kalthom (2011) Inculcating ethics through action learning. In: 1st National Conference on Active Learning - NCAL 2011 , 10 December 2011, Melaka, Malaysia .

Hussain, Kalthom and Shahbodin, Faaizah and Bakar, Norasiken and Hasan, Hazmilah (2011) Comparing Students’ Perceptions of Blended Learning and Traditional Classroom Deliveries in an English Professional Communication Course in a Technical University. In: 1st National Conference on Active Learning - NCAL 2011 , 10 December 2011, Melaka, Malaysia .

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Shairi, Noor Azwan and Ahmad, Badrul Hisham and Abd Aziz, Mohamad Zoinol Abidin and Osman, Anuar Faidz (2011) SPDT Switch with Defected Ground Structure for Time Division Duplex Switching in Wireless Data Communication System. In: 2011 IEEE INTERNATIONAL RF AND MICROWAVE CONFERENCE, 12-14 December 2011, Seremban Negeri Sembilan.

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Shairi, Noor Azwan and Ahmad, Badrul Hisham and Zakaria, Zahriladha and Peng Wen, Wong (2012) Single Pole Double Throw Discrete PIN Diode Switch with Switchable Quater Wave Stub Resonator. In: 2012 International Conference on Communications and Mobile, 21-23 May 2012, Guilin, China.

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Shairi, Noor Azwan and Ahmad, Badrul Hisham and Anuar Faidz, Osman (2010) Single Series and Double Shunt SPDT Switch with Defected Ground Structure for Wireless Data Communication at 2.4 GHz Band. In: International Symposium on Broadband Communication (ISBC), 11-14 July 2010, Melaka, Malaysia.

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Sakidin, Hamzah and Tay, Choo Chuan (2009) Simpler UNBab Mapping Function For Global Positioning System (GPS) Thopospheric Delay. In: Malaysia Technology Expo 2009, 19-21 February 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ahmad Rozelan, Yunus and Amir, Aris (2012) ENGINEERING STUDENTS PERSON-ENVIRONMENT FIT: A COMPARISON STUDY OF TWO PUBLIC HIGHER LEARNING INSTITUTION IN MALAYSIA. In: EDULEARN12. 4th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 2 - 4th july 2012, Barcelona, Spain.

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Syed Najmuddin , Syed Hassan and Mohd Fauzi, Kamarudin and Muhd Akmal Noor, Rajikon and Rosli, Saadan and Ahmad Rozelan, Yunus and Ramlee, Mustapha and Mustafa, Omar (2009) IMPORTANCE OF SOFT SKILLS IN TOURISM INDUSTRY OF MALACCA MALAYSIA. In: ICERI 2009. International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 16 -18th Novermber 2009, Madrid, Spain.

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A. P., Puvanasvaran and A. R. , Ismail and N., Jusoh and A. Z. , Ismail and M. H. , Abu Bakar and W. H. W. , Deraman (2010) ERGONOMICS ASSESSMENT OF WORKSTATION DESIGN IN AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY. In: National Conference in Mechanical Engineering Research and Postgraduate Studies (2nd NCMER 2010), 3-4 December 2010, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UMP Pekan, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia.

A. R. , Ismail and N. , Jusoh and A. P. , Puvanasvaran and M. S. , Reza (2010) A CASE STUDY OF OCCUPANT ENVIRONMENTAL COMFORT AT AUTOMOTIVE ASSEMBLYWORKSTATION. In: National Conference in Mechanical Engineering Research and Postgraduate Studies (2nd NCMER 2010), 3-4 December 2010, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UMP Pekan, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia.

A. P., Puvanasvaran and S.T. Kerk, Robert and A. R., Ismail (2010) A CASE STUDY OF KAIZEN IMPLEMENTATION IN SMI. In: National Conference in Mechanical Engineering Research and Postgraduate Studies (2nd NCMER 2010), 3-4 December 2010, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UMP Pekan, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia.

A. P., Puvanasvaran and S.T.Kerk, Robert and A. R. , Ismail (2010) WORK STUDY IMPROVEMENT FOR CUERVO (ANALOG) PRODUCT IN AN ELECTRONIC INDUSTRY. In: National Conference in Mechanical Engineering Research and Postgraduate Studies (2nd NCMER 2010), 3-4 December 2010, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UMP Pekan, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia.

N. K., Makhtar and A. R. , Ismail and N. , Jusoh and A. P. , Puvanasvaran (2010) THERMAL COMFORT IN TECHNICAL SCHOOL: PHYSICAL MEASUREMENT APPROACH. In: National Conference in Mechanical Engineering Research and Postgraduate Studies (2nd NCMER 2010), 3-4 December 2010, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UMP Pekan, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia.

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Thangaraj, Joseph Sahaya Anand and Chua, Kok Yau and Hng, May Ting and Lee, Cher Chia (2012) XRD analysis of Cu-Al interconnect intermetallic compound in an annealed micro-chip. In: International Conference on X-Rays & Related Techniques in Research & Industry , 3-5 July 2012, Vistana Hotel, Penang.

Thangaraj, Joseph Sahaya Anand and Chua, Kok Yau and Abd Rashid, Mohd Warikh and Hng, May Ting and Lee, Cher Chia (2012) Microstructural studies of Cu-Al Intermetallic Compound at Thermosonic Wire Bonding Interface. In: iDECON 2012 – International Conference on Design and Concurrent Engineering, 15-16 October 2012, Hotel Equatorial, Melaka.

K.M. Rajan, Rajes and Abdul Aziz, Mohd Zaidan Bin and T., Joseph Sahaya Anand (2012) ELECTROSYNTHESIZED NiS2 THIN FILMS AND THEIR CHARACTERIZATION STUDIES. In: iDECON 2012 – International Conference on Design and Concurrent Engineering, 15 - 16, October 2012, Hotel Equatorial, Melaka.

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Herawan, Safarudin Gazali and Sulaiman, Mohd Yusoff (2006) Determination the Carbon Adsorbents Effectiveness on Adsorption and Desorption Processes of LPG. In: JSPS-VCC Group Seminar 2006, Natural Resources and Energy Environment (Group 9), 11 - 12 December 2006, UTM, Johor.

Herawan, Safarudin Gazali and Mohamad, Imran Syakir and Mohd Husin, Mohd Haizal and Yusof, Ahmad Anas (2005) THE EFFECT OF ACTIVATION IN CARBON ADSORBENT ON ADSORPTION AND DESORPTION PROCESSES OF LPG GAS. In: National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2005 (NAME’05), 18 - 20 May 2005, Kuala Lumpur.

Herawan, Safarudin Gazali and Mohamad, Imran Syakir and Mohd Husin, Mohd Haizal and Yusof, Ahmad Anas and Suhaimi, Misha (2005) The Effect Of Plastic Bag On Carbon Adsorbent In Adsorption Of LPG For Gas Storage. In: 3rd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT2005), 3 - 8 July 2005, Singapore.

Herawan, Safarudin Gazali and Mohamad, Imran Syakir and Mohd Husin, Mohd Haizal and Yusof, Ahmad Anas and Mat Tokit, Ernie (2005) Preparation of Carbon Adsorbent by Utilizing Waste Materials for LPG Gas Storage. In: Enhancing Research for Excellence: A Seminar for Research Achievement of KUTKM, 9 - 11 September 2005, Kuantan, Pahang.

Herawan, Safarudin Gazali and Mohamad, Imran Syakir and Mohd Husin, Mohd Haizal and Yusof, Ahmad Anas and Suhaimi, Misha (2005) The Effect Of Activation In Carbon Adsorbent On Adsoprtion And Desorption Processes Of LPG Gas. In: Enhancing Research for Excellence: A Seminar for Research Achievement of KUTKM, 9 - 11 September 2005, Kuantan, Pahang.

Herawan, Safarudin Gazali and Ab Razak, Juhari and Yusof, Ahmad Anas and Suhaimi, Misha (2005) Developing Thermodynamics Teaching Method by Using Computer Based Problems Solving With Interactive Thermodynamics Property Tables and Equations. In: Enhancing Research for Excellence: A Seminar for Research Achievement of KUTKM, 9 - 11 September 2005, Kuantan, Pahang.

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Herawan, Safarudin Gazali and Mohamad, Imran Syakir and Mohd Husin, Mohd Haizal and Yusof, Ahmad Anas and Mat Tokit, Ernie (2004) SHELL FROM PALM OIL TREE PREPARED FOR VALUABLE PRODUCTS (CARBON MOLECULAR SIEVE AND CARBON ADSORBENT). In: 3rd USM-JIRCAS Joint International Symposium Lignocellulose: Materials for the Future from the Tropics, 9 - 11 March 2004, Pulau Penang, Malaysia.

Herawan, Safarudin Gazali and Mohamad, Imran Syakir and Mohd Husin, Mohd Haizal and Yusof, Ahmad Anas and Mat Tokit, Ernie (2004) Preparation of Carbon Adsorbent by Utilizing Waste Materials for LPG Gas Storage. In: KUSTEM 3rd Annual Seminar On Sustainability Science and Management, 4 - 5 May 20004, Kuala Terengganu.

Mohamad, Imran Syakir and Herawan, Safarudin Gazali and Mohd Husin, Mohd Haizal and Yusof, Ahmad Anas and Mat Tokit, Ernie (2004) THE STUDY OF LPG ADSORPTION ABILITY USING CARBON ADSORBENT TEST BED FOR CARBON ADSORBENT PREPARED FROM WASTE MATERIALS. In: Simposium Kimia Analisis Malaysia Ke 17 (SKAM-17), 24 - 26 August 2004, Kuantan, Pahang.

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Abdullah, Abdul Rahim and NORDDIN, NURBAHIRAH and Zainal Abidin, Nur Qamarina and Aman, Aminudin and JOPRI, MOHD HATTA (2012) Leakage current analysis on polymeric and non-polymeric insulating materials using time-frequency distribution. In: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon), 2 December 2012, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

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Sulaiman , Marizan and Mohd Shah, Hairol Nizam (2011) Shape-Based Matching: Application of Edge Detection Using Harris Point. In: International Conference on Robotic Automation System (ICORAS 2011), 23-24 Mei 2011, Terenganu.

Hyriel Anuar, Kasdirin and Muhammad Herman , Jamaluddin and Alias , Khamis and Hairol Nizam , Mohd Shah (2010) Development of Microcontroller-based Control of a Mini-Flying Robot Application. In: The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI 2010), 18-20 February 2010, Holiday Inn, Melaka.

Lim , Wee Teck and Sulaiman , Marizan and Mohd Shah, Hairol Nizam (2010) Shape-Based Matching Vision System in Flexible Manufacturing System. In: The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI 2010), 18-20 February 2010, Holiday Inn, Melaka.

Sulaiman , Marizan and Mohd Shah, Hairol Nizam and Lim , Wee Teck (2010) Shape-Based Matching: Defect Inspection of lue Process in Vision System. In: IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications 2011, 25-28 September 2011, Langkawi.

Hyriel Anuar, Kasdirin and Alias , Khamis and Muhammad Herman , Jamaluddin and Mohd Shah, Hairol Nizam (2009) Design and Development of a PC-Based Wireless Controller for a Flying Robot Applications. In: Proceedings of MUCEET 2009 Malaysian Technical Universities Conference on Engineering and Technology, 20-22 June 2009, Kuantan, Pahang.

Sulaiman , Marizan and Mohd Shah, Hairol Nizam (2011) Shape-Based Macthing: Application of efect Detection. In: Malaysian Technical Universities International Conference on Engineering & Technology (MUiCET 2011), 13-15 November 2011, UTHM, Batu Pahat, Johor.

Asyadi Azam, Mohd and Mohamad, Noraiham and Mohd Warikh, Abd Rashid (2012) Fabrication and Characterization of Epoxidized Natural Rubber Reinforced Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Nanocomposite. In: iDECON 2012 – International Conference on Design and Concurrent Engineering, 15 - 16 October 2012, Melaka.

Mohd Abid, Mohd Asyadi Azam (2012) Thermoelectric and Electrochemical Properties of Highly Ordered Conducting Polymer/Carbon Nanotube Structures. In: 12th International Workshop on the Electrochemistry of Electroactive Materials (WEEM), 3-6 June 2012, Szeged, Hungary.

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Jidin , Auzani (2010) A new source of renewable energy from lightning stroke: A small scale system. In: IEEE- International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC), 2010, 21-24 June 2010, Sapporo.

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Jidin, Auzani (2010) Torque ripple minimization in DTC induction motor drive using constant frequency torque controller. In: IEEE- International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), 2010, 10-13 Oct. 2010, Incheon, South of Korea.

Jidin , Auzani (2010) Design and development of a small scale system for harvesting the lightning stroke using the impulse voltage generator at HV lab, UTeM. In: The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE), 2010, 26-28 Feb. 2010, Singapore.

Jidin , Auzani (2010) A simple strategy to solve complicated square root problem in DTC for FPGA implementation. In: IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications (ISIEA), 2010 , 3-5 Oct. 2010, Penang.

Abdul Manap, Redzuan and Esro, Mazran and Basari, Amat Amir and Ahmad, Badrul Hisham (2010) Performance analysis of block matching algorithms in motion estimation. In: International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering 2010, 11-13 May 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Abdul Manap, Redzuan and Ranjit, S.S.S. and Basari, Amat Amir and Ahmad, Badrul Hisham (2010) Performance analysis of hexagon-diamond search algorithm for motion estimation. In: International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET2010), 16-18 April 2010, Chengdu, China.

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Sulaiman , Marizan and Mohd Shah, Hairol Nizam (2011) Shape-Based Matching: Application of Defect Detection. In: Malaysian Technical Universities International Conference on Engineering & Technology (MUiCET 2011), 13-15 November 2011, UTHM, Batu Pahat, Johor.

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SARKAWI, HAFEZ and Jali, Mohd Hafiz (2013) An Implementation Of Full-State Observer And Controller For Dynamic State-Space Model Of Zeta Converter. In: Seminar Hasil Penyelidikan Sektor Pengajian Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, Ke-3, 2-3 Julai 2013, EDC, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (Unpublished)

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Khamis, Aziah (2012) PATTERN RECOGNITION OF ISLANDING DETECTION USING TT-TRANSFORM. In: International Conference on Engineering and Built Environment (ICEBE) 2012, 6-7 November 2012, Residence Hotel, Kajang.

Khamis, Aziah and H, Shareef (2013) An Effective Islanding Detection and Classification Method Using Neuro-Phase Space Technique. In: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 27-28 July 2013, Holiday Inn, Hotel Paris.

Khamis, Aziah (2013) Estimation of Real Power Transfer Allocation Using Intelligent Systems. In: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 27-28 July 2013, Holiday Inn, Hotel Paris.

Mohd Nor, Arfah Syahida and Abdullah, Shahrum Shah and Mohd Aras, Mohd Shahrieel and Ab Rashid, Mohd Zamzuri (2012) Neural Network Predictive Control (NNPC) of a Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle (DSRV). In: 4th International Conference on Underwater System Technology: Theory and Application 2012 (USYS'12), 4-6 December 2012, Shah Alam.

Abd Manap, Nurulfajar (2010) Multi-view Video Coding for Wireless Channel. In: International Symposium on Broadband Communications (ISBC), July, 2010, Melaka.

Abd Manap, Nurulfajar (2010) Multi-view Video Coding for 3DTV. In: Malaysia Glasgow Doctoral Colloqium (MGDC), January, 2010, SECC, Glasgow UK.

Abdullah, Yasseer and Putra, Azma and Efendy, Hady and Wan Mohamad, Wan Mohd Farid and Ayob, Md Razali (2012) The effect of binder on the acoustical performance of the paddy straw ‘green’ sound absorber. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI2012) , 4 – 6 April 2012, Melaka, Malaysia .

Putra, Azma and Sajidin, Muhammad and Salleh, Norliana and Hady, Efendy (2012) MODELLING THE EFFECT OF VIBRATION ON THE SOUND ABSORPTION PERFORMANCE OF GREEN SOUND ABSORBER USING WAVE PROPAGATION TECHNIQUE. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI2012) , 4 – 6 April 2012, Melaka, Malaysia .

Putra, Azma and Ismail, Ahmad Yusuf and Ayob, Md Razali (2012) INSERTION OF A MICRO-PERFORATED PANEL TO IMPROVE SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS OF A DOUBLE-LEAF PARTITION. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI2012) , 4 – 6 April 2012, Melaka, Malaysia .

Putra, Azma and Fariza, Noor and Ramlan, Roszaidi (2012) CHARACTERIZATION OF A STRUCTURE- BORNE SOURCE USING THE RECEPTION PLATE METHOD. In: 3rd International Conference of Engineering and ICT 2012, 4 - 6 April 2012, Melaka.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin (2000) LQR Controller for Active Car Suspension. In: TENCON 2000, 24-27 Sep 2000, Kuala Lumpur.

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Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin (2002) PROPORTIONAL-INTEGRAL SLIDING MODE CONTROL OF A QUARTER CAR ACTIVE SUSPENSION. In: TENCON'02. Proceedings. 2002 Region 10 Conference on Computers, Communications, Control and Power Engineering, 2002/10/28, -.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin (2002) Proportional-Integral Sliding Mode Tracking Controller with Application to a Robot Manipulator. In: Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 2002. ICARCV 2002. 7th International Conference on, 2002/12/2, Singapore.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin (1998) Voltage-Current Characteristics Of Metal Oxide Varistors For Low Voltage Telephone Lightning Protector Under The Application Of Multiple Lightning Impulse. In: Electrical Insulation, 1998. Conference Record of the 1998 IEEE International Sympposium on, 1998/6/7, Arlington, Virginia, USA.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin (1998) Voltage Sag : Malaysian's Experience. In: Power System Technology, 1998. Proceedings. POWERCON'98. 1998 International Conference, 18-21 Aug 1998, Beijing.

Wai, Chee Mun and Putra, Azma and Ahmad Rivai (2012) Analysis Of Vibration Level Of A Perforated Panel Using Finite Element Method. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI2012) , 4 – 6 April 2012, Melaka, Malaysia .

Aman, Aminudin (2012) Optimization of Dielectric Strength of Polymeric Composite Insulation Using Response Surface Methodology. In: International Conference on Power System Technology, 31 Oct - 2 Nov 2012, Auckland New Zealand.

Bayasut, Bilal Luqman and Pramudya, Gede and Basiron, Halizah (2013) The review of adaptive educational hypermedia system based on learning style. In: Colloquium On Active Learning (CAL 2013), May 2013, UTeM.

Md Ghazaly, Mariam (2010) Open-loop Characteristics of a Multilayer Electrostatic Actuator for a Fine Motion Stage. In: 14th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology (ICMT 2010), 24 - 26 November 2010, Osaka, Japan.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin (2002) A Class of Sliding Mode Control for Mismatched Uncertain Systems. In: Research and Development, 2002. SCOReD 2002. Student Conference on, 2002, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.

Md Ghazaly, Mariam (2010) Control Performances of a Fine Motion Stage using a Multilayer Electrostatic Actuator without Precise Balls for Lubrication. In: 14th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology (ICMT 2010), 24 - 26 November 2010, Osaka, Japan.

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Md Ghazaly , Mariam (2012) Driving Mode Control of A Multilayered Thin Electrostatic Actuator Supported By Lubricating Oil For Ultra-Precision Positioning. In: ASPE 2012 Summer Topical Meeting, 24 - 26 June 2012, California, USA.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin (1993) DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT. In: TENCON'93. Proceedings. Computer, Communication, Control and Power Engineering. 1993 IEEE Region 10 Concerence on, 1993/10/19, Beijing.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin (2003) Sliding Mode Control Design for Active Suspension on A Half-Car Model. In: Research and Development, 2003. SCOReD 2003. Proceedings. Student Conference on, 2003, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

Md Saat, Mohd Shakir (2011) A Nonlinear Static Output Controller Design for Polynomial Systems: An Iterative Sums of Squares Approach. In: 2011 4th International Conference on Mechatronics (ICOM),, 17-19 May 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Md Saat, Mohd Shakir (2011) Nonlinear H∞ static output feedback controller design for polynomial systems: An iterative sums of squares approach. In: 6th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), 2011 , 21 -23 June 2011, Beijing, China.

Md Saat, Mohd Shakir (2011) Nonlinear static output feedback controller design for uncertain polynomial systems: An iterative sums of squares approach. In: 6th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), 2011 , 21 -23 June 2011, Beijing, China.

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Bakar, Norasiken and Ishak, Norshahidatul Hasana and Md Lani, Shahdan (2012) Analysis on using 3D approach in learning for electromagnetic theory (3D-EmT). In: International Call On Active Learning 2012, 18/9/2012 - 20/9/2012, UTeM.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin (1999) ECONOMICAL OPTIMIZATION OF CONDUCTOR SELECTION IN PLANNING RADIAL DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS. In: Transmission and Distribution Conference, 1999 IEEE, 1999/4/11, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin (1993) Self-tuning Controllers for a Coupled Tank Pilot Plant: Evaluation and Comparison. In: Electrical and Computer Engineering, 1993. Canadian Conference on, 1993/9/14, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

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Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin and Ahmed, Musse Mohamud and Hassan, Ismail (2002) Fast and Optimized Hydro-Thermal Coordination Scheduling. In: Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exhibition 20012: Asia Pacific, IEEE/PES, 2002/10/6, -.

Bakar, Norasiken and Wan Husain, Wan Nur Liyana and Ishak, Norshahidatul Hasana (2012) Implementation of 2D Animation for Interactive Storybook “Reading for Fun with Anna”. In: International Conference on Active Learning (ICAL2012), 18-20 September 2012, UTeM.

Mohd Amin, Nur Huda and Kasdirin, Hyreil Anuar and Md Nawawi, M. Riduwan and Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin (2011) Development of PI Controller for Disc Speed. In: Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA), 2011 IEEE Symposium on, 2011/9/25, Langkawi, Malaysia.

Ishak, Norshahidatul Hasana and Bakar, Norasiken and Shahbodin, Faaizah and Ahmad, Rabiah and Salam, Sazilah (2012) Implementation of 3D approach in development of electromagnetic theory courseware. In: International Conference on Innovation, Management and Technology Research, 21-22 May 2012, Melaka.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin (2002) Sliding Mode Control for a Class of Uncertain Dynamic Systems with Mismatched Uncertainties. In: Control and Automation, 2002. ICCA. Final Program and Book of Abstracts. The 2002 International Conference on, 2002/6/16, Xiamen. Fujian Province, China.

Kamarudin, Muhammad Nizam (2013) Stabilization of Uncertain Systems using Backstepping and Lyapunov Redesign. In: The 4th International Graduate Conference on Engineering Science & Humanity (IGCESH2013), 16 Apr - 17 Apr 2013 , Johore, Malaysia.

Kamarudin, Muhammad Nizam and Jamri , Mohd Saifuzam (2010) Power Stabilization Of A Stand-Alone Solar System Using Perturb and Observe MPPT Algorithm. In: Global Conference on Power Control and Optimization, 02-04 Dec 2010, Kuching, Sarawak.

Khamis, Aziah and Kamarudin, Muhammad Nizam (2010) Identification and Simulation of Dc-Dc Boost Converter for Charging Up PV Voltage for 24-Volts Battery. In: The Asia-Pacific Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (APSAEM2010), 28-30 July 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Bahari, Norhazilina (2010) Selective Harmonics Elimination PWM (SHEPWM)Using Differential Evolution Approach. In: Joint International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES) & 2010 Power India, 2010 , 20th - 23rd Dec 2010, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi & India Habitat Center, New Delhi, India.

Bahari, Norhazilina and Salam, Zainal and Taufik (2010) Application of differential evolution to determine the HEPWM angles of a three phase voltage source inverter. In: IECON 2010 - 36th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics, 7 - 10 November 2013, Phoenix, AZ, USA.

Bahari, Norhazilina and Jidin , Auzani and Abdullah, Abdul Rahim and Othman, Md Nazri and Manap, Mustafa (2012) Modeling and simulation of torque hysteresis controller for brushless DC motor drives. In: IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA), 2012 , 23-26 Sept. 2012, Bandung, Indonesia.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin and Mat Hanafiah, Mohd Ariff and Wan Jusoh, Wan Nor Shela Ezwane and Raman, Siti Hajar (2013) Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) Hardware Design and Implementation Efficient in Different Application. In: 2013 IEEE 7th INTERNATIONAL POWER ENGINEERING AND OPTIMIZATION CONFERENCE, 3-4 Jun 2013, Bayview Hotel Langkawi.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin and Gan, Chin Kim (2012) CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER (CSP) IN MALAYSIA ENVIRONMENT : A REVIEW. In: Power and Energy Conversion Symposium (PECS 2012), 17th December 2012, Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

Shamshiri, Meysam and Gan, Chin Kim and Hassan, I. J. and Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin (2012) AN INVESTIGATION ON PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM FOR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM PLANNING WITH DISTRIBUTED GENERATION. In: Power and Energy Conversion Symposium (PECS 2012), 17th December 2012, Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin and Mat Hanafiah, Mohd Ariff and Raman, Siti Hajar and Baharudin, Zikri Abadi and Wan Jusoh, Wan Nor Shela Ezwane (2012) The implementation of fault management in distribution system using distribution automation system (DAS) in conjunction with SCADA. In: Power and Energy Conversion Symposium (PECS 2012), 17th December 2012, Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

Mohamad, Noraiham and Zainol, Nur Sharafina and ABD RAZAK , JEEFFERIE (2013) MORPHOLOGICAL & MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF POLYPROPYLENE/EPOXIDIZED NATURAL RUBBER THERMOPLASTIC VULCANIZATES TREATED WITH MALEIC ANHYDRIED-GRAFTED POLYPROPYLENE. In: International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research, 1-3th July 2013, Bukit Gambang Resort City, Kuantan, Pahang.

Mohamad, Noraiham and Abdul Hamid, Nor Nadiah and ABD RAZAK , JEEFFERIE and Mohd Fairuz, Dimin (2013) EFFECT OF CHITOSAN GELATINIZATION TEMPERATURE ON WATER ABSORPTION AND WATER RETENTION OF CHITOSAN BASED UREA FERTILIZER. In: International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research, 1-3rd July 2013, Bukit Gambang Resort City, Kuantan, Pahang.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin and Mohd Amin, Nur Huda and Kasdirin, Hyreil Anuar (2012) Stability Study of PD and PI Controllers in Multiple Difference Disturbances. In: 2012 IEEE Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium, 2011/7/16, UiTM, Shah Alam, Selangor.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin and Mat Hanafiah, Mohd Ariff and Wan Jusoh, Wan Nor Shela Ezwane and Auzani , Jidin and Raman, Siti Hajar (2012) DEVELOPMENT OF REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (RTU) FOR THE NEW FUNCTION OF DISTRIBUTION AUTOMATION SYSTEM (DAS). In: Power and Energy Conversion Symposium (PECS 2012), 17th December 2012, Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

Mohd Aras, Mohd Shahrieel and Abdul Azis, Fadilah and Fara Ashikin , Ali and Arfah Syahida, Mohd Nor and Lim , Wee Teck (2011) Underwater Technology Research Group (UTeRG) Glider for Monitoring and Surveillances Applications. In: Malaysian Technical Universities International Conference on Engineering & Technology (MUiCET 2011), 13-15 November 2011, UTHM, Batu Pahat, Johor.

Mohd Aras, Mohd Shahrieel (2010) Design and Development an Underwater Glider Using Remote Control. In: International Conference on Engineering and ICT, 18-20 February 2010, Holiday Inn, Melaka, Malaysia.

Mohd Aras, Mohd Shahrieel (2010) Design and Development an Underwater Glider using PIC for Monitoring Application. In: International Conference on Engineering and ICT, 18-20 February 2010, Holiday Inn, Melaka, Malaysia.

Mohd Aras, Mohd Shahrieel and Hairi, Mohd Hendra and Jamaluddin, Muhamed Herman (2010) Development of Hydrophone Sensor System for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Application. In: International Conference on Engineering and ICT, 18-20 February 2010, Holiday Inn, Melaka, Malaysia.

Mohd Aras, Mohd Shahrieel and Hairi, Mohd Hendra and Kasdirin, Hyreil Anuar (2010) Development of Sonar Sensor System for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Application. In: International Conference on Engineering and ICT, 18-20 February 2010, Holiday Inn, Melaka, Malaysia.

Mohd Aras, Mohd Shahrieel and Jamaluddin, Muhamed Herman and Kasdirin, Hyreil Anuar (2010) DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF MULTI-INPUT SENSOR ALGORITHM FOR AUTONOMOUS UNDERWATER VEHICLE (AUV) APPLICATIONS. In: World Engineering Congress 2010, 02 - 05 August 2010, Kuching, Sarawak..

Mohd Aras, Mohd Shahrieel and Md Basar, Mohd Farriz (2009) Vision System for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Using Wireless Camera for Monitoring and Surveillances Application. In: Asia Pacific Conference on Defence & Security Technology, 6-7 October 2009, Kuala Lumpur.

Thangaraj, Joseph Sahaya Anand and Chua, Kok Yau and Jalar, Azman (2013) Micro-structural studies of thermosonic Cu-Al bonding interface. In: Joint International Conference on Nanoscience, Engineering and Management, 19-21 August 2013, Penang. (In Press)

T., Joseph Sahaya Anand and Mohd Zaidan, Abd Aziz (2013) Electro synthesised NiTe2 Thin Films with the Influence of Additives. In: Joint International Conference on Nanoscience, Engineering and Management, 19-21, August, 2013, Penang. (In Press)

Taufik, Haryoni and Siti Umi Hani, Mohamed and Sivarao, Subramonian and Tajul Ariffin, Abdullah (2010) Design and Analysis of Long Cylindrical Workpiece Fixtures. In: The 2 nd International Conference on Engineering and ICT, 18th-20th February 2010, Melaka.

T., Joseph Sahaya Anand and S., Shariza and Lim, Mei Ying (2012) Transition Metal Chalcogenide Thin Films for Photoelectrochemical / Solar Cells. In: 3rd Infineon-MMU Technical Symposium, 9 April 2012, Multimedia University, Melaka.

SAID, MD RADZAI and Tahir, A.S (2011) THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF QUASI-STATIC COMPRESSION OF HEXAGONAL RING. In: The 5th PSU-UNS International Conference on Engineering and Technology, 2-3 May 2011, Phuket.

Samsudin, Abdul Rahim and Sivarao, Subramonian (2008) Effect of Pressure, Frequency and Duty Cycle on Laser Cut Surface. In: Malaysian Technical Universities Conference on Engineering and Technology, March 8-10, 2008, Putra Palace, Perlis, Malaysia.

Shamshiri, Meysam and Gan, Chin Kim and Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin (2012) A Review of Recent Development in Smart Grid and Micro-Grid Laboratories. In: 2012 IEEE International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO2012), Melaka, Malaysia: 6-7 June 2012 , 6 -7 June 2012, Melaka, Malaysia .

Sivarao, Subramonian (2007) MICRO QUALITY INVESTIGATION OF Mn-Mo PRESSURE VESSEL PLATE IN LASER MACHINING. In: World Engineering Congress 2007, 5 – 9 August 2007, Penang, Malaysia.

Tie, Chin Ho and Gan, Chin Kim (2013) Impact of Grid-Connected Residential PV Systems on the Malaysia Low Voltage Distribution Network. In: 2013 IEEE 7th INTERNATIONAL POWER ENGINEERING AND OPTIMIZATION CONFERENCE, 3-4 Jun 2013, Bayview Hotel Langkawi.

Low, Siew Yi and Gan, Chin Kim (2013) The Impact of Losses in Cable Selection for Distribution Circuit in Malaysia. In: 2013 IEEE 7th INTERNATIONAL POWER ENGINEERING AND OPTIMIZATION CONFERENCE, 3-4 Jun 2013, Bayview Hotel Langkawi.

Gan, Chin Kim and Low , Siew Yi (2012) Techno-economic appraisal of alternative distribution network design options. In: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon), 2-5 December 2012, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.

Kee , Swee Yen and Gan, Chin Kim (2012) IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF PV ON LOW-VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTION NETWORK. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI2012) , 4 – 5 April 2012, Melaka, Malaysia .

Sivarao, Subramonian (2005) FUZZY MODELING OF TOOL WEAR IN DRILLING. In: 18th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, November 6-11, 2005, Ouro Preto, MG .

Khamis, Alias and Mohd Nasir, Mohamad Na'im (2011) Design and Simulation of Small Scale Microgrid Testbed. In: 2011 Third International Conference onComputational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation (CIMSiM), 20-22 September 2011, Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia.

T., Joseph Sahaya Anand and Abdul Aziz, Mohd Zaidan Bin and S., Shariza (2012) Effect of Additives on Optical Measurements of NiSe2 Thin Films. In: Malaysian Technical Universities Conference on Engineering and Technology (MUCET) 2012, November 20 - 21, 2012, SERI Malaysia Hotel, Kangar.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin (1993) IMPLEMENTATION OF SELF-TUNING CONTROLLER TO AN AIR HEATING PROCESS. In: TENCON'93. Proceedings. Computer, Communication, Control and Power Engineering. 1993 IEEE Region 10 Concerence on, 1993/10/19, Beijing.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin (1993) Optimization and Control of Economic Dispatch for Power Systems. In: Electrical and Computer Engineering, 1993. Canadian Conference on, 1993/9/14, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin (1993) DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT. In: The 1993 IEEE Region 10 Conference on Computer, Communication, Control and Power Engineering (TENCON'93), 93/10/19, Beijing, China.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin (2002) OPTIMAL CABLE SELECTION IN RADIAL DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS CONSIDERING PLANNER'S DEFINED VOLTAGE DROP LIMIT. In: Australian Universities Power Engineering Conference 2002, 2002/6, University of Queensland.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin and Mohd Amin, Nur Huda and KASDIRIN , HYREIL ANUAR (2012) DEVELOPMENT OF PD CONTROLLER FOR COMPARISON STABILITY STUDY IN MULTIPLE DIFFERENCE DISTURBANCES. In: The 3rd International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI 2012), 4 - 5 APRIL 2012, MELAKA, MALAYSIA.

Sivarao, Subramonian and Tajul Ariffin, Abdullah and Taufik, , (2009) Design and Development of Automatic Tyre Pressure Controller. In: International conference on Applications and Design in Mechanical (ICADME ‘09), 11-13 October 2009, Penang, Malaysia.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin and Mohd Amin, Nur Huda and Hyriel Anuar, Kasdirin (2011) MODELING AND SIMULATION FOR INVERTED PENDULUM ON ROTATING DISC. In: 2011 International Confrence on Energy and Electrical Systems (ICEES 2011), 2011/8/12, Kuala Lumpur.

Sivarao, Subramonian and Tajul Ariffin, Abdullah and Taufik, , (2009) Micro Sensor Embedded Brake Pad Monitoring System. In: International conference on Applications and Design in Mechanical (ICADME ‘09), 11-13 October 2009, Penang, Malaysia.

Sivarao, Subramonian and Rizal, M S and Tajul Ariffin, Abdullah and Taufik, , (2009) Development of Man-Machine Interface Using Matlab: An Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System Modeling For Laser Machining. In: International Conference on Man Machine Systems (ICoMMS ‘09), 11-13 October 2009, Penang, Malaysia.

Sivarao, Subramonian and Azhar Shah, Abu Hassan and Rizal, M S and A. M., Kamely and Tajul Ariffin, Abdullah and Taufik, , (2009) MECHANICAL PROPERTIES MODIFICATION OF POLYETHYLENE (PE) FOR CaCO3 PARTICULATED COMPOSITES. In: The International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT ‘09), 26-29 October 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin and Mohd Amin, Nur Huda and Kasdirin, Hyreil Anuar (2010) Modeling of the Disc Speed. In: Postgraduate Seminar, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UTeM 2010, 2010/6, UTeM.

Sivarao, Subramonian and Azhar Shah, Abu Hassan and Rizal, M S and Ahmad , Kamely and Tajul Ariffin, Abdullah and Taufik, , (2009) CHARACTERIZING CHICKEN EGGSHELL REINFORCED POLYPROPYLENE (PP). In: The International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT ‘09), 26-29 October 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Taufik, , and Sulaiman, S and Abdullah, T.A. and Sivarao, Subramonian (2009) DESIGN AND SIMULATION ON CAST METAL MATRIX COMPOSITE BY INVESTMENT CASTING. In: The International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies , 26-29 October 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin and Mat Youb, Norsarizan and Sakidin, Hamzah and Syed Najib , Syed Salim (2010) Active Suspension using Optimal Controller. In: The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI 2010), 18-20 February 2010, Holiday Inn, Melaka.

Taufik, , and Sulaiman, S and Abdullah, T.A. and Sivarao, Subramonian (2009) DESIGN AND SIMULATION ON COMPRESOR METAL MATRIX COMPOSITE BY INVESTMENT CASTING. In: The International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT ‘09), 26-29 October 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin and Mat Youb, Norsarizan and Sakidin, Hamzah and Syed Najib , Syed Salim (2010) A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PASSIVE AND ACTIVE SUSPENSION FOR AUTOMOBILE APPLICATIONS. In: 2010 National Postgraduate Seminar (NAPAS 2012) Bridging Postgraduate rsearch Towards Industry Linkage and Future Innovation, 2010/7/6, Shah Alam, Selangor.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin (1999) OPTIMAL LOCATION SELECTION OF SOURCE SUBSTATION OF POWER DISTRIBUTION NETWORK. In: International Power Engineering Conference '99, 1999/5/24, Singapore.

Sivarao, Subramonian and Taufik, , (2007) Design and Development of an Automobile Brake Lining Monitoring System. In: International Conference on Engineering &ICT (ICEI’07), 27-28 Nov. 2007, Equatorial Hotel, Melaka.

Sivarao, Subramonian and Samsudin, Abdul Rahim and Taufik, , and Ammar, Abd Rahman (2007) Coating Characterization of TiN & TiAlN on Burr Formation in Drilling – Pragmatic Investigation. In: International Conference on Engineering &ICT (ICEI’07), 27-28 Nov. 2007, Equatorial Hotel, Melaka.

Sivarao, Subramonian and Taufik, , (2009) Comparative Quality Investigation of Rolled and Flat Carbon Steel Plates in Drilling. In: International Conference On Engineering &ICT (ICEI’07), 27-28 Nov. 2007, Equatorial Hotel, Melaka.

Taufik, , and Ong, Chee Shen and Tajul Ariffin, Abdullah and Sivarao, Subramonian (2009) Design and Analysis of Multi LED Machine Fixture. In: International conference on Applications and Design in Mechanical (ICADME ‘09), 11-13 October 2009, Penang, Malaysia.

Sivarao, Subramonian and sivasan, karan nair (2008) Regression Model Development For Two Layer Control System Based on Engine RPM. In: Curtin University of Technology Science and Engineering International Conference 2008 (CUTSE 2008), 24 – 27 November 2008, Curtin University of Technology, Miri, Sarawak. (Submitted)

Sivarao, Subramonian (2008) Super Saving Cooling System: A New Design and Analysis for Home Air-Conditioning. In: Curtin University of Technology Science and Engineering International Conference 2008 (CUTSE 2008), 24 – 27 November 2008, Curtin University of Technology, Miri, Sarawak.

Sivarao, Subramonian and Abu Bakar, Muhamad Diah (2009) Automatic Tyre Pressure Controller (ATPC). In: National Conference on Bumiputra Small Medium (SME) Industries, Academy of Malaysian SMEs, 10-11 March, 2009, Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur.

Taufik, , and Shajahan, Maidin and Sivarao, Subramonian (2008) DESIGN RULES OPTIMIZATION IN DESIGNING OF SHEET METAL PART. In: REACH'07, 18 - 20 January 2008, Kuala Lumpur.

Sivarao, Subramonian (2007) LINGUISTIC FUZZY MODELING IN LASER MACHINING QUALITY EVALUATION. In: Malaysian Science and Technology Congress (MSTC2007), 4-6 September 2007, Holiday Villa, Kuala Lumpur.

NORDDIN, NURBAHIRAH and Abdullah, Abdul Rahim and Zainal Abidin, Nur Qamarina and Aman, Aminudin (2012) LEAKAGE CURRENT ANALYSIS OF POLYMERIC INSULATION USING LINEAR TIME FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION. In: The Power and Energy Conversion Symposium (PECS 2012), 07/12/2012, UTEM.

Zainal Abidin, Nur Qamarina and Abdullah, Abdul Rahim and NORDDIN, NURBAHIRAH and Aman , Aminudin (2012) ONLINE LEAKAGE CURRENT MONITORING SYSTEM USING TIMEFREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION ON HIGH VOLTAGE INSULATOR. In: The Power and Energy Conversion Symposium (PECS 2012), 17/12/2012, UTEM.

ahmad, Nur Hafizatul Tul Huda and Abdullah, Abdul Rahim and JOPRI, MOHD HATTA (2012) POWER QUALITY SIGNALS DETECTION AND CLASSIFICATION USING LINEAR TIME FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION. In: The Power and Energy Conversion Symposium (PECS 2012), 17/12/2012, UTEM.

Noor Azam, Ahmad Faiz and Manap, Mustafa and Jidin, Auzani and Bahari, Norhazilina and Jopri, Mohd Hatta and Abdullah, Abdul Rahim (2012) Torque hysteresis controller for brushless dc motor drives. In: The Power and Energy Conversion Symposium (PECS 2012), 07/12/2012, UTEM.

Zainal Abidin, Nur Qamarina and Abdullah, Abdul Rahim and NORDDIN, NURBAHIRAH and Aman, Aminudin and Ibrahim, Khairul Anwar (2012) Leakage Current Analysis on Polymeric Surface Condition using Time-Frequency Distribution. In: IEEE International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference 2012 (PEOCO2012), 06/06/2012, Melaka.

Saptari, Adi and Poh Kiat, Ng (2013) Applying Clockwise and Counterclockwise Torque Directions in Pinch Grips: A Descriptive Study. In: 4th International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering 2013, Dec 17, 2013 - Dec 19, 2013, Equatorial Hotel, Bangi- Putrajaya.

Ganesh , Kumar and Sivarao, Subramonian and T., Joseph Sahaya Anand (2010) Intermetallic Nickel Aluminides as alternating Automotive Body Materials. In: National Conference on Advanced Manufacturing & Material Engineering 2010, 25th to 26th May 2010, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Johor.

ahmad, Nur Hafizatul Tul Huda and Abdullah, Abdul Rahim and JOPRI, MOHD HATTA (2013) Power Quality Signals Detection Using S-Transform. In: Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO), 2013 IEEE 7th International, 3 june 2013, Langkawi Island, Malaysia.

sulaiman, azhar and Abdullah, Abdul Rahim and Aman , Aminudin and NORDDIN, NURBAHIRAH and Zainal Abidin, Nur Qamarina (2013) Performance Analysis of High Voltage Insulators Surface Condition Using Time-frequency Distribution. In: Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO), 2013 IEEE 7th International, 3 june 2013, Langkawi Island, Malaysia.

Abu Bakar, Norazhar and Md Nawawi, Mohamad Riduwan and Abdullah, Abdul Rahim and Noordin, Aminurrashid and Musa, Zainolizam and Xian, Oon Cee (2012) Malaysian Vehicle License Plate Recognition Using Double Edge Detection. In: IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE), 2012 , 23-25 Nov 2012, Penang.

Aman, Aminudin and Abdullah, Abdul Rahim (2012) Dielectric Property of Waste Tire Dust-Polypropylene (WTD-PP) Composite For High Voltage Outdoor Insulation Application. In: IEEE International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference 2013 (PEOCO 2013), 3-4 June 2013, Langkawi, Malaysia.

Mohd Saad, Norhashimah and Abdullah, Abdul Rahim (2012) Automated Region Growing for Segmentation of Brain Lesion in Diffusion-weighted MRI. In: International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2012, 14-16 March 2012, Hong Kong.

Putra, Azma and Ismail, Ahmad Yusuf and Ayob, Md Razali (2011) Sound transmission loss of a double-leaf solid-microperforated partition under normal incidence of acoustic loading. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MECHANICAL, AUTOMOTIVE AND AEROSPACE EGINEERIN 2011 (ICMAAE '11), 17 May 2011, Kuala Lumpur.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin and Abdullah, Abu (2002) Technical and Vocational Education in Malaysia. In: 2002 International Conference Amongst The Southeastern Asian Countries on Technological and Vocational Education, 2002/6/23, Pingtung, Taiwan.


Selamat, Nur Asmiza (2013) Particle Swarm Optimization for Multivariable PID Controller Tuning. In: 2013 IEEE 9th International Colloquium on Signal Processing and its Applications, 8-10 March 2013 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Mohd Aras, Mohd Shahrieel and Hairi, Mohd Hendra and Syed Salim , Syed Najib and Wan Abdul razak, Intan Azmira (2009) Comparison of Fuzzy Control Rules using MATLAB Toolbox and Simulink for DC Induction Motor-Speed Control. In: International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition, December 04-December 07, Malacca, Malaysia.

Mohd Aras, Mohd Shahrieel and Abd Aziz, Mohamad Zoinol Abidin (2008) Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA) for Wireless Application. In: INTERNATIONAL RF AND MICROWAVE CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, 2- 4 December 2008, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.

Mohd Aras, Mohd Shahrieel and Mohamad Zoinol Abidin, Abd Aziz and Rasin, Zulhani (2008) An Array of Dielectric Resonator Antenna for wireless application. In: 2008 IEEE INTERNATIONAL RF AND MICROWAVE CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, 2-4 december 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Mohd Aras, Mohd Shahrieel and Abdul Azis, Fadilah and Fara Ashikin , Ali and Syed Mohamad Shazali, Syed Abdul Hamid and Mohd Farriz , Md Basar (2011) Performances Evaluation and Comparison of Two Algorithms for Fuzzy Logic Rice Cooking System (MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Toolbox and FuzzyTECH). In: 2011 IEEE Conference on Open Systems, 25-28 Sept 2011, Langkawi, Malaysia.

Mohd Aras, Mohd Shahrieel and Abdul Azis, Fadilah and Fara Ashikin , Ali and Syed Mohamad Shazali, Syed Abdul Hamid (2012) Study of the Effect in the Output Membership Function When Tuning a Fuzzy Logic Controller. In: IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, 23-25 November 2012, Penang .


Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin and Md Saad, Mohd Shamsuri and Hashim, Rahman and Ismail, Albert Feisal and Abu Bakar, Affindi (2003) PENINGKATAN PATRIOTISME DI KALANGAN BELIA/PELAJAR IPTA: KAJIAN KES KUTKM. In: Seminar Kebangsaan Peningkatan Patriotisme Di Kalangan Belia/ Pelajar, 2003/08/15, Melaka.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin (2003) PENCAPAIAN PELAJAR-PELAJAR MELAYU/BUMIPUTRA DI DALAM BIDANG SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI. In: Forum Pencaipaian Pelajar-Pelajar Melayu dalam Bidang Sains Dan Teknologi, 2003/08/30, Dewan Tun Fatimah, MPPM MELAKA. (Unpublished)

Chong, Shin Horng and Sato, Kaiji (2010) Practical controller for precision positioning system - A new design approach and application to mechanism with friction. In: American Society of Precision Engineering Meetings 2010, April 2010, MIT Cambridge USA.

Chong, Shin Horng and Sato, Kaiji (2008) A Practical Controller Design for High Precision Motion System with Non-Friction Mechanism. In: International Conference of Positioning Technology Conference (ICPT), November 2008, HAMMAMATSU JAPAN .

Chong, Shin Horng and Sato, Kaiji (2009) Practical common design procedure of precision positioning controller for non-contact and contact mechanism. In: JSME-IIS/ASME-ISPS Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment Joint Conference (MIPE), June 2009, IBARAKI JAPAN .

Chong, Shin Horng and Sato, Kaiji (2009) A New Design Approach of Practical Controller for Precision Positioning Systems – Concept and Application to Non-Friction Mechanism. In: Asian Society of Precision Engineering & Nanotechnology Conference (ASPEN), Sept 2009, KITAKYUSHU JAPAN .

Chong, Shin Horng (2012) AR-CM NCTF Control for Precision Positioning Systems - Concept and Results. In: SIXTH ASIA MODELING SYMPOSIUM , MAY 29-31, 2012, BALI, INDONESIA.

Chong, Shin Horng and Sato, Kaiji (2011) Practical and robust control for precision positioning systems. In: 2011 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM), April 2011, Istanbul.

Al-Amani, Umar (2009) Effect of Bi and Ti additions on the phase formation of Bi4Ti3O12 using fuel-free combustion method. In: 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials, Minerals, Environment and 2nd Asian Symposium on materials and Processing (RAMM & ASMP), 1-3 Jun 2009, Bayview Beach Resort, Batu Ferringi, Penang, Malaysia.

Al-Amani, Umar (2010) Synthesis and Dielectric Properties of Bi4-xNdxTi3O12 obtained by solution combustion synthesis. In: 4th Colloquium on Materials, Minerals and Polymers 2010 (MAMIP 2010), 27th – 28th January 2010, Vistana Hotel, Penang.

Al-Amani, Umar (2009) Development of bismuth titanate for wireless dielectric antenna application. In: The 11th International Conference on Electronic Material and Packaging (EMAP) Conference Proceedings, December 1 – 3, 2009, The Gurney Resort Hotel and Residences.

Md Yusop, Azdiana and Noor Asyikin, Sulaiman (2008) VIBRATION CONTROL OF A GANTRY CRANE SYSTEM USING DYNAMIC FEEDBACK SWING CONTROLLER. In: National Conference on Design & Concurrent Engineering, 28-29th October 2008, Melaka.

Abu, Maisarah and Hussin, Eryana Eiyda and Othman , A.R and Mohd Johar, Fauzi and Mohd Yatim, Norhidayah and Munawar, Rose Farahiyan (2013) Design of Stacked Wafers AMC at 920 MHz for Metallic Object Detection in RFID Application. In: 2013 IEEE SYMPOSIUM ON WIRELESS AND APPLICATIONS (ISWTA 2013), 22-25 SEPTEMBER 2013, KUCHING, SARAWAK.

Al-Amani, Umar (2010) Preparation of Neodymium Substituted Bismuth Titanate by a Fuel-Free Combustion Process. In: International Conference on Materials Processing Technology 2010, January 5-6, 2010, Bangkok, THAILAND.

Al-Amani, Umar (2012) Single Step Combustion Synthesis to Prepare Bismuth Titanate for Potential Apllications. In: International Conference on X-Rays & Related Techniques in Research & Industry 2012, 3 - 5 July 2012, Vistana Hotel, Penang.

Al-Amani, Umar (2009) STRUCTURAL REFINEMENT OF SAMARIUM BISMUTH TITANATE USING RIETVELD METHOD. In: Symposium of USM Fellowship Holders 2009, 14-15 November 2009, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, .

Al-Amani, Umar (2012) Single step combustion synthesis to prepare La doped-Bi4Ti3O12 bulk ceramics and some its characterization. In: The 8th Asian Meeting on Electroceramics (AMEC-8), 1st July to 5th July, 2012, Shangri-La’s Rasa Sayang Resort and Spa, Penang, Malaysia.

Al-Amani, Umar (2013) Rare-earth substitution in Bi4Ti3O12 system for potential application. In: The 5th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Materials Processing & The 5th Regional Conference on Natural Resources and Materials, 22 - 23 January 2013, Penang.

Nor Zaidi , Haron and Norsuhaidah , Arshad and Sukreen Hana , Herman (2013) Detecting Resistive-Opens in RRAM using Programmable DfT Scheme. In: 5th Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, 26-28 August 2013, Penang, Malaysia.

Nor Zaidi , Haron and Muhammad Bukhari, Mohter and Siti Aisah , Md Junos@Yunus and Mohamad Isa, Mohd Sa'ari and Yahaya , Abd Rahim (2013) SAFe: A Secure and Fast Auto Filling Form System. In: 2013 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications (ISIEA2013) , September 22-25, 2013, Kuching, Malaysia.

Yusof, Norzihani and Hasan Basari, Abd Samad and Ibrahim, Nuzulha Khilwani (2012) Prediction of the lithium-ion cell performance via concentration profile simulation. In: International Conference in Green and Ubiquitous Technology (GUT 2012), 7-8 July 2012, Bandung, Indonesia.

T., Joseph Sahaya Anand and Mei Ying, Lim and Mazalan, Nor Hamizah (2011) Electrodeposited MoTe2 Thin Films for Photoelectrochemical (PEC) Cell Applications. In: Malaysian Technical Universities International Conference on Engineering & Technology (MUiCET 2011), 13-15 November 2011, UTHM, Batu Pahat, Johor.

T., Joseph Sahaya Anand and Mei Ying, Lim and Mazlan, Nor Hamiza (2011) Synthesis and Characterization of MoTe2 Thin Films for Photoelectro-chemical Cell Applications. In: United Kingdom - Malaysia - Ireland Engineering Science Conference 2011 , 12-14 July 2011, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

T. Joseph, Sahaya Anand and S., Shariza and Z. M. , Rosli (2011) Structural and Optical Properties of Electrodeposited MoS2 Thin Films for Photoelectrochemical (PEC) / Solar Cell Applications. In: International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing 2011 , May 23 – 24, 2011, TATi University College, , Terengganu.

T., Joseph Sahaya Anand (2011) TEM Studies of SPUTTER-DEPOSITED Ni4Al Alloy Thin Films. In: International Conference on Nanotechnology and Ultrasound, 12 - 14 January 2011, Tiruchirapalli, INDIA.

Perumal, Puvanasvaran A. (2011) A Framework To Develop Tools & Techniques Requirements Methodology For Implementing Lean Manufacturing. In: Proceeding of The Seminar on Science & Its Application in Industry, 2006, Selangor.

Miskon, Muhammad Fahmi and Md Sani, Zamani and Jamaluddin, Mohd Herman (2011) Linear and Rotary Infrared Scan System for Measuring Circumference. In: MUiCET 2011, 2011, Batu Pahat, Johor.

Ahmad, Arfah and Anwar Apandi, Nur Ilyana and Hashim, Mohd. Ruzaini and Md Sani, Zamani (2012) A Study On Students Interest And Preparedness Based On Entry Survey. In: 2012 International Conference and Statistics in Science, Bussiness and Engineering, 10-12 September 2012, Awana Porto Malai Hotel, Langkawi Kedah.

Md Sani, Zamani (2011) Development of Rubber Tire Gantry Crane (Prototype) Obstacles Avoidance Method Using a Single Sensor on Microcontroller Based. In: IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications 2011, 25-28 September 2011, Langkawi.

Nik Anwar, Nik Syahrim and Mohd Rusdy , Yaacob and Md Sani, Zamani (2011) Simulation of spline based NC- manufacturing of plastic optical components. In: MUiCET 2011, 2011, Batu Pahat, Johor.

Idris, Fakrulradzi and Syed Ariffin, Sharifah Hafizah (2008) Handoff Latency of Voice over Internet Protocol in Mobile IPv6. In: 2008 IEEE INTERNATIONAL RF AND MICROWAVE CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, 2-4 december 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Idris, Fakrulradzi and Hashim, Norlezah (2010) Voice and Video Transmission with Mobile IPv6. In: 4th International Symposium on Broadband Communications (ISBC2010) , 11-15 July 2010, Melaka.

Rahmat, Mohamad Faris and Idris, Fakrulradzi and Mohd Nizam, Mohd Zul Azri and Sarimin, Nuraishah and Mohamad, Mas Haslinda (2012) Performance Analysis of VoIP in Multi-Hop Wireless Network. In: 2012 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (APACE 2012), 11- 13 December 2012, Melaka.

Mustaffa, Izadora (2013) The effect of sound levels on attention deficit. In: 2013 International Conference on Instrumentation, Communication, Information Technology and Biomedical Engineering, 7-8 November 2013, Bandung Indonesia.

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Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin and Wan Jusoh, Wan Nor Shela Ezwane and Raman, Siti Hajar and Mat Hanafiah, Mohd Ariff and Wan Hassan, Wan Ahmas Redhauddin (2013) Remote Terminal Unit Developed for Distribution Automation System (DAS) using MPLAB Software. In: 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials (ICE-SEAM 2013), 30 - 31 October, 2013, Melaka, Malaysia.

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Mohamad, Noraiham and Mahamood, Mazlin Aida and Yaakub, Juliana and Abdul Razak, Jeefferie and Muchtar, Andanastuti and Shueb, Mohammed Iqbal and Kasim, Mohd Shahir and Mohd Abid, Mohd Asyadi Azam and Yaakob, Mohd Yuhazri and Mustafa, Nuzaimah and Toibah, Abd Rahim and Qumrul, Ahsan (2013) FUNCTIONALISATION OF ETHYLENE-PROPYLENE COPOLYMER (EPM) BY MELT GRAFTING OF MALEIC ANHYDRIDE (MAH) USING HIGH SHEAR INTERNAL MIXER. In: International Conference on the Science and Engineering of Materials, 13-14 Nov 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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Ab. Aziz, Norazlina and Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Md. Saad, Mohd Shamsuri and Md. Nordin, Shahrina and Lai, Fong Woon (2012) An Examination of Marketing Strategies on Financial Performance within the Context of the Fertilizer Industry in Malaysia: A Conceptual Framework. In: International Conference on Management and Social Sciences and Humanities (ICMeSH), 12-14 June 2012, KLCC Kuala Lumpur.

Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Koe, Wei Loon and Ismail, Kamariah and Sa'ari, Juan Rizal (2012) Intention of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Owners towards Sustainable Entrepreneurship. In: The 2012 International Spring Conference on Asia Pacific Business Innovation and Technology Management, 13-15 Jan 2012, Pattaya Tahiland.

Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Kamaludin, Muhamad Hasfarizal and Md. Saad, Mohd Shamsuri (2012) The Impact of Strategic and Competitive Posture of Malaysian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) on Organizational Innovation: A preliminary report. In: International Conference on Technology Management and Technopreneu, 6&7 Feb 2012, UTeM City Campus Melaka.

Abdul Majid, Izaidin (2010) ENTERPRISE AS A CAREER: ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION IN MALAYSIA’S PUBLIC HIGHER LEARNING INSTITUTIONS. In: International Conference of Education, Research & Innovation (ICERI), 15-18 Nov 2010, Madrid, Spain.

Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Md. Saad, Mohd Shamsuri and Yahya, Aziz and Abd. Razak, Mohd Hafiz (2010) Exploring the Relationship between Strategic Reactiveness and Entrepreneurial Management Tendencies. In: IBIMA Conference, 6&7 Nov 2010, Cairo, Egypt.

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Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Ismail, Kamariah and Aman, Othman (2010) EXPLORING ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN MALAYSIA’S PUBLIC HIGHER LEARNING INSTITUTIONS. In: International Colloqium on Business & Management (ICBM), 25-28 Jan 2010, Bangkok Thailand.

Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Abd Razak, Muhammad Hafiz and Abdul Wahab, Noor Akmal (2010) Understanding Strategic Reactiveness Influences on Entrepreneurial Management Tendencies. In: International Conference for Engineering and ICT 2010, 18-2- Feb 2010, Melaka.

Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Aman, Othman and Tahir, Md. Nor Hayati and Abdul aziz, Nor Azah and Rahmiati, Filda (2010) THE SUCCESS FACTORS OF FOOD SMALL MEDIUM ENTREPRENEURS UNDER THE ONE DISTRICT ONE INDUSTRY PROGRAMME: A CASE ON FOOD MANUFACTURING ENTREPRENEURS IN MELAKA. In: 2nd International Conference on Enterpreneurship , 11-12 October 2010, Vistana Hotel Kuala Lumpur .

Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Dora, Mohd Taib and Ismail, Kamariah (2008) Business venture creation: Exploring on some common barriers. In: The Sixth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities , 15-18 July 2008, Instanbul.

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Abdul Majid, Izaidin and ALI AL-SHAMI, SYED SAMER and RASHID, NURULIZWA and ABDUL RASHID, FASASI (2012) Inter-Firm Knowledge Transfer to the Capability of Local Parts Firms in the Malaysian Automobile Industry. In: National Research & Innovation Conference for Graduate Students in Social Sciences , 7th - 9th December 2012, Mahkota Hotel, Melaka.

Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Sa'ari, Juan Rizal and Koe, Wei Loon (2012) Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention Among Millennial Generation. In: (ELSEVIER) The 2012 International Spring Conference on Asia Pacific Business Innovation & Technology Management , 13-15 Jan 2012, JomTien PalmBeach (Hotel & Resort), Pattaya, Thailand .

Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Ismail, Kamariah and Tengku Azhar, T. N. and Yong, C. Y. and Aslan, A. S. and Wan Omar, Wan Zaidi (2012) Problems on Commercialization of Genetically Modified Crops in Malaysia. In: (ELSEVIER) The 2012 International Spring Conference on Asia Pacific Business Innovation & Technology Management , 13-15 Jan 2012, JomTien PalmBeach (Hotel & Resort), Pattaya, Thailand.

Abdul Majid , Izaidin and Hussein Al-Shami , 11) Syed Samer Ali and Rashid, Nurulizwa and Abdul Rashid, Fasasi (2012) Inter-Firm Knowledge Transfer to the Capability of Local Parts Firms in the Malaysian Automobile Industry. In: International Conference on Technology Management and Technopreneurship (IC-TMT 2012), 6-7 Feb 2012, Convention Hall City Campus UTeM, Melaka.

Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Kamaludin, Muhammad Hasfarizal and Md. Saad, Mohd. Shamsuri (2012) The Impact of Strategic and Competitive Posture of Malaysian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) on Organizational Innovation: A preliminary report. In: International Conference on Technology Management and Technopreneurship (IC-TMT 2012), 6-7 Feb 2012, ), Convention Hall City Campus UTeM, Melaka.

Abdul Wahab, Noor Akmal and Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Dora, Mohd Taib and Abdul Razak, Muhammad Hafiz (2012) Measuring the organizational innovation impact towards the performance of SME’s in Malaysia. In: International Conference on Technology Management and Technopreneurship (IC-TMT 2012), 6-7 Feb 2012, Convention Hall City Campus UTeM, Melaka.

Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Abdul Latiff, Roziah (2012) TECHNOLOGY ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND COMMERCIALIZATION: CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE OF BIOMEDICAL CALIBRATION LAB ISO 17025. In: International Conference on Technology Management and Technopreneurship (IC-TMT 2012), 6-7 Feb 2012, Convention Hall City Campus UTeM.

Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Ngadiman, Yunos and Hussin, Burairah (2011) A STUDY OF HUMAN SKILL ACHIEVEMENT IN MALAYSIAN PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES: KNOWLEDGE, SKILL AND ATTITUDE. In: International Conference on Management (ICM 2011) , 13-14 June 2011, Hydro Hotel, Penang.

Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Ngadiman , Yunos and Hussin, B. (2011) Exploring Overall Equipment Efficiency Model of Laboratory Capital Equipments in Malaysian Public Universities. In: International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 22-24 Jan 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Yahya, A. and Md. Saad, Mohd. Shamsuri and Ramachandran, Sharimllah Devi and Jano, Zanariah (2010) The Emergence of Global Leadership Competencies: A New Model for Malaysian Small and Medium Entrepreneurs (SME) Leadership Competencies. In: 15th IBIMA Conference, 6-7 Nov 2010, Cairo, Egypt.

Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Md. Saad , Mohd. Shamsuri and Yahya, A. (2010) Knowledge Management and Performance in Franchise-Structured Organisation. In: 15th IBIMA Conference, 6-7 Nov 2010, Cairo, Egypt.

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Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Ngeng, Miang Hong and Wong, Lai Soon and Buang, Nor Aisyah (2010) Does social value matters in the consumption of fast food. In: “International Borneo Business Conference (IBBC 2010), 13-15 December 2010, Miri Sarawak.

Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Ismail, Kamariah and Wan Omar, Wan Zaidi (2010) The commercialisation process of patents by universities. In: 3rd International Colloqium on Business & Management (ICBM), 25-28 Jan 2010, Bangko Thailand.

Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Ismail, Kamariah and Cooper, Sarah (2009) Entrepreneurial inclination on the level of firm performance. In: 3rd Asia Pacific Marketing Conference, 9-11 Dec 2009, Kuching Sarawak.

Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Levie, Jonathan and Cooper, Sarah and Ismail, Kamariah (2009) Examining stevenson's conceptualisation of entrepreneurship as opportunity-based firm behaviour and its prevalence in technology-based firms in Malaysia. In: International Conference on Supply Chain Management (ICOSCM 2009), 28 July - 5 August 2009, Wuhan China.

Ramani, Anis Niza and Gainus, Farlister Glenn and Sardi, Junainah and Mohd Nasir, Mohamad Na'im (2013) Feasibility Study in Implementation of Microgrid by using Fuel Cells. In: Malaysian Technical Universities Conference on Engineering & Technology (MUCET), 3 - 4 December 2013, Kuantan.

Ismail, Kamariah and Cooper, Sarah and Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Mason, Colin and Wan Omar, Wan Zaidi (2009) Commercialisation of university patents: A case study. In: Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2009, 2009, Tsinghua University China.

Mohd Nasir, Mohamad Na'im and Sulaima, Mohamad Fani and Jaafar, Hazriq Izzuan and Ramani, Anis Niza and Wan Abdul razak, Intan Azmira (2013) Photometric measurement for LED roadway lighting at Kuala Lumpur – Karak Expressway. In: MUCET 2013, 2-3 December 2013, Kuantan.

Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Md. Saad, Mohd. Shamsuri and Tim, Mazzarol (2008) HOW DO LEADERSHIP AND STRATEGY INFLUENCE INNOVATION? - MULTIPLE CASE STUDIES OF INNOVATIVE FIRMS IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA. In: The International Conference on The Roles of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Engineering, 5-6 Dec 2008, Kuala Lumpur.

Ismail, Kamariah and Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Mason, Collin and Cooper, Sarah and Wan Omar, Wan Zaidi (2008) The decision making process for the exploitation of university patents through licensing to established companies and spin-off formations. In: 2008 IIBD & LEWI International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 12-13 Nov 2008, Hong Kong.

Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Dora, Mohd Taib and Ismail , Kamariah (2008) Examining Stevenson’s conceptualisation of entrepreneurship as opportunity-based firm behaviour. In: at Asia Pacific Conference on Management and Technology Entrepreneurship (APCMOTTE 08), 29-30 Octobe 2008, Asia Pacific.

Md Nor, Nor Hafizah and Sapar, Ahmad Farid and Ramani, Anis Niza and Shamshiri, Meysam and Gan, Chin Kim (2013) A REVIEW ON MICRO-GRID AND DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT AND THEIR RELATED STANDARDS. In: Power and Energy Conversion Symposium (PECS 2012), 17th December 2012, Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Ismail, Kamariah and Wan Omar, Wan Zaidi (2008) University Spin-off Formations: How decision making process has been made? In: Asia Pacific Conference on Management and Technology Entrepreneurship (APCMOTTE 08), 29-30 Oct 2008, Melaka.

Ramani, Anis Niza and Baharin, Kyairul Azmi and Razali, Mohamad Nazri (2012) Resistivity modeling and analysis under controlled environment. In: Power and Energy Conversion Symposium (PECS), 17 December 2012, Melaka.

Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Kamarudin, Mohd Fauzi and Sidek, Muliati (2008) TAHAP PENGUASAAN BAHASA INGGERIS DI KALANGAN STAF AKADEMIK DI SEBUAH UNIVERSITI TEKNIKAL. In: Seminar Kemahiran Insaniah dan Kesejahteraan Sosial (SKIKS) , 18-19 Ogos 2008, Melaka.

Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Dora, Mohd Taib and Hussin, Huzili and Ismail, Kamariah (2008) The impact of the level of entrepreneurial inclination on the level of firm performance. In: of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2008, 2008, Tsinghua University China.

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Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Dora, Mohd Taib and Ismail, Kamariah (2008) Comparing between low and high entrepreneurial tendencies across various characteristics of the firms. In: Regional Conference on HRD 2008 (RESERD 2008), 14-16 Jan 2008, Kuala Terengganu.

Lukman Bayasut, Bilal and Pramudya Ananta, Gede and Basiron, Halizah (2013) ULUL-ILM : The design of web-based adaptive educational hypermedia system based on learning style. In: 13th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), 8-10 December 2013, Kuala Lumpur. (Submitted)

Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Ismail, Kamariah and Wan Omar, Wan Zaidi (2008) The Commercialisation Process of Intellectual Properties by the UK Universities. In: Regional Conference on HRD 2008 (RESERD 2008, 14-16 Jan 2008, Kuala Terengganu.

Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Kamarudin, Mohd Fauzi and Samroz, Mohd Zawaei (2008) Occupational Stress and Teachers’ Job Satisfaction: Implication to the Human Relations Management Approach. In: Regional Conference on HRD 2008 (RESERD 2008, 14-16 Jan 2008, Kuala Terengganu.

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Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Dora, Mohd Taib and Ismail, Kamariah and Hussin, Huzili (2007) City as a human development ecosystem: Exploring the characteristics of an entrepreneurial region. In: International Seminar the Knowledge City: Spirit, Character and Manifestation, 13-14 Nov 2007, Medan Indonesia.

Dora, Mohd Taib and Abdul Majid, Izaidin and Raja Abd Rahman, Raja Roslan and Kudus, Norliah and Mat, Zawiah and Othman @ Abdul Halip, Noor Maslian (2007) City as an urban social diversity: A case study of Rukun Tetangga in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. In: International Seminar the Knowledge City: Spirit, Character and Manifestation, 13-14 Nov 2007, Medan Indonesia.

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Omar, Norhaizat and Eng, Chieh Ong and Adam, Asrul and Hasim, Saipol Hadi and Zainal Abidin, Amar Faiz and Jaafar, Hazriq Izzuan and Zakaria, Hamzah and Hassan, Jefery and Nordin, Nur Anis and Osman, Khairuddin and Mohd Hussein, Shamsul Faisal (2014) An Experimental Study of the Application of Gravitational Search Algorithm in Solving Route Optimization Problem for Holes Drilling Process. In: International Conference Recent treads in Engineering & Technology (ICRET’2014), 13-14 Feb 2014, Batam (Indonesia).

Nasroddin, Saidatul Nizan and Mohd Mokji, Musa and Tan, Kok and Zainal Abidin, Amar Faiz and Amirulah, Rahman and Nordin, Nur Anis and Hasim, Saipol Hadi and Zakaria, Hamzah and Hassan, Jefery and Jaafar, Hazriq Izzuan and Khairuddin, Osman (2014) Application of Particle Swarm Optimization in Optimizing Stereo Matching Algorithm’s Parameters for Star Fruit Inspection System. In: International Conference Recent treads in Engineering & Technology (ICRET’2014), 13-14 Feb 2014, Batam (Indonesia).

Taman, Ishak and Md Rosid, Nur Atika and Karis, Mohd Safirin and Hasim, Saipol Hadi and Zainal Abidin, Amar Faiz and Nordin, Nur Anis and Omar, Norhaizat and Jaafar, Hazriq Izzuan and Ab Ghani, Zailani and Hassan, Jefery (2014) Classification System for Wood Recognition using K-Nearest Neighbor with Optimized Features from Binary Gravitational Algorithm. In: International Conference Recent treads in Engineering & Technology (ICRET’2014), 13-14 Feb 2014, Batam (Indonesia).

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Awang Md Isa, Azmi and Johal, Muhammad Syahrir and Mohd Zin, Mohd Shahril Izuan and Mohamad Isa, Mohd Sa'ari (2013) Location Estimation Utilising WiMAX Preamble Detection Under ITU-R Channel Models. In: 2013 IEEE Student Conference on Research & Development(SCOReD), 16 - 17 December 2013, Palm Garden Hotel, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

Zainuddin, N. A and Zakaria, Z and Husain , M. N and Mohd Derus, B and Abd Aziz, M. Z. A and Mutalib, M. A and Othman, M. A (2013) Design of Wideband Antenna for RF Energy Harvesting System. In: 2013 3rd International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications, Information Technology, and Biomedical Engineering (ICICI-BME), 7-8 November 2013, Bandung.

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Zakaria, Z and Mutalib, M. A and Mohamad Isa, Mohd Sa'ari and Md Isa, A. A and Zainuddin, N. A and Sam , W. Y (2013) Design of Generalized Chebyshev Lowpass Filter with Defected Stripline Structure (DSS). In: 2013 IEEE Symposium on Wireless Technology and Applications (ISWTA), 22-25 September 2013, Kuching, Malaysia.

Zakaria, Z and Zainuddin, N. A and Abd Aziz, M. Z. A and Husain , M. N and Mutalib, M. A (2013) A Parametric Study on Dual-Band Meander Line Monopole Antenna For RF Energy Harvesting. In: Proceeding of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on RFID Technologies and Applications, 4 - 5 September 2013, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Zainuddin, N. A and Zakaria, Z and Abd Aziz, M. Z. A and Husain , M. N and Mutalib, M. A (2013) Investigation of Meander Slots To Microstrip Patch Antenna. In: Proceeding of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on RFID Technologies and Applications, 4 - 5 September 2013, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Zakaria, Z and Mutalib, M. A and Mohamad Isa, Mohd Sa'ari and Zainuddin, N. A (2013) Transformation of Generalized Chebyshev Lowpass Filter Prototype to Suspended Stripline Structure Highpass Filter for Wideband Communication Systems. In: Proceeding of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on RFID Technologies and Applications, 4 - 5 September 2013, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

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Mohd Rasip, Norhayati and Hasan Basari, Abd Samad and Ibrahim, Nuzulha Khilwani and Hussin, Burairah and Asmai, Siti Azirah (2013) An investigation of intelligent search techniques for nurse scheduling improvement in healthcare organization. In: e-Health Symposium 2013, 26 JUNE 2013, UNITEN, KAJANG, SELANGOR.

Azmi, Mohd Sanusi and Nasrudin, Mohammad Faidzul and Omar, Khairuddin and Che Wan Ahmad, Che Wan Shamsul Bahri and Wan Mohd Ghazali, Khadijah (2013) Exploiting Features From Triangle Geometry For Digit Recognition. In: 2013 International Conference On Control, Decision And Information Technologies (CoDIT 2013), 6-8 May 2013, Hammamet Tunisia.

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Yusup Lada, Musa and Mohindo, Othman and Khamis, Aziah and Mat Lazi, Jurifa and Jamaludin, Irma Wani (2011) Simulation Single Phase Active Filter Based on p-q technique using MATLAB/Simulink Development Tools Environment. In: IEEE Applied Power Electronics Colloquium 2011, 2011, Johor Baharu.

Yusup Lada, Musa and Bugis, Ismadi and Talib, Md Hairul Nizam (2010) Simulation a shunt active power filter using MATLAB/Simulink. In: The 4th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conf. (PEOCO2010),, 23-24 June 2010, Shah Alam, Selangor.

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Zainuddin, Hidayat and Lewin, P.L. and Mitchinson, P.M. (2011) Modeling the inter-phase region of high voltage transformers. In: 17th IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids, 26-30 June 2011, Trondheim, Norway.

Zainuddin, Hidayat and Lewin, P.L. and Mitchinson, P.M. (2011) Investigation on the surface discharge phenomenon at the oil-pressboard interface. In: 17th IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids, 26-30 June 2011, Trondheim, Norway.

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Abdul Shukor, Fairul Azhar and Misron, Norhisam and Wakiwaka, Hiroyuki and Tashiro, Kunihisa and Nirei, Tashiro (2012) Initial Progress and Possible Improvement of E-Cutter Linear Actuator Development. In: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon 2012), 2 – 5 December 2012, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.

Abdul Shukor, Fairul Azhar and Misron, Norhisam and Wakiwaka, Hiroyuki and Tashiro, Kunihisa and Nirei, Masami (2012) Current Achievement and Future Plan for Improvement for E Cutter Development. In: The 24th Symposium on Electromagnetics and Dynamics, SEAD 24, 16 - 18 May 2012, Toyama, Japan.

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Sulaima, Mohamad Fani and Jali, Mohd Hafiz and Wan Daud, Wan Mohd Bukhari and Mohd Nasir, Mohamad Na'im and Jaafar, Hazriq Izzuan (2013) Power Distribution Network Reconfiguration by Using EPSO for Loss Minimizing. In: International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Material (ICE-SEAM 2013), 30 - 31 Oct 2013, UTeM.

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Yusop, Norbayah and Ya’acob, Norsuzila and Mohd Shariff, Khairul Khaizi and Yusof, Azita Laily and Ali, Mohd Tarmizi and Idris, Azlina and Mohd Ali, Darmawaty (2012) Nighttime D-Region Ionosphere Characteristics from Tweek Atmospherics observed in the North America Region. In: 2012 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (APACE) , 11-13 December 2012, Melaka.

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Yusop, Norbayah and Ya’acob, Norsuzila and Mohd Shariff, Khairul Khaizi and Yusof, Azita Laily and Ali, Mohd Tarmizi and Idris, Azlina and Mohd Ali, Darmawaty (2012) Nighttime D-Region Ionosphere Characteristics from Tweek Atmospherics observed in the North America Region. In: 2012 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (APACE 2012), 11-13 Dec 2012, Melaka.

Ya’acob, Norsuzila and Yusop, Norbayah and Mohd Shariff, Khairul Khaizi and Yusof, Azita Laily and Ali, Mohd Tarmizi and Mohd Salleh, Mohd Khairul (2012) Observation of Tweek Characteristics in the Mid- Latitude D-Region Ionosphere. In: 2012 IEEE Symposium on Wireless Technology and Applications (ISWTA), 23-26 September 2012, Bandung, Indonesia.

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Goh, Ong Sing and Fung, Chun Che and Wong, Kok Wai and Depickere, Arnold (2006) An embodied conversational agent for intelligent web interaction on pandemic crisis communication. In: 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT 2006 Workshops Proceedings), December 2006, Hong Kong.

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Mohd Nasir, Mohamad Na'im and Jali, Mohd Hafiz and Rashid, Muhammad Alif Ridzuan and Sulaima, Mohamad Fani and Yahaya, M. S (2013) Development of Hybrid Photovoltaic-Wind System for LED Street Lighting. In: 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials (ICE-SEAM 2013), 30 - 31 October, 2013, Melaka, Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Sulaima, Mohamad Fani and Mohamad, Mohd Fadhlan and Jali, Mohd Hafiz and Wan Daud, Wan Mohd Bukhari and Baharom, Mohamad Faizal (2014) Comparative study of heuristic algorithm ABC and GA considering VPI for network reconfiguration. In: 2014 IEEE 8th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO2014), 24-25 March 2014, Langkawi, The Jewel of Kedah.

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Mohd Saat, Fatimah Al Zahrah and Zhibin, Yu and Jaworski, Artur (2011) CFD-assisted regenerator analysis: application to thermoacoustic system. In: The 23rd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, 21-26 August 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.

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Zhibin, Yu and Mohd Saat, Fatimah Al Zahrah and Jaworski, Artur (2011) EXPERIMENTAL TESTING OF THE FLOW RESISTANCE AND THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF POROUS MATERIALS FOR REGENERATORS. In: The 23rd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, 21-26 August 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.

Mohd Saat, Fatimah Al Zahrah and Yu, Zhibin and Jaworski, Artur (2012) CFD modelling of flow and heat transfer within the parallel plate heat exchanger in standing wave thermoacoustic system. In: 19th Internation Congress on Sound and Vibration, 8-12 July 2012, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Ahmad, Mohd Riduan and Mohd Esa, Mona Riza and Cooray, Vernon (2014) Occurrence of narrow bipolar event as part of cloud-to-ground flash in tropical thunderstorms. In: International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, 15-20 June 2014, Norman, Oklahoma, USA. (In Press)

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Lukar Herlino, Adeline and Jidin, Auzani and Che Wan Mohd Zalani, Che Wan Mohd Faizal and Sanusi, Syamim and Jopri, Mohd Hatta and Manap, Mustafa (2013) Comparative Study Of Current Control Strategy For DC Motors. In: Power Engineering And Optimization Conference (PEOCO), 2013 IEEE 7th International, 3 June 2013, Langkawi Island, Malaysia.

Nair, Ravin and Jidin , Auzani and Othman, Md Nazri and JOPRI, MOHD HATTA and Manap, Mustafa (2013) Comparison Performance of 3-Level and 5-Level Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter of DTC of Induction Machine. In: 2013 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), 26-29 October 2013, Busan, Korea.

Noor Azam, Ahmad Faiz and Jidin , Auzani and Ngatiman, Nor Azazi and JOPRI, MOHD HATTA and Manap, Mustafa and Lukar Herlino, Adeline and Alias, Nor Faezah (2013) Current Control of BLDC Drives for EV Application. In: Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO), 2013 IEEE 7th International, 3 june 2013, Langkawi Island, Malaysia.

Zuber Ahmadi, Muhd Zharif Rifqi and Jidin , Auzani and Mohamad Sapiee, Mohd Razali and Othman, Md Nazri and P.Nagarajan, Ravin Nair and JOPRI, MOHD HATTA (2013) Digital Implementation of Direct Torque Control of Induction Machines. In: Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO), 2013 IEEE 7th International, 3 june 2013, Langkawi Island, Malaysia.

Zuber Ahmadi, Muhd Zharif Rifqi and Jidin , Auzani and Othman, Md Nazri and JOPRI, MOHD HATTA and Manap, Mustafa (2013) Improved Performance of Direct Torque Control of Induction Machine utilizing 3-Level Cascade H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter. In: Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO), 2013 IEEE 7th International, 3 june 2013, Langkawi Island, Malaysia.

Alias, Nor Faezah and Jidin , Auzani and Said, Mohamed Azmi and Abdullah, Abdul Rahim and JOPRI, MOHD HATTA and Rahim, Nor Hidayah (2013) Improved Performance of Direct Torque Control of Induction Machine with 3-Level Neutral Point Clamped Multilevel Inverter. In: Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO), 2013 IEEE 7th International, 3 june 2013, Langkawi Island, Malaysia.

Lourdes Victor Raj, Logan Raj and Jidin , Auzani and Ibrahim, Zulkifli and Abdul Karim, Kasrul and Said, Mohamed Azmi and JOPRI, MOHD HATTA (2013) Optimal Torque Control Performance of DTC of 5-Phase Induction Machine. In: 2013 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS) - IEEE, 26-29 October 2013, Busan, Korea.

Raja Yunus , Raja Nor Azrin and Jidin , Auzani and Alias, Nor Faezah and Lukar Herlino, Adeline and Manap, Mustafa (2013) Performance Analysis of Direct Torque Control of Induction Machines. In: 2013 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS) - IEEE, 26-29 October 2013, Busan, Korea.

Noor Azam, Ahmad Faiz and Jidin , Auzani and Said, Mohamed Azmi and JOPRI, MOHD HATTA and Manap, Mustafa (2013) High Performance Torque Control of BLDC Motor. In: 2013 IEEE - International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), 26-29 October 2013, Busan, Korea.

Sanusi, Syamim and Ibrahim, Zulkifli and Jidin , Auzani and JOPRI, MOHD HATTA and Abdul Karim, Kasrul and Othman, Md Nazri (2013) Implementation of Space Vector Modulation for Voltage Source Inverter. In: 2013 IEEE-International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), 26-29 October 2013, Busan, Korea.

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Mohd Amin, Nur Huda and Kasdirin, Hyreil Anuar and Md Nawawi, Mohamad Riduwan and Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin (2011) Development of PI Controller for Disc Speed. In: IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications 2011, 25-28 September 2011, Langkawi.

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Loh, Ser Lee and Salleh, Shaharuddin and Sarmin, Nor Haniza (2009) Single-Row Transformation of Trees into Single-Row Networks. In: Simposium Kebangsaan Sains Matematik Ke-17 (SKSM), 15-17 December 2009, Mahkota Hotel, Melaka, Malaysia.

Ahmad, Mohd Riduan and Mohd Esa, Mona Riza and Cooray, Vernon (2014) Similarity between the initial breakdown pulses of negative ground flash and narrow bipolar pulses. In: ICLP, 13-17 October 2014, Shanghai, China. (In Press)

Ahmad, Mohd Riduan and Mohd Esa, Mona Riza and Johari, Dalina and Ismail, Mohd Muzafar and Cooray, Vernon (2014) Chaotic pulse train in cloud-to-ground and cloud flashes of tropical thunderstorms. In: ICLP, 13-17 October 2014, Shanghai, China.

Mohd Esa, Mona Riza and Ahmad, Mohd Riduan and Cooray, Vernon (2014) Occurrence of narrow bipolar pulses between negative return strokes in tropical thunderstorms. In: ICLP, 13-17 October 2014, Shanghai, China.

Mohd Esa, Mona Riza and Ahmad, Mohd Riduan and Cooray, Vernon (2014) Time-frequency profile of discharge processes prior the first return stroke. In: ICLP, 13-17 October 2014, Shanghai, China. (In Press)

Mat Nuri @ Md Din, Nur Rashid and Mansor, Dr Shuhaimi and Abd Rahman, Muhammad Riza (2010) The Effect of Flow Characteristic on Generic Shape of an Automotive Side Mirror. In: 3rd International Graduate Conference on Engineering, Science and Humanity , 2 - 4 November 2010, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin and Raman, Siti Hajar and Mat Hanafiah, Mohd Ariff and Wan Jusoh, Wan Nor Shela Ezwane (2014) A Human Machine Interface (HMI) Framework for Smart Grid System. In: 2014 IEEE INNOVATIVE SMART GRID TECHNOLOGIES - ASIA (ISGT ASIA) Conference, 20 - 23 May 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ab Ghani, Mohd Ruddin and Wan Jusoh, Wan Nor Shela Ezwane and Mat Hanafiah, Mohd Ariff and Raman, Siti Hajar (2014) Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) Hardware Design And Development For Distribution Automation System. In: 2014 IEEE INNOVATIVE SMART GRID TECHNOLOGIES - ASIA (ISGT ASIA) Conference, 20 - 23 May 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Sayed Kushairi, Sayed Nordin and Samat, Khairul Fadzli and Al Amin, Mohamed Sultan and Nurul Wirdah, Mafazi (2014) Adaptation of Abbreviated Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale for Engineering Students. In: International Conference on Mathematics, Engineering & Industrial Applications, 28th-30 May 2014, The Gurney Resort Hotel & Residences Penang, Malaysia. (In Press)

Sayed Kushairi, Sayed Nordin and Khairul Fadzli, Samad and Hamzah, Khairum (2014) Determinants of CO2 Emissions in ASEAN Countries Using Energy and Mining Indicators. In: International Conference on Mathematics, Engineering & Industrial Applications, 28th-30 May 2014, The Gurney Resort Hotel & Residences Penang, Malaysia. (In Press)

Che Ku Mohd, Che Ku Nuraini and Shahbodin, Faaizah (2013) Personalized Learning Environment (PLE): Need Analysis In Malaysian’s Secondary School. In: IEEE Conference on e-Learning, e-Management and e-Services , 2nd – 4th December 2013, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Saiful Bahari, Nurul Iman and Ahmad, Asmala and Mohd Aboobaider, Burhanuddin (2014) Application of support vector machine for classification of multispectral data. In: 7th IGRSM International Remote Sensing & GIS Conference and Exhibition, 21-22 April 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Zainoddin, Muhamad Hafiy Syazwan and Chong, Shin Horng and Yahya, Abu Bakar (2014) sEMG features extraction for back muscle impairment. In: 2014 IEEE EMBS INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CONFERENCE, June 5, 2014, Universiti Putra Malaysia.

Jasni, Syazwan and Chong, Shin Horng and Yahya, Abu Bakar (2014) Feature extraction of a sEMG in term of force. In: 1st IEEE EMBS International Student Conference in Malaysia , June 5, 2014 , Universiti Putra Malaysia .

Sayed Kushairi, Sayed Nordin and Al Amin, Mohamed Sultan and Mohd Said, Shahrom and Wan Daud, Wan Mohd Bukhari and Mohd Shahrizan, Othman (2014) Analisis Laporan Kerosakan di Kolej Kediaman. In: Seminar Pengurusan Asrama Peringkat Kebangsaan (SPARK) 2014, 11-13 June 2014, Kuching, Sarawak.

Abu Bakar, Norazhar and Siada, A. Abu and Islam, S. (2013) A Review on Chemical Diagnosis Techniques for Transformer Paper Insulation Degradation. In: Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference 2013, 29 Sept- 3 Oct 2013, Horbart, Australia.

Helan Nor, Nurul Ain and Mohd Nasir, Mohamad Na'im and Sulaima, Mohamad Fani and Jaafar, Hazriq Izzuan and Ramani, Anis Niza and Wan Abdul razak, Intan Azmira (2013) Photometric measurement for LED roadway lighting at Kuala Lumpur – Karak Expressway. In: Malaysian Technical Universities Conference on Engineering & Technology (MUCET), 3-4 DECEMBER 2013, KUANTAN, PAHANG.

Jali, Mohd Hafiz and Hafez, Sarkawi and Tarmizi, Ahmad Izzuddin (2013) OBSERVER-BASED-CONTROLLER FOR INVERTED PENDULUM MODEL. In: Seminar Hasil Penyelidikan Sektor Pengajian Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, Ke-3, 2-3 Julai 2013, EDC, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

M. H. , Jusoh and Fauzal Naim , Zohedi and Jali, Mohd Hafiz (2013) A SIMULATION STUDY OF STATE-FEEDBACK CONTROL METHOD FOR ELECTRO HYDRAULIC SERVO MODEL. In: Seminar Hasil Penyelidikan Sektor Pengajian Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, Ke-3, 2-3 Julai 2013, EDC, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Tarmizi, Ahmad Izzuddin and Jali, Mohd Hafiz and Hafez , Sarkawi (2013) A Review of Resonant Converter Control Techniques and The Performances. In: Seminar Hasil Penyelidikan Sektor Pengajian Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, Ke-3, 2-3 Julai 2013, EDC, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

M.A.H., M.Nazri and Jali, Mohd Hafiz and Hafez , Sarkawi (2013) Real-Time Optimal Control Technique of A Rotary Inverted Pendulum System. In: Seminar Hasil Penyelidikan Sektor Pengajian Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, Ke-3, 2-3 Julai 2013, EDC, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Safarwani, Jaafar and Jali, Mohd Hafiz and Fauzal Naim, Zohedi (2013) State-Feedback Controller Based on Pole Placement Technique for Inverted Pendulum System. In: Seminar Hasil Penyelidikan Sektor Pengajian Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, Ke-3, 2-3 Julai 2013, EDC, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Jali, Mohd Hafiz and Sarkawi, Hafez and Ahmad Izzuddin, Tarmizi and Bohari, Zul Hasrizal and Sulaima, Mohamad Fani (2014) Predicting EMG based elbow joint torque model using multiple input ANN neurons for arm rehabilitation. In: 2014 UKSim 14th International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, 26 - 28 March 2014, UK.

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Hamid , Erman and Bahaman, Nazrulazhar and Shibghatullah, Abdul Samad and Abdul Malek, Akhdiat (2008) A survey of IPv6 deployment. In: Information Technology Seminar, 16 Oct 2008, Kolej Yayasan Melaka.

Abd Ghani, M. K. and Shibghatullah, Abdul Samad and Selamat, Mohamad Hisyam (2006) A FLEXIBLE FRAMEWORK FOR A WEB TRANSACTIONAL APPLICATION. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (ICSTIE 2006): Applications in industry and Education (2006), 2006, Melaka.

Selamat, Mohamad Hisyam and Shibghatullah, Abdul Samad (2005) Bus Crew Schedule System from the Perspective of Multi-Agent System and Meta-Abilities. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on 444 lnformation Technology and Multimedia at UNITEN (lClMU’ 05), Malaysia ., 22 — 24 November 2005, Malaysia.

Bahaman, Nazrulazhar and Hamid , Erman and Shibghatullah, Abdul Samad and Mas'ud, M. Z. and Abd Malek, Akhdiat (2008) Next generation internet protocol — Test6-I deployment. In: Information Technology Seminar 2008, 16 Oct 2008, Kolej Yayasan Melaka.

Shibghatullah, Abdul Samad and Abdullah, Nazri (2007) Analysis and Design of Integrated Vehicle and Crew Scheduling System Using GAIA Methodology. In: Conference on Information Technology Research andApplications 2007 (CITRA 2007), 4 - 5 April 2007, Selangor, Malaysia.

Shibghatullah, Abdul Samad and Selamat, Mohamad Hisyam and Abdullah, Nazri (2005) Integrated Dynamic Vehicle and Crew Scheduling Using Multi-Agent System. In: Proceedings ofthe Intemational Conference on 444 Information Technology and Multimedia at UNITEN (lCIMU’ 05], Malaysia, 2005, UNITEN, Malaysia.

Shibghatullah, Abdul Samad and Selamat, Mohamad Hisyam (2006) Capturing the Requirements for A Bus Driver Scheduling System. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY(lCSTIE-2006): Applications in Industry and Education (2006), 2006, Malaysia.

Shibghatullah, Abdul Samad and Hamid , Erman and Bahaman, Nazrulazhar and Mas'ud, Mohd Zaki (2008) Introduction to IPv6: The need and the advantages of IPv6. In: Information Technology Seminar 2008, 16 Oct 2008, Kolej Yayasan Melaka.

Shibghatullah, Abdul Samad and Eldabi, Tillal and Kuljis, Jasna (2006) A proposed multiagent model for bus crew scheduling. In: Proceedings of the 2006 Winter Simulation Conference, 2006, USA.

Jabar, Juhaini and Soosay, Claudine (2011) Evaluating technology transfer and the performance of manufacturing SMEs. In: Proceedings of the 25th Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference: The Future of Work and Organisations, 7 Dec - 9 Dec, Wellington, New Zealand.

Jabar, Juhaini (2011) Strategic technology alliances, technology transfer and the performance of Malaysian manufacturers. In: Technical Universities International Conference on Engineering and Technology: Globalising Innovation for Sustainable Transformation , 13 Nov - 15 nov, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia.

Mas'ud, M. Z. and Hamid , Erman and Bahaman, Nazrulazhar and Shibghatullah, Abdul Samad (2008) IPv6 and IPv4 security issues. In: Information Technology Seminar, 16 Oct 2008, Kolej Yayasan Melaka.

Mohd Yusoh, Zeratul Izzah and Shibghatullah, Abdul Samad and Bundy, Alan and Potter, Stephen (2005) Evaluation process for GraPE (A web-based expert system for reviewing grant proposal). In: Proceedings of thc International Conference on 444 Information Technology and Multimedia at UNITEN (IClMU" 05), 22 — 24 November 2005, Malaysia.

Jabar, Juhaini and Soosay, Claudine (2011) An evaluation of learning and innovation through strategic technology alliances in Malaysian manufacturers. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Research Conference on Quality Innovation and Knowledge Innovation, 15 Feb - 18 Feb, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Othman, Zuraini and Shibghatullah, Abdul Samad and Kasmin, Fauziah and Syed Ahmad, Sharifah Sakinah (2008) THE SURVEY OF NUMERICAL METHODS APPLICATION IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION. In: International Conference on Science & Technology: Applications in Industry & Education, 2008, Malaysia.

Jabar, Juhaini and Soosay, Claudine (2010) Evaluating technology transfer and new product development in Malaysian manufacturers. In: Proceeding of the 24th Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference: Managing Unknowable Future, 8 Dec - 10 Dec, Adelaide, Australia.

Saibul @ Cyril, Patricia and Shibghatullah, Abdul Samad and Md Salleh, Norhaziah (2007) A review: Data mining brainwave. In: In Proc Seminar on Data Mining & Optimization (DMO 08), 3-4 December 2008, UKM, Bangi, Malaysia..

Juhaini, Jabar and Soosay, Claudine (2010) Evaluating innovation adoption attribute in technology transfer. In: Proceedings of the 8th ANZAM Operations, Supply Chain and Services Management Symposium - Managing in Challenging Time, 6 June - 8 June , Sydney, Australia.

Jabar, Juhaini and Soosay, Claudine (2010) An assessment of technology transfer in Malaysian manufacturers and the impact on performance and innovativeness. In: Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, 2 June - 5 June, Singapore.

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Mohd Azlishah, Othman and I., Harrison (2012) 220GHz detection using 035 uM AMS mosfet as sub-THz detector Drain bias detraction. In: Third International Conference on Intelligent Systems Modelling and Simulation, 8-10 February, 2012, Le Meridien Hotel Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. (Submitted)

Mohd Razali, Mohamad (2005) A comparative study of continuous wave and pulsed wave Coz lazer cutting of a polymer matrix composite material. In: Conference On Advanced Materials, (ATCi2005), 6 - 8 December, 2005, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (Submitted)

M.A, Amran and A.R. , Samsudin and R.H., Hambali (2007) A comparison study of flow analysis in 2-plate mould and 3-plate mould using computer software analysis. In: International Conference On Engineering And ICT (ICE 2007), 27-28 December 2007, Equatorial Melaka Hotel, Malaysia. (Submitted)

Yudi Hidayat, Erwin and Fajrian, Nur Adnan and Draman @ Muda, Azah Kamilah and Choo, Yun Huoy and Ahmad, Sabrina (2011) A comparative study of feature extraction using PCA and LDA for face recognition. In: 7th International Conference on Information Assurance and Security (IAS 2011), 5-8 December 2011, Melaka. (Submitted)

Sabrina, Ahmad and Noor Azilah, Draman @ Muda and Azah Kamilah, Draman @ Muda and Zahriah, Othman (2011) An approach to estimate the saving from negotiation based on cost- benefit anaylsis model. In: The 5th Malaysian Software Engineering Conference (MYSEC 2011), 13-14 December 2011, The Puteri Pacific, Johor. (Submitted)

Siti Normi , Zabri @ Suhaimi and Aziata Husna, Awing and Lizawati , Salahuddin and Muzalifah, Mohd Said (2011) Application development with J2ME for mobile phone. In: Th 13th International Conference On Advanced Communication Technology, 13-16 February 2011, Phoenix Park, Korea. (Submitted)

Mohd Fairuz Iskandar, Othman and Nazrulazhar, Bahaman and Zulkiflee, Muslim and Haniza, Nahar and Mohd Najwan, Md Khambari (2008) Assessing wireless security implementation in government and private sector companies in Malacca-a case study. In: 2008 Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD 2008) , 26-27 Nov. 2008, UTM, Johor. (Submitted)

Habibullah, Akbar and Anton Satria, Prabuwono (2008) Automated visual inspection (AVI) research for quality control in metal stamping manufacturing. In: 4th International Conference on Information Technology and Multimedia (ICIMU' 2008), 17 - 19 November 2008, UNITEN, Malaysia. (Submitted)

Amzatul Akmam, Mokhtar and Md. Radzai, Said (2006) Axial crushing of fiber filled thin tubes. In: Seminar Pencapaian Penyelidikan KUTKM (REACH 2006), 18 - 20 Disember 2006, Holiday Inn Resort, Batu Feringgi, Pulau Pinang. (Submitted)

Toibah, Abd Rahim and Fatimah, Misran and Siti Sainillah, Sulaiman and Mohammad Ikmal, Mohamed and Mazlin, Mahamod and Azizah, Shaaban (2012) Calcium phosphate ceramics prepared from natural waste materials. In: -, -, -. (Submitted)

Masjuri , Musa and Juhari, Ab. Razak and Md Razali , Ayob and Mohd Afzanizam, Mohd Rosli and Safarudin Gazali , Herawan and Kamaruzzaman, Sopian (2011) CFD anallysis on cost effective pico hydro turbine: A case study for low head and low flow rate condition. In: International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials (ICE SEAM 2011), 3-4 October , 2011., Solo, Indonesia.. (Submitted)

Mohd Noh, Mohd Syahrin Amri and Liew, David and Harun, Fuaida (2010) Chipping free process for combination of narrow saw street (60UM) and thick wafer (600UM) sawing process. In: 34th IEEE/CPMT International Electronic Manufacturing Technology Symposium (IEMT), Nov. 30 2010-Dec. 2 2010 , Melaka. (Submitted)

Zulkifli, Tahir and Nur Azman, Abu and Shahrin , Sahib and Nanna Suryana, Herman (2010) CNC PCB drilling machine using novel natural approach to euclidean TSP. In: 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT), 2010 , 9-11 July 2010 , Chengdu, China. (Submitted)

Sivarao, Subramonian and Taufik, , (2007) Coating characterization of TiN & TiAIN on burr formation in drilling pragmatic investigation. In: International Conference on Engineering and JCT (ICE! 2007),, 27 -28 Nov 2007, Hotel Equatorial Melaka.. (Submitted)

Mohd Razali, Muhamad and Norizah , Mohamad and H., Hussain and A.R., Songi and S.N., Othman (2004) Collaborative product development implementation between Malaysian auto suppliers and their customer. In: Proceedings of the 2'' llEC- 2004, 19-20 December, 2004, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (Submitted)

Siti Nor Habibah, Hassan and Mahanum , Mohd Zamberi and Siti Nurhaida, Khalil and Nortazi , Sanusi and Faizil , Wasbari and Anita Akmar, Kamarolzaman (2011) Company preception on the employability skills of industrial traning students. In: International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (ICTLHE 2011), 21-23 November 2011,, Hotel Equatorial, Melaka. (Submitted)

Siti Noormiza , Mat Isa and Zulkifilie, Ibrahim and Jurifa , Mat Lazi (2011) Comparative analysis of simplified and standard fuzzy logic controller in vector controller PMSM. In: IEEE Symposium On Industrial Electronics and Applications, 25-28 September 2011, Langkawi, Kedah. (Submitted)

Sivarao, Subramonian and Taufik, . (2007) Comparative quality investigation of rolled and flat carbon steel plates in drilling. In: International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI 2007), 27 -28 Nov 2007, Hotel Equatorial Melaka.. (Submitted)

A.S.A. , Hasim and Zulkifilie, Ibrahim and Hairul Nizam, Talib (2012) Comparative study of different PWM control scheme for three-phase three-wire shunt active power filter. In: IEEE International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEDCO), 6-7 June 2012, Melaka, Malaysia. (Submitted)

Siti Noormiza , Mat Isa and Zulkiflie, Ibrahim and Fazlli, Patkar (2009) Comparative study of fuzzy logic speed controller in vector controlled PMSM drive: minimum number of fuzzy rule-base. In: Conference on Innovative Technologies in Intelligent Systems and Industrial Applications (CITISIA 2009), 25-26 July 2009, Monash University, Sunway Campus, Malaysia. (Submitted)

Kalthom, Husain and Aida Nasirah, Abdullah and Norasiken, Bakar and Faaizah, Shahbodin and Norshaidatul Hasana, Ishak and Hazmilah, Hasan (2011) Comparing student's perceptions of blended learning and traditional classroom deliveries in an english professional communication course in a technical university. In: 1st National Conference on Active Learning (NCAL 2011), 10-11 December 2011, UTeM, Melaka, Malaysia. (Submitted)

Aida Fazliana , Abdul Kadir and Jurifa , Mat Lazi and Ain Ain, Nur Hanafi and Mohd Hafiz , Zainuddin (2007) Computer aided education on special transformer as interactive approach in power engineering education. In: International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI 2007) , 27-28 November 2007, Melaka, Malaysia. (Submitted)

H. A., Kasdirin and J. A., Rossiter (2009) Computing the autopilot control algorithm using predictive functional control for unstable model. In: 2009 International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition, 4-7 December 2009, Melaka, Malaysia. (Submitted)

Nanna Suryana, Herman (2007) Conceptual development of resources discovery in the proposed hybrid P2P video streaming. In: lnternational Conference On Engineering And lCT (ICEl 2007), Nov.-Dec. 2007, Melaka, Malaysia. (Submitted)

N.H., Ali and Zahriladha, Zakaria and R. , Phudpong (2012) Design of frequency selective limiting circuit. In: 3nd International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICE12012), 4 - 6 April 2012, Melaka Malaysia. (Submitted)

Zahriladha, Zakaria and A., Sabah (2012) Design of low loss tem coaxial cavity bandpass filter. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI2012) , 4 – 6 April 2012, Melaka, Malaysia . (Submitted)

Tan, Chee Fai and Eng, Ling Jong and Wei, Pin Keng and Shaaban, Azizah and Kher, Vee Kiat (2012) Design of urea granulator with energy optimization. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI2012) , 4 – 6 April 2012, Melaka, Malaysia . (Submitted)

Norhashimah , Mohd Saad and Aabdul Rahim, Abdullah (2006) Detection of heart blocks in ECG signal by spectral estimation techniques. In: Prosiding Seminar Pencapaian Penyelidikan KUTKM (REACH 2006), 18-20 Disember 2006,, Holiday Inn Resort, Batu Feringgi, Pulau Pinang. (Submitted)

Adnan, Tawafan and Marizan, Sulaiman and Zulkifilie, Ibrahim (2012) Detection of high impedance faul on power distribution system using probabilistic neural network. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI2012) , 4 – 6 April 2012, Melaka, Malaysia . (Submitted)

Aminurrashid , Noordin and Mohd Azli , Salim and Mohd Razali , Mohamad Sapiee and Sulaiman , Sabikan and Mohd Hanif , Che Hasan and Zamani, Md Sani and M.H., Othman (2012) Development of a quadruped crawling robot prototype. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI2012) , 4 – 6 April 2012, Melaka, Malaysia . (Submitted)

Mohd Fairuz , Abdollah and Syed Najib , Syed Salim and Irma Wani , Jamaludin and Muhammad Nizam , Kamarudin (2011) Development of an automatics parallel parking system for nonholonomic mobile robot. In: International Conference on Electrical, Control and Computer Engineering 2011 (lnECCE 2011), 21-22 June 2011, Hyatt Regency, Kuantan, Pahang. (Submitted)

Izadora, Mustaffa and Low , Yin Fen and Norhashimah , Mohd Saad (2006) Development of an eeg amplifier for real-time acquisition. In: Prosiding Seminar Pencapaian Penyelidikan KUTKM (REACH 2006), 18 - 20 Disember 2006, Holiday Inn Resort, Batu Feringgi, Pulau Pinang. (Submitted)

Zarina , Mohd Noh and Sani Irwan, Md Salim and Norhidayah, Mohamad Yatim and Nur Alisa , Ali and Muzalifah , Mohd Said (2012) Development of arm-based application system. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI2012) , 4 – 6 April 2012, Melaka, Malaysia . (Submitted)

Hairul Nizam, Talib and Zulkifilie, Ibrahim and N. A. , Rahim and N. M., Yaakob (2012) Development of combined vector and torque control methods for independent two induction motor drives. In: IEEE International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEDCO), 6-7 June 2012, Melaka, Malaysia. (Submitted)

M.M. , Ahmed and W.L., Soo (2007) Development of communication protocolbased on low voltage distribution automation system. In: International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI 2007), 27-28 November 2007, Hotel Equatorial Melaka. (Submitted)

Hambali , Arep and Tajul Ariffin, Abdullah and Nurul Hidayah , Arshad (2012) Development of conceptual design of car housing side mirror using intergrated approach. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI2012) , 4 – 6 April 2012, Melaka, Malaysia . (Submitted)

Tan, Chee Fai and Mohd Hazani, Shafie and Sivakumar, Dhar Malingam (2005) Development of feature recognition system for CAD/CAM integration. In: 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics, (ICOM'05), 10-12 May 2005, Kuala Lumpur. (Submitted)

M.M. , Ahmed and W.L., Soo (2007) Development of human machine interface (HMI) with customized scada system for low voltage disrtribution automation system. In: International Conference On Enginneering and ICT, 27-28 November 2007, Hotel Equarial Melaka. (Submitted)

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Masjuri , Musa and Juhari, Ab. Razak and Md. Razali , Ayob and Mohd Afzanizam, Mohd Rosli and Safaruddin Gazali , Herawan and Kamaruzzaman, Sopian (2011) Development of model system for cost-effective pico hydro turbine. In: 3rd International Symposium & Exhibition In Sustainable Energy & Environment (ISESEE) 2011, 1-3 June 2011, Avillion Legacy Hotel, Melaka. (Submitted)

Nur Aidawaty, Rafan (2007) Development of motion control user interface for XY table. In: International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI 2007), 27 -28 Nov 2007, Hotel Equatorial Melaka. (Submitted)

Mohamad Riduwan, Md Nawawi and Chong, Shin Horng and Hashim, Mohd Ruzaini and Hanafi, Ainain Nur (2011) Development of output feedback sliding mode control for nonlinear system with disturbance. In: IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE 2011), 25-27 November 2011, Holiday Inn, Batu Ferringhi, Penang.

Nur Huda , Mohd Amin and Hyreil Anuar, Kasdirin and Mohamad Riduwan , Md Nawawi and Mohd Ruddin, Ab Ghani (2011) Development of PI controller for disc speed. In: IEEE Symposium On Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA2011), 25-28 September 2011, Langkawi, Kedah. (Submitted)

Muhammad Mokhzaini, Azizan (2007) Effect of THD towards temperature properties of power conductor under harmonic influence. In: International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI 2007), 27 -28 Nov 2007, Hotel Equatorial Melaka. (Submitted)

Mohamad, Najmiah Radiah and Chau, Man Siang and Ahmad Sadhiqin, Mohd Isira and Adie, Mohd Khafe and Salleh, Azahari and Nur Fatihah, Azmi (2012) Electromagnetic Levitator. In: l'nternational Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering (ICCCE 2012), 3-5 July 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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Muhamad Herman, Jamaluddin and Mohamad Azmi, Said and Marizan , Sulaiman (2008) EMD Electricty monitoring device for user awareness. In: (2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation, 24-28 January 2011, Kuala Lumpur & Phnom Penh, Cambodia. (Submitted)

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Shahrulanuar , Mohamed and AB. Aziz , Mohd Zin and Fakrul Adabi , Abdul Kadir (2011) Pembangunan etika dan moral dalam kursus kursus yang ditawarkan di Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka. In: Seminar Islam Nusantara : Pemikiran dan Cabaran Masa Kini, 25-27 Oktober 2011, Langkawi, Kedah. (Submitted)

Norazlina , Ahmad and Marizan, Sulaiman and Muhamad Khairi, Aripin (2011) Quality inspection of engraved image using based matching approach. In: 2011 4th International Conference on Mechatronics (ICOM), 17-19 May 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Submitted)

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Fauziyah, Salehuddin and Azlina , Othman (2009) Signature verification system using support vector machine. In: 6th International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Applications, 2009. ISMA '09., 23-26 March 2009, Sharjah. (Submitted)

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Auzani , Jidin and Jurifa , Mat Lazi and Fazli, Patkar and Aida Fazliana , Abdul Kadir and Mohd Ariff , Mat Hanafiah and Abdul Rahim , Abdullah (2006) Speed drive based on torque slip characteristic of the single phase induction motor. In: International Conference on Power Electronics and Drives Systems, 2005. PEDS 2005. , 18 - 20 Disember 2006, Kuala Lumpur. (Submitted)

N.M., Yaakop and Zulkifilie, Ibrahim and Md Hairul Nizam , Talib (2012) Speed performance of space vector pulse width modulation direct torque for five leg inverter served dual three-phase induction motor. In: 2012 Ieee International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEDCO) Melaka, Malaysia, 6-7 June 2012, Melaka. (Submitted)

M.A. Nur, Huda and Hyreil Anuar, Kasdirin and Mohd Ruddin, Ab Ghani (2012) Stability study of PD and PI controllers in multiple difference disturbances. In: -, 2012, -. (Submitted)

Nanna Suryana, Herman (2007) The application of neural network data mining algorithm into mixed pixel classification in geographic information system environment. In: Paper Presented at the International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI 2007) , 27 -28 Nov 2007, Hotel Equatorial Melaka.. (Submitted)

Nanna Suryana, Herman and Norayu, Abdul Ghani (2006) The development and the use of clearing house server infrastructure for gis interoperabilty. In: Presented at the Prosiding Seminar Pencapaian Penyelidikan KUTKM (REACH 2006), 18 - 20 Disember 2006, Holiday Inn Resort, Batu Feringgi, Pulau Pinang. (Submitted)

Norasiken, Bakar and Halimah, Badioze Zaman (2006) The Development of virtual LAB for chemistry (acid,base and salt) based on constructivism-cognitiveness-contextual approach. In: Paper Presented at the Seminar on Science & Its Application in Industry, 2006, -. (Submitted)

Mohd Nurul Al-Hafiz , Sha' abani and Muhammad Fahmi , Miskon (2011) The effect of anomaly detection accurancy in varying the angular resolution of sonar using repetitive observation strategy. In: 2011 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA), 25-28 Sept. 2011, Langkawi, Kedah. (Submitted)

Tan, Chee Fai and Md Radzai , Said and Shamsul Anuar, Shamsudin (2006) The effect of inner diaphragms and continuous sill selection of automotive B-pillar. In: Seminar Pencapaian Penyelidikan KUTKM (REACH 2006), 18 - 20 Disember 2006, Holiday Inn Resort, Batu Feringgi, Pulau Pinang. (Submitted)

Mohd Razali, Muhamad and Mohammad Hamdan, Mohd Sanusi (2011) The effect woven fabric styles and honeycomb core properties composite parts: a review. In: Advanced Processes & System in Manufacturing (APSIM2011), 14-15 December 2011, , Kuala Lumpur. (Submitted)

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Mohammad Ali Arsyad, Mohd Shuhaimi and Irda , Roslan and Zaheera, Zainal Abidin and Mohd Zaki, Mas'ud and Syarulnaziah, Anawar (2011) The new services in nagios network bandwidth utility email notification and sms alert in improving the network performance. In: 7th International Conference on Information Assurance and Security (IAS), 2011 , 5 - 8 December 2011, Melaka. (Submitted)

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Mohd Annuar, Khalil Azha and Ismail, Fatimah Sham and Harun, Mohamad Haniff and Mohd Ab Halim, Mohd Firdaus (2015) Inline pin fin heat sink model and thermal performance analysis for central processing unit. In: Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Research Day 2015, 3 Mac 2015, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka.

Harun, Mohamad Haniff and Mohd Annuar, Khalil Azha and Noordin, Aminurrashid and Che Hasan, Mohd Hanif and Mohd Ab Halim, Mohd Firdaus and Saealal, Muhammad Salihin and Ibrahim, Muhammad Fareq (2015) Application Of Defect Detection In Gluing Line Using Shape-Based Matching Approach. In: Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Research Day 2015, 3 Mac 2015, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka.

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Sivakumar, Dhar Malingam and Selamat, Mohd Zulkefli and Ahadlin, Mohd Daud and Tan, CheeFai (2016) Failure analysis of two serial holes bolted joint hybrid composite. In: MERD 2016, none, UTeM.

Sivakumar, Dhar Malingam and Selamat, Mohd Zulkefli and Ahadlin, Mohd Daud and Tan, CheeFai (2016) Failure analysis on hybrid fiber reinforced plastics for bolted joint under geometric parameters effect. In: MERD 15, none, UTeM.

Sivakumar, Dhar Malingam and Muhd Ridzuan , Mansor (2016) Thermoplastic matrix selection based on entropy method for importance weight of criteria. In: MERD 15, none, UTeM.

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Zakaria, Nazri Huzaimi and Mohamad Zin, Mohd Rody and Abdul Munir, Fudhail (2012) 2D Turbulance Simulation On Forward-Backward Facing Step. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI2012), 4-6 April 2012, Mahkota Hotel, Melaka . (Submitted)

M.SUBRAMANIAM , INDRA DEVI and MOHD RAUS , TEH ZANARIAH (2011) A Course On English For Professional Communication For Engineering Undergraduates In A Technical University In Malaysia: A Needs Survey. In: Enhancing Learning: Teaching & Learning International Conference 2011, 24-26 November 2011, ParkCity Everly Hotel Miri. (Submitted)

Patkar, Fazlli and Abdullah, Abdul Rahim and Jidin, Auzani and Baharudin, Zikri Abadi (2006) A Fuzzy- Pi - Based torque controller for DTC of induction motor drives. In: Seminar Pencapaian Penyelidikan KUTKM (REACH 2006), 18- 20 Disember 2006, Holiday Inn Resort, Batu Feringgi, Pulau Pinang. (Submitted)

Hamzah, Rostam Affendi and Salleh, Azahari and A Aziz, Khairul Azha and Mohammed Napiah, Zul Atfyi Fauzan (2011) A Pixel Matching Process And Multiples Roi For Stereo Images In Stereo Vision Application. In: IEEE 3rd International Conference on Communication Software and Networks, ICCSN 2011, 1-3 April 2011, Bali, Indonesia. (Submitted)

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Subramaniam, Siva Kumar and Esro, Mazran and Sarban Singh, Ranjit Singh and Gannapathy, Vigneswara Rao (2012) Single phase power outage alert system via SMS. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI2012) , 4-6 April 2012, Mahkota Hotel, Melaka.

Mohd Ibrahim, Imran (2007) Microwave Absorbers Development For Anechoic. In: International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI 2007) Engineering & ICT, Meeting the Challenges of Advanced Manufacturing Proceedings, 27-28 November 2007, Hotel Equatorial, Melaka.

Mohd Aras, Mohd Shahrieel and Abdul Azis, Fadilah and Ali, Fara Ashikin and Syed Abdul Hamid , Syed Mohamad Shazali and Md Basar, Mohd Farriz (2011) Performances Evaluation And Comparison Of Two Algorithms For Fuzzy Logic Rice Cooking System (MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Toolbox And Fuzzy Tech). In: 2011 IEEE Conference On Open Systems (ICOS2011), , 25-28 September 2011, Langkawi, Kedah.

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Abdullah, Muhammad Haziq Lim and Mustafa, Nuridawati and Mohammed, Norazlin and Zainon, Nur Filzah (2008) Context-Based Information Retrieval of Athletic Sport Management System (ASMS). In: Proceedings of The 1st Makassar International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 13 - 14 November 2008, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia.

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Asmai, Siti Azirah and Hasan Basari, Abd Samad and Abdul Rahman, Ahmad Fadzli Nizam and Abal Abas, Zuraida (2006) Design & Development of Palm Oil Mill Maintenance Management System. In: Seminar Pencapaian Penyelidikan KUTKM 2006, 2006, KUTKM, Melaka.

Md Khambari, Mohd Najwan and Muhamad Noh, Zul Azri and Mat Ariff, Nor Azman and Mas'ud, Mohd Zaki (2011) Performance Enhancements In IEEE 802.11 DCF Manet Through Variation Of SIFS Values In Distance Vector Routing Environment. In: 2011 7th International Conference on Information Technology in Asia: Emerging Convergences and Singularity of Forms, CITA'11, , 12-14 July 2011, Kuching, Sarawak,. (Submitted)

Tee, Boon Tuan and Gan, Chin Kim (2005) Optimization Of Vehicle Suspension System In Road Roughness. In: The Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics, ICOM'05 , 10-12 May 2005, Kuala Lumpur. (Submitted)

Mohd Najib , Ali Mokhtar and Nik Anwar, Nik Syahrim and Muhammad, Mohd Nazrin and Akiah, Masni-Azian and Yahaya, Saifudin Hafiz (2012) Motion Synthesis Of Planar Four Linkage Movement For Part Flipping Application. In: the 3rd International Conference on Engineering & ICT (ICEI 2012) , 4-6 April 2012, Mahkota Hotel, Melaka. (Submitted)

Pratiwi, Lustiana and Choo, Yun Huoy and Draman @ Muda, Azah Kamilah and Draman @ Muda, Noor Azilah (2011) Improving Ant Swarm Optimization With Embedded Vaccination For Optimum Reducts Generation. In: 11th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems 2011 (HIS 2011) , 5-8 December 2011, Melaka.

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Abdullah, Zulkeflee (2006) Designing an Auto Retractable, Manual Retractable & Permanent Car Cover to Provide Shelter from Heat & Rain during Moving & Stationary (Parking). In: Seminar Pencapaian Penyelidikan KUTKM 2006, 2006, KUTKM, Melaka.

Mohd Tahir, Musthafah and Abdul Kudus, Syahibudil Ikhwan and Mansor, Muhd Ridzuan and Hassan, Muhammad Zahir and Shaharuzaman, Mohd Adrinata (2011) Implementation Of Cooperative Learning In Engineering Education : A Case Study On The Utem Perodua Eco - Challenge Project. In: the 1st National Conference on Active Learning (NCAL 2011) , 10-11 December 2011, Kampus Bandar UTeM. (Submitted)

Hussin, Burairah (2007) Lifetime Distribution With a Limited Failure in Condition Based Maintenance: A Case Study. In: International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI 2007), 27-28 November 2007, Hotel Equatorial Melaka.

Muhammad, M. and Salleh, Mohd Shukor and Zakaria, M. S. and Gannapathy, Vigneswara Rao and Mohd Nor, Husain and Mohd Ibrahim, Imran and Muhammad Syahrir, Johal and Ahmad, Mohd Riduan and Abdul Aziz, Mohamad Zoinol Abidin (2008) Physical Performance and Cross Layer Design for Wireless Mesh Networks. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Technology and Multimedia at UNITEN (ICIMU' 2008) , 17-19 November 2008, UNITEN.

Mat Lazi, Jurifa and Ibrahim, Zulkifilie and Sulaiman , Marizan and Jamaludin, Irma Wani and Yusuf Lada, Musa (2011) Performance Comparison Of Svpwm And Hysteresis Current Control For Dual Motor Drives. In: IEEE Applied Power Electronics Colloquium (IAPEC 2011), 19-21 April 2011, Impiana KLCC Hotel and Spa, Kuala Lumpur. (Submitted)

Bayasut, Bilal Luqman and Pramudya Ananta, Gede and Muda, A. K. (2011) Intelligent biometric detection system for disabled people. In: 11th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 5-8 December 2011, Melaka. (Submitted)

Abu, Nur Azman and Suryana,, Nanna and Sahib, Shahrin (2010) An Enhancement Of The Spectral Statistical Test For Randomness. In: International Conference on Networking and Information Technology 2010, -, -. (Submitted)

Mun Wai, Chee and Putra, Azma and Rivai, Ahmad (2012) Analysis Of Vibration Level Of A Perforated Panel Using Finite Element Method. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering & ICT (ICEI2012) , 4-6 April 2012, Mahkota Hotel, Melaka. (Submitted)

Asmai, Siti Azirah and Abdullah, Rosmiza Wahida and Che Soh, Mohd Norhisham and Hasan Basari, Abd Samad and Hussin, Burairah (2011) Application Of Multi- Step Time Series Prediction For Industrial Equipment Prognostic. In: IEEE Conference On Open System (ICOS2011), 25-28 September 2011, Langkawi, Kedah.

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Sadikin, Hamzah (2007) Simplification Of Neill Mapping Function (NMF) For GPS Tropospheric Delay. In: International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI 2007) , 2007, UTeM, Melaka.

Herawan, Safarudin Gazali and Rohhaizan, Abdul Hakim and Ismail, Ahmad Faris (2012) Waste Heat Recovery From The Exhaust Of Natural Aspirated Engine. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering & ICT (ICEI 2012) , 4-6 April 2012, Mahkota Hotel, Melaka. (Submitted)

Mas'ud, Mohd Zaki and M. A, Faizal and Y., Asrul Hadi and N.M., Ahmad and Hamid , Erman (2011) Virtual Machine Based Autonomous Web Server. In: First IRAST International Conference on Data Engineering and Internet Technology (DEIT) , -, -. (Submitted)

Sulaiman , Marizan (2004) Understanding The Tertiary Vocational Education Concept : Implications For Technical And Vocational Education In Malaysia. In: National Technical & Vocation Education Conference 2004, 13-14 Januari 2004, Crown Princess Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. (Submitted)

Noor Azlin, Bidin and Mustaffa, Normah (2011) Blogosphere : How Youth Perceived Blogs Credibility. In: International Conference on Media and Communication (MENTION 2011) , 11-12 October 2011, Equatorial Hotel, Bangi. (Submitted)

M.Z, Hilwa and Woon Loong, Fu and Ismail, Nurhidayah (2012) Design And Development Of Microcontroller Based Localised Air Heater. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI2012) , 4-6 April 2012, Mahkota Hotel, Melaka. (Submitted)

Jamaludin, Mohd Zaini and Abdul Kudus, Syahibudil Ikhwan and Mohd Rosli, Mohd Afzanizam and Salim, Mohd Azli (2012) Design And Manufacturing Of Formula Varsity Race Car Pedal System. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering & ICT (ICEI 2012) , 4-6 April 2012, Mahkota Hotel, Melaka. (Submitted)

Suhaimi, Khalis and Mansor, Muhd Ridzuan and Mohd Rosli, Mohd Afzanizam and Abdul Kudus, Syahibudil Ikhwan and Salim, Mohd Azli and Shaharuzaman, Mohd Adrinata (2012) Design Of Formula Varsity Race Car Suspension Upright. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering & ICT (ICEI2012) , 4-6 April 2012, Mahkota Hotel, Melaka. (Submitted)

Zakaria, Zahriladha and Ahmad, Badrul Hisham (2011) Design Of Siw Bandpass Filter With 6 Db Offset. In: 2011 IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference (RFM 2011), 12-14 December 2011, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. (Submitted)

Ashari, Muhamad Hafizullah and Mansor, Muhd Ridzuan and Mohd Rosli, Mohd Afzanizam and Akop, Mohd Zaid and Salim, Mohd Azli and Shaharuzaman, Mohd Adrinata (2012) Design Of Space Frame Chassis For UTeM Formula Varsity Race Car. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering & ICT (ICEI2012) , 4-6 April 2012, Mahkota Hotel, Melaka. (Submitted)

W. Mohd Puzi, W. Nurnadiah and Shahbodin, Faaizah and Hussin, Burairah (2009) Designing Problem Based Learning (Pbl) Problem Scenario For Statistic Using Linear And Non - Linear Multimedia Presentation. In: 2009 International Conference on Information and Multimedia Technology, -, -. (Submitted)

Aparow, Vimal Rau and Ahmad, Fauzi and Hassan, Muhammad Zahir and Hudha, Khisbullah (2012) Development Of Antilock Braking System Based On Various Intelligent Control System. In: 2012 International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology (ICMET 2012) , 24-26 Julai 2012, Kuala Lumpur . (Submitted)

Sulaiman, Hamzah Asyrani and Bade, Abdullah and Abdullah, Mohd Harun (2012) Development of real-time environment with hierarchical construction. In: 6th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, ICUIMC'12 , 20-22 February 2012, Kuala Lumpur. (Submitted)

Bahar, Mohd Bazli and Md Sani, Zamani (2011) Development of rubber tire gantry crane (prototype) obstacles avoidance method using a single sensor on microcontroller based. In: IEEE Symposium On Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA2011) , 25-28 September 2011, Langkawi, Kedah. (Submitted)

Shair, Ezreen Farina and Abu Bakar, Norazhar and Mohd Nor, Arfah Syahida and Mohd Azam, Sazuan Nazrah and Mohd Sobran, Nur Maisarah and Zainal Abidin, Amar Faiz (2012) Direct Adaptive Predictive Control For Wastewater Treatment Plant. In: National Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (NCEEE 2012) , 8-9 Mei 2012, The Katerina Hotel, batu Pahat, Johor. (Submitted)

SAID, MD RADZAI (2012) Dynamic Axial Crushing Of Empty Hexagonal Tube. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering & ICT (ICEI2012) , 4-6 April 2012, Mahkota Hotel, Melaka. (Submitted)

Mokhtar, Nur Hazwani and Md Jahan, Al-Muttaqin and Osman, Kahar and Abdul Kadir, Mohammed Rafiq and Wan Abdullah, Wan Ahmad Kamil and Haron, Juhara (2012) Effect Of Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery To The Flow Behavior In Nasal During Resting Breathing Condition. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI2012) , 4-6 April 2012, Mahkota Hotel, Melaka. (Submitted)

Mohd Daud, Mohd Ahadlin and Din, Abdul Talib and Selamat, Mohd Zulkefli (2012) Effect Of Heat Treatment On Microstructure And Mechanical Properties Of Az61 Magnesium Alloys. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering & ICT (ICEI 2012) , 4-6 April 2012, Mahkota Hotel, Melaka.

Hasan Basari, Abd Samad and Hussin, Burairah and Shibghatullah, Abdul Samad and Wen Jiun, Yau (2011) Embedding mobile agent technology into real time vibration sensor for condition-based maintenance. In: 2011 International Conference on Computer and Network Engineering (ICCNE 2011) , 17-19 June 2011, Zhengzhau, China. (Submitted)

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Bani Hashim, Ahmad Yusairi (2008) Experimenting with the problem-based learning. In: DECON 2008 - National Conference of Design and Concurrent Engineering Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka , 28-29 Oktober 2008, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka. (Submitted)

Jenal, Ruztamreen and Abdullah, Mohd Azman and J. Staszewski, Wieslaw (2012) Fatigue Crack Detection Using Nonlinear Acoustic-Analysis Of Vibro-Acoustic Modulation. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering & ICT (ICEI2012) , 4-6 April 2012, Mahkota Hotel, Melaka. (Submitted)

Dharmalingam, Sugumar and KalyanaSundaram, Shankar (2012) Forming analysis of self-reinforced polypropylene based composite-aluminium hybrid structures. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering & ICT (ICEI 2012) , 4-6 April 2012, Mahkota Hotel, Melaka.

Abu Bakar, Kamarudin and Rajiani, Ismi and Ayob, Md Razali and Nasri, Noor Shawal (2011) Fostering Green Strategy Through "A-F-F-I-R-M" Model For Sustainable Development Within The Environmental - Socio - Economic System In Malaysia. In: International Conference on Management (ICM 2011) Proceeding , 13-14 June 2011, Hydro Hotel, Pulau Pinang. (Submitted)

Abdul Mutalip, Zaiton (2010) Frequency Chirp Characteristics On Wdm External Modulation. In: 2010 International Conference on Networking and Information Technology, -, -. (Submitted)

Jaya, A. S. M and Mohd Hashim, Siti Zaiton and Abd Rahman, Md Nizam (2010) Fuzzy Logic-Based For Predicting Roughness Performance Of Tiain Coating. In: International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications 2010, -, -. (Submitted)

Mohammad Nasir, Mohd Zakaria and Dwijotomo, Abdurahman and Abdullah, Mohd Azman and Hudha, Khisbullah (2012) Hardware-in-the-loop simulation for automatic rack and pinion steering system. In: International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology (ICMET 2012), 24-26 Julai 2012, Kuala Lumpur.

Kumaresan, Magaswaran and Phuman Singh, A.S. and Hassan, Muhammad Zahir (2012) High Speed Experimental Study Of Friction Induced Vibration In Disc Brakes. In: International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology (ICMET 2012) , 24-26 Julai 2012, Kuala Lumpur. (Submitted)

Sakidin, Hamzah (2012) Hydrostatic Unbab Mapping Function Moditification For Tropospheric Delay. In: Regional Conference on Applied and Engineering Mathematics (RCAEM-II 2012) , 30-31 Mei 2012, Pualu Pinang. (Submitted)

Abu, Nur Azman and Siaw Lang, Wong and Shahrin, Sahib (2010) Image Projection Over The Edge. In: Second International Conference on Computer and Network Technology, -, -. (Submitted)

Budi, Suprapto (2007) Impact Of Strategy Type Toward The Firm Performance: The Indonesian Chemical Industry Evidence. In: International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI 2007) Engineering & ICT, Meeting the Challenges of Advanced Manufacturing Proceedings , 27-28 November 2007, Hotel Equatorial Melaka, Malaysia. (Submitted)

Mohamad Juoi, Jariah and Mohd Rosli, Zulkifli and Chang, Siang Yee and Shamsuri, Siti Rahmah and Rahim, T.A (2011) Implementation Of Cooperative Problem–Based Learning In Achieving Learning Outcomes. In: 1st National Conference on Active Learning (NCAL 2011) , 10-11 December 2011, Kampus Bandar UTeM.

Ismail, Mohd Muzafar and Zakaria, Muhammad Iqbal and Zainal Abidin, Amar Faiz and Mad Juliani, Juwita and Lit, Asrani and Mirjalili, Seyedali and Nordin, Nur Anis and Mohamed Saaid, Muhammad Faiz (2012) Magnetic Optimization Algorithm Approach For Travelling Salesman Problem. In: International Conference on Computer, Electrical, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (ICCESSE 2012) , 19-21 Februari 2012, Pacific Regency Hotel Suites, Kuala Lumpur . (Submitted)

Ahmad , Arfah and Ahmad, Suziana and Wan Abdul razak, Intan Azmira and Anwar Apandi, Nur Ilyana (2012) Modelling Daily Load Profiles In The Utility Of Malaysia. In: The National Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (NCEEE 2012) , 8-9 Mei 2012, The Katerina Hotel, Batu Pahat, Johor. (Submitted)

Asmai, Siti Azirah and Hasan Basari, Abd Samad and Shibghatullah, Abdul Samad and Ibrahim, Nuzulha Khilwani and Hussin, Burairah (2011) Neural network prognostics model for industrial equipment maintenance. In: 11th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, HIS 2011 , 5-8 December 2011, Melaka. (Submitted)

Kasmuri, Emaliana and Woods, Peter (2011) Positioning Coverage Mismatch In Ontology Integration For Owl-Based Ontology. In: 11th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, HIS 2011 , 5-8 December 2011, Malacca. (Submitted)

Mohd Yusoh, Zeratul Izzah and Tong, Maolin (2010) A Penalty-Based Genetic Algorithm For The Composite Saas Placement Problem In The Cloud. In: 6th IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, WCCI 2010 - 2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2010 , 18-23 July 2010, Barcelona. (Submitted)

Mohammad Nasir, Mohd Zakaria and Dwijotomo, Abdurahman and Abdullah, Mohd Azman and Hassan, Muhammad Zahir (2012) Position tracking of automatic rack and pinion steering linkage system through hardware in the loop testing. In: 3rd IEEE Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC 2012) , 16-17 Julai 2012, Shah Alam, Selangor.

Abdullah, Abdul Rahim and Mohd Said, Nurul Ain and Sha'ameri, Ahmad Zuri and Ali, Fara Ashikin (2011) Power Quality Analysis Using Frequency Domain Smooth - Windowed Wigner - Ville Distribution. In: 2nd IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications, ICSIPA 2011 , 16-18 November 2011, Kuala Lumpur. (Submitted)

Nor Hafeizah, Hassan and SAID, MD RADZAI and Leman, A. M (2012) Spray Paint Activity Related With Volatile Organic Compounds (Vocs) : A Literature Review. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering & ICT (ICEI2012) , 4-6 April 2012, Mahkota Hotel, Melaka. (Submitted)

Mohd Abid, Mohd Asyadi Azam and Abd Rashid , Mohd Warikh and Isomura , Kazuki and Fujiwara, Akihiko and Shimoda, Tatsuya (2012) Surface Properties Of Aluminium Oxide Support Layer Used For Vertically Aligned Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Growth. In: International Conference on X-Rays & Related Techniques in Research & Industry 2012 (ICXRI 2012) , 3-5 Julai 2012, Vistana Hotel, Pulau Pinang. (Submitted)

Azmi, M.N and Saleman, Abdul Rafeq and Razali, Nadlene and Mohd Azmi, Mohd Irwan and Aishah, A.M. (2012) Tensile And Hardness Properties Of Kenaf-Pp/Pla Composite Filled Nanoclay. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering & ICT (ICEI2012) , 4-6 April 2012, Mahkota Hotel, Melaka. (Submitted)

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Ng, X. H. and Bakar, R.A. and Kadirgama, Kumaran and Subramonian, Sivarao and Ramasamy, Devarajan and Samykano, Mahendran (2023) The performance of beta type stirling engine using different fuel. In: 6th International Conference in Mechanical Engineering Research, ICMER 2021, 26 October 2021 through 27 October 2021, Virtual, Online.

Farhana, Kaniz and Kadirgama, Kumaran and Subramonian, Sivarao and Ramasamy, Devarajan and Samykano, Mahendran and Mahmude, Abu Shadate Faisal (2023) Applications of graphene nanomaterials in energy storage—a state-of-art short review. In: 6th International Conference in Mechanical Engineering Research, ICMER 2021, 26 October 2021 through 27 October 2021, Virtual, Online.

Tyassilva, Arfienda Miawa and Aripriharta, Aripriharta and Ihsan, Rifqi Al and Alfadel Saputra, Rui and Omar, Saodah and Ching, Hung-Yu (2023) Aquaponic analysis using the PV system. In: 3rd IEEE International Conference in Power Engineering Applications, ICPEA 2023, 6 March 2023through 7 March 2023, Virtual, Online.

Baharom, Mohamad Zairi and Ahmad, Zulkifli and Ismail, Nursya Mimie Ayuny and Hassan, Mohd Hasnun Arif and Karjanto, Juffrizal and Abu Kassim, Khairil Anwar (2023) Factors contributing to the pedal error or pedal misplacement among Malaysian car drivers a survey. In: 6th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research, ICMER 2021, 26 October 2021 through 27 October 2021, Virtual, Online.

Muniandy, Moviyndiran and Mustapa, Mohammad Sukri and Ali, Nurdin and Siswanto, Waluyo Adi and Rashid, Azrin Hani Abdul and Masirin, Mohd Idrus Mohd and Wahab, Norfariza Ab and Yaakob, Mohd Yuhazri and Mansor, Mohamad Norani and Wagiman, Abdullah (2023) A review on the tensile properties of bamboo fiber treatments. In: 11th International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering 2021, ICME 2021, 25 August 2021through 26 August 2021, Virtual, Online.

David, Thevaneyan Krishta and Subramonian, Sivarao and Ramesh, S. (2023) Engineering research the perspective towards a sound conduct. In: 8th Brunei International Conference on Engineering and Technology 2021, BICET 2021, 8 November 2021 through 10 November 2021, Bandar Seri Begawan.

Sivarao, Subramonian and Prasath, K.P. and Ramesh, S. and Kadirgama, Kumaran and Pujari, S. and Vatesh, Umesh Kumar and Salleh, Mohd Shukor and Ali, Mohd Amran and Maidin, Shajahan (2023) Modelling of surface roughness for glass-assisted co2 laser machined p-type silicon wafer. In: 8th Brunei International Conference on Engineering and Technology 2021, BICET 2021, 8 November 2021 through 10 November 2021, Bandar Seri Begawan.

Tangdee, Patsakorn and Uthathip, Narongkorn and Thongsan, Taweesak and Lertlam, Krit and Salim, Mohd Azli and Photong, Chonlatee (2023) An improved sun drying for andrographis paniculata using PTFE with exhaust revolutionary air system. In: 2023 International Electrical Engineering Congress, iEECON 2023, 8 March 2023through 10 March 2023, Krabi.

David, Thevaneyan Krishta and Krishnamoorthy, Renga Rao and Sivarao, Subramonian and Ramesh, S. (2023) Compressive and flexural strength of coal bottom ash lightweight concrete. In: 8th Brunei International Conference on Engineering and Technology 2021, BICET 2021, 8 November 2021 through 10 November 2021, Bandar Seri Begawan.

Maidin, Shajahan and Harhara, Sohaib Mohammed Nasser (2023) Analytic hierarchy process to determine process parameters for optimal surface finish and dimensional accuracy. In: 11th International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering 2021, ICME 2021, 25 August 2021through 26 August 2021, Virtual, Online.

Subramonian, Sivarao and Prasath, K.P. and Ramesh, S. and Kadirgama, Kumaran and Salleh, Mohd Shukor and Ali, Mohd Amran and Maidin, Shajahan and David, Thevaneyan Krishta (2023) Rooted guardrail post design - an improvement towards reducing run-off-road catastrophic accidents. In: 8th Brunei International Conference on Engineering and Technology 2021, BICET 2021, 8 November 2021 through 10 November 2021, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam.

Ismail and Aini, Quratul and Maulida, Cut Rizka and Mursal and Jalil, Zulkarnain and Md Fadzullah, Siti Hajar Sheikh (2023) Thermal properties of spent coffee ground biocomposite using epoxy resin matrix. In: 11th Annual International Conference: On Sciences and Engineering, AIC 2021, 29 September 2021through 30 September 2021, Banda Aceh.

Sazli, Muhammad Alif Syafiq and Ab Wahab, Norfariza and Nasir, Nur Syuhada and Vikanesh, Venu and Mustapa, Mohammad Sukri (2023) Influence of micro drilling parameters towards tool wear on carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) panel. In: 11th International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering 2021, ICME 2021, 25 August 2021 through 26 August 2021, Virtual, Online.

Srisuma, V. and Gurumoorthy, Sasikumar and S. M. M Yassin, S. M. Warusia Mohamed and MacHerla, Sivudu and Naik, Ashitha V (2023) A collective machine learning and deep learning prototypical to expect diabetic retinopathy. In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Integrated Circuits and Communication Systems, ICICACS 2023, 24 February 2023 through 25 February 2023, Virtual, Online.

Alam, Syah and Zakaria, Zahriladha and Surjati, Indra and Shairi, Noor Azwan and Alaydrus, Mudrik and Firmansyah, Teguh (2023) Highly independent dual-band permittivity sensors for simultaneous measurement of solid materials. In: 33rd International Conference Radioelektronika, RADIOELEKTRONIKA 2023, 19 April 2023 through 20 April 2023, Pardubice.

Shkarupylo, Vadym and Blinov, Ihor V. and Dusheba, Valentyna and Alsayaydeh, Jamil Abedalrahim Jamil (2023) Case driven TLC model checker analysis in energy scenario. In: 6th International Workshop on Computer Modeling and Intelligent Systems, CMIS 2023, 3 May 2023, Zaporizhzhia.

Sunaryo, Budi and Rusdi, Jack Febrian and Salam, Sazilah and Abu, Nor Azman and Sabar, Muhamad and Agustina, Nova (2023) Tracking technology for tourist behavior. In: 6th Engineering Science and Technology International Conference: Applied Technology for Sustainable Development, ESTIC 2021, 27 October 2021, Padang, Virtual.

Tukino and Fauzi, Ahmad and Murtalim and Suhada, Karya and Amir and Hananto, April Lia and Veza, Ibham (2023) Artificial neural network for HCCI engine. In: 2021 International Summit on Education, Technology and Humanity, ISETH 2021, 20 December 2021through 21 December 2021, Surakarta.

Hananto, April Lia and Murtalim and Amir and Fauzi, Ahmad and Suhara, Ade and Priyatna, Bayu and Veza, Ibham and Tamaldin, Noreffendy (2023) Cascade-forward neural network (CFNN) for biomass heating value prediction. In: 2021 International Summit on Education, Technology and Humanity, ISETH 2021, 20 December 2021throughDecember 2021, Surakarta.

Sule, Ahmed and Latiff, Zulkarnain Abdul and Abbas, Mohammed Azman and Veza, Ibham (2023) Particulate matter and nitrogen oxide emissions prediction using artificial neural network for diesel engine running on biodiesel-diesel fuel with nano-additive. In: 2021 International Summit on Education, Technology and Humanity, ISETH 2021, 20 December 2021through 21 December 2021, Surakarta.

Ahmad, Rabiah and Hassan, Aslinda and Hsiung, Lee Hwee and Othman, Mohd Fadzrin (2023) Peer online training (POT) as learning activity in computer security audit and risks management teaching module. In: 17th International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organisations, KMO 2023, 24 July 2023through 27 July 2023, Bangkok.

Lubis, A.M.H.S. and Ahmadin, A. and Zainuddin, M.N.I. and Tofrowaih, Khairul Amri and Herawan, S.G. R and Rahmah, A.U. (2023) Wear preventive and friction of trans-esterified waste cooking oil enhanced zinc dialkyl dithiophospate (ZDDP). In: 2021 International Summit on Education, Technology and Humanity, ISETH 2021, 20 December 2021 through 21 December 2021, Surakarta.

Arep @ Ariff, Hambali and Che Manan, Adila Fazliana and Hambali, Ruzy Haryati and Arif, Sazelin and Lim, Guo Dong (2023) Development of conceptual design of female hygienic urinal bedridden using total design approach. In: 1st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Emerging Technologies, ICOMEET 2021, 3 November 2021, Padang, Virtual.

Arep @ Ariff, Hambali and Zulkefli, Zarul Amri and Mohd Ishak, Noordiana and Karim, M and Gunawarman (2023) Development of conceptual spin grind dryer design using integrated approach. In: 1st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Emerging Technologies, ICOMEET 2021, 3 November 2021, Padang, Virtual.

Yamaguchi, Masayuki and Seemork, Jiraporn and Phulkerd, Panitha and Ali, Mohd Amran Bin Md (2023) Modification of rheological responses under elongational flow at non-isothermal condition. In: 9th International Conference on Novel Trends in Rheology, 26 July 2023through 27 July 2023, Zlin.

Yaacob, Mohd Rusdy and Mohd Saad, Wira Hidayat and Maslan, Mohd Nazmin and Abal Abas, Zuraida and Wan Daud, Wan Mohd Bukhari (2023) Effect of COVID-19 on the embedded industrial seminar implementation based on TVET undergraduate students perception. In: 1st International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering Technology, IConMET 2021, 14 July 2021 through 15 July 2021, Virtual, Online.

Nor Azli, Mohamad Nor Azhari and Hariri, Azian and Chong, Zi Yao and Khasri, Muhammad Aidil and Muhamad Damanhuri, Amir Abdullah and Syazwan Mustafa, Mohd Syafiq and Kabrein, Hashim (2023) Influence of air velocity on thermal comfort and performance of students in naturally ventilated classrooms in tropical climate. In: 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings, IAQVE C2023, 20 May 2023 through 23 May 2023, Tokyo.

Syazwan, M.M.S. and Yusop, F and Saad, M.S. and Sari, K.A. Mohd and Muhamad Damanhuri, Amir Abdullah and Hassan, N.N. Mat and Fahmi, A.R. (2023) Identification of competency supervisor and technician heating ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) maintenance in oil and gas industry Malaysia. In: 1st International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering Technology, IConMET 2021, Virtual, Online.

Z.N.R., Aina and Sharizal, A.S. and Shuaib, Norshah Aizat and Hairi, Mohd Hendra and Radzif, T.M. (2023) Implementation of fault tree analysis (FTA) in production process: A wood- based industry case study. In: 1st International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering Technology, IConMET 2021, 14 July 2021 through 15 July 2021, Virtual, Online.

Abdul Razak, Nur Atiqah Husna and Ramlee, Ridza Azri and Ahmed Kamal, Ibrahim Faris and Andre, H and Khmag, Asem (2023) IoT-BSEM internet of things-based smart energy meter for domestic house. In: 1st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Emerging Technologies, ICOMEET 2021, 3 November 2021, Padang, Virtual.

Najib, Suhaila Mohd and Mirin, Siti Nur Suhaila and Harman, Ahmad Irfan and Mohd Rahimi, Muhammad Qarl Farisz and Rahim, Muhammad Daniel and Azhari, Nurnajihah Hazirah and Khang, Adam Wong Yoon (2023) Road hazard detection for the motorcycle based on efficientnet-lite0. In: 13th IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics, ISCAIE 2023, 20 May 2023through 21 May 2023, Penang.

Hendradi, Purwono and Abd Ghani, Mohd Khanapi and Mohamad, Siti Nurul Mahfuzah and Aissaoui, Karima and Yudatama, Uky (2023) Review of e-learning service framework based on cloud computing. In: 3rd Borobudur International Symposium on Science and Technology 2021, 15 December 2021, Magelang.

Ishak, Norshahidatul Hasana and Mohamad, Siti Nurul Mahfuzah and Syamimi, Shamsuddin and Mohamad Lutfi, Dolhalit and Aliza, Alias and Sazilah, Salam (2023) Identifying needs and problems in learning for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) from a technology perspective. In: 13th IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics, ISCAIE 2023, 20 May 2023 through 21 May 2023, Penang.

Mazlan, Azlimi and Ahmad, Ibrahim and Salam, Sazilah (2023) A systematic literature review in gamification implementation and game elements in Malaysia education. In: 13th IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics, ISCAIE 2023, 20 May 2023 through 21 May 2023, Penang.

Yusoff, Mohd Hanafiah and Abdullah, Sukarnur Che and Nasser, Nasraan Shah Mohamed and Amari, Mohd Dzulhelmy (2023) Calibration method for flap structure of macrofluidic airflow sensor. In: 2021 World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology, WCOSET 2021, 8 March 2021 through 12 March 2021, Virtual, Online.

Morimoto, Takeshi and Ahmad, Mohd Riduan and Baharuddin, Mohd Zafri and Wang, Daohong and Yamamoto, Kazuo and Kudo, Takeshi and Kahtani, Ammar Nasser Al and Aziz, Mohamad Zoinol Abidin Abd and Akita, Manabu and Takayanagi, Yuji and Kawasaki, Zen-Ichiro and Torii, Tatsuo (2023) Real-time lightning 3D imaging and forecasting project in Malaysia for sustainable and reliable supply of energy and storm disaster early warning. In: 12th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning, APL 2023, 12 June 2023 through 15 June 2023, Langkawi.

Kamaludin, Khairun Najmi and Abdullah, Lokman and Syed Salim, Syed Najib Syed and Jamaludin, Zamberi and Chiew, T. H. and Kamarudin, Muhammad Nizam and Mohd Aras, Mohd Shahrieel and Rahmat, M.F. (2023) Performance evaluation of an adaptive sigmoid friction compensation for pneumatic trajectory. In: 8th International Conference on Control and Robotics Engineering, ICCRE 2023, 21 April 2023 through 23 April 2023, Niigata.

Mohd Tumari, Mohd Zaidi Mohd and Mustapha, Nik Mohd Zaitul Akmal and Ahmad, Mohd Ashraf and Saat, Shahrizal and Ghazali, Mohd Riduwan (2023) Liquid slosh suppression by implementing data-driven fractional order pid controller based on marine predators algorithm. In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems, I2CACIS 2023, 17 June 2023, Hybrid, Shah Alam.

Yusri, Muhammad Sukriyllah and Misran, Mohamad Harris and Yusop, Norbayah and Said, Maizatul Alice Meor and Othman, Mohd Azlishah and Suhaimi, Shadia (2023) Transfer efficiency enhancement on wireless power transfer using metamaterial. In: 11th International Conference on Information Technology, ICIT 2023, 9 August 2023 through 10 August 2023, Amman.

Hasanudin, Afif Hakim and Othman, Mohd Azlishah and Azwan, Alya Azwa and Mohd Roki, Abdul Aziz Faqruldin and Ismail, Shahira and Nugraha, Y.T. and Suhaimi, S. and Hassan, N.M. (2023) Internet of things - enabled stress surveillance when pandemic lockdown: revolutionizing resilience. In: 11th International Conference on Information Technology, ICIT 2023, 9 August 2023 through 10 August 2023, Amman.

Ismail, Shahira and Othman, Mohd Azlishah and Misran, Mohamad Harris and Meor Said, Maizatul Alice and Ja'afar, Abd Shukur and Abdul Manap, Redzuan and Nugraha, Y.T. and Hassan, N.M. and Suhaimi, S. (2023) An analysis of width feedline of ice cream cone antenna in 5G technology for internet of things (IoT) applications. In: 11th International Conference on Information Technology, ICIT 2023, 9 August 2023 through 10 August 2023, Amman.

Qureshi, Suhail Asghar and Kamarudin, Muhammad Ramlee and Abbasi, Muhammad Inam and Abidin, Zuhairiah Zainal and Dahri, Muhammad Hashim and Ashyap, Adel Yahya Isa and Ramli, Nordin (2023) VO2-based switchable transmit-reflect-array for THz applications. In: 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, AP-S/URSI 2023, 23 July 2023through 28 July 2023, Portland.

Law, Check Yee and Sek, Yong Wee and Tay, Choo Chuan and Liew, Tze-Hui and Loh, Ya-Qin (2023) Mobile application for bidding durians. In: Proceedings of the Computing Conference 2023, 22 June 2023through 23 June 2023, London.

Othman, Mohd Azlishah and Jaafar, Abd Shukur and Manap, Redzuan Abd and Misran, Mohamad Harris and Said, Maizatul Alice Meor and Suhaimi, Shadia and Hassan, Nurmala Irdawaty (2023) Next-gen 5G antenna: antipodal vivaldi antenna using ferro A6s for enhanced performance at 60 GHz. In: 3rd International Conference on “Emerging Trends and Technologies on Intelligent Systems” (ETTIS-2023), 23 February 2023through 24 February 2023, Noida.

Othman, Mohd Azlishah and Adnan, Nur Saqirah and Misran, Mohamad Harris and Said, Maizatul Alice Meor and Jaafar, Abd Shukur and Abd Manap, Redzuan and Suhaimi, Shadia and Hassan, Nurmala Irdawaty (2023) Design and analysis of a dual-band quad-ridge horn antenna using 3D printing and PLA for wireless communication enhancement performance. In: 3rd International Conference on “Emerging Trends and Technologies on Intelligent Systems” (ETTIS-2023), 23 February 2023through 24 February 2023, Noida.

Sun, Fayou and Ngo, Hea Choon and Yu, Yelan and Xiao, Zhengyu and Meng, Zuqiang (2023) Adopting multiple vision transformer layers for fine-grained image representation. In: 1st International Conference on Computer Technology and Information Science, CTIS 2023, 17 June 2023through 18 June 2023, Virtual, Online.

Hafizh, Hadyan and Abdullah, Rohana and Ateeq, Muhammad and Abdul Majeed, Anwar P.P. and Isaac, Matilda and Hu, Bintao (2023) Measurement and analysis of international roughness index using IoT-based system. In: 2023 IEEE Symposium on Wireless Technology and Applications, ISWTA 2023, 15 August 2023through 16 August 2023, Hybrid, Kuala Lumpur.

Hossain, A K M Zakir and Sanaullah and Azam, Md. Kayser and Ibrahimy, Muhammad Ibn (2023) Investigation on the planar resonator for fabric based chipless RFID. In: 9th International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering, ICCCE 2023, 15 August 2023through 16 August 2023, Kuala Lumpur.

Iram, Lubina and Sandhu, Muhammad Y. and Hossain, A.K.M Zakir and Khan, Sanaullah (2023) Portable real time microwave milk quality monitoring sensor. In: 9th International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering, ICCCE 2023, 15 August 2023through 16 August 2023, Kuala Lumpur.

Ghani, Hadhrami Ab and Daud, Atiqullah Mohamed and Besar, Rosli and Sani, Zamani Md and Kamaruddin, Mohd Nazeri and Syahali, Syabeela (2023) Lane detection using deep learning for rainy conditions. In: 9th International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering, ICCCE 2023, 15 August 2023through 16 August 2023, Kuala Lumpur.

Zakaria, Mohd Hafiz and Ahamat, Amiruddin and Abdullah, Muhammad Haziq Lim and Azamuddin, Kamal Ezzani (2023) SMEs digital interaction on social media in Malaysia. In: 2023 International Conference on Digital Applications, Transformation and Economy, ICDATE 2023, 14 July 2023through 16 July 2023, Miri, Sarawak.

Ali, Amira Noor Farhanie and Sulaima, Mohamad Fani and Tahir, Musthafah Mohd. and Razak, Intan Azmira Wan Abdul and Kadir, Aida Fazliana Abdul and Rahman, Zulkifli Ab. (2023) Hybridization solution of electrical energy demand response and forecasting program by using PSO-LSSVM technique. In: 2nd International Conference on Computer System, Information Technology, and Electrical Engineering, COSITE 2023, 2 August 2023through 3 August 2023, Banda Aceh.

Othman, Nur Amirah and Zainuddin, Hidayat and Yahaya, Muhammad Sharil and Azis, N. and Ibrahim, Zulkifli and Musni, M.A.C. (2023) Evaluation of total acid number (TAN) of synthetic ester retrofilled oil and its correlation with FTIR spectroscopy. In: 4th International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Power Systems, ICHVEPS 2023, 6 August 2023through 10 August 2023, Denpasar Bali.

Ramlee, N.A. and Ahmad, N.A. and Esa, M.R.M. and Baharudin, Zikri Abadi (2023) Frequency analysis on pulse train of lightning discharge observed in Malacca, Malaysia. In: 4th International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Power Systems, ICHVEPS 2023, 6 August 2023through 10 August 2023, Denpasar Bali.

Susanti, Leni and Alamsyah, Doni Purnama and Hariyanto, Oda I. B. and Othman, Norfaridatul Akmaliah (2023) Exploring students' perceptions of individual performance in online learning. In: 2023 International Conference on IoT, Communication and Automation Technology, ICICAT 2023, 23 June 2023through 24 June 2023, Gorakhpur.

Relawati, Rahayu and Ariadi, Bambang Yudi and Prabowo, Bambang Hadi and Khan, Waris Ali and Kamarudin, Mohd Fauzi (2023) Mapping the agribusiness potency of chicken eggs in Indonesia: the base sector analysis. In: 2nd International Conference on Bioenergy and Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture Technology, ICoN BEAT 2021, 28 July 2021through 29 July 2021, Virtual.

Mizar, Muhammad Alfian and Nasir, Mohd Zakaria Mohammad and Trifiananto, Muhammad and Hardiatama, Intan (2023) Design and performance test of multi intake foods product cutting machine. In: 2nd International Conference on Bioenergy and Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture Technology, ICoN BEAT 2021, 28 July 2021through 29 July 2021, Virtual.

Othman, Norfaridatul Akmaliah and Alamsyah, Doni Purnama and Siswanto, Boby and Morika, Doni and Wijaya, Billiam Christofer and Adinda, Putri Giyan (2023) Exploring the relatedness of educational technology in enhancing study performance. In: 8th International Conference on Information Management and Technology, ICIMTech 2023, 24 August 2023through 25 August 2023, Malang.

Dayong, Zhang and Wahab, Nur Haliza Abdul and Kadir, Khairunnisa A. and Aldhaqm, Arafat and Nasir, Haslinah Mohd and Wong, Keng Yinn (2023) Research on blockchain: privacy protection of cryptography blockchain-based applications. In: 3rd International Conference on Emerging Smart Technologies and Applications, eSmarTA 2023, 10 October 2023through 11 October 2023, Taiz.

Halim, Mohd Firdaus Mohd Ab and Sulaiman, E. and Aziz, R. (2023) Rotating pole piece magnetic gear with low torque ripple. In: 3rd International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2021: Versatility of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Future, ICON3E 2021, 6 September 2021through 7 September 2021, Virtual, Online.

Suyatna, I PutuNgurah and Mohamed, Yusaini Hisham and Abbas, Mohd Saleh and Ismail, Albert Feisal and Magiman, Mohamad Maulana and Yunus, YusmiMohd (2023) The emergence and challenges of blockchain technology in business and IoT applications. In: 3rd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering, ICACITE 2023, 12 May 2023through 13 May 2023, Greater Noida.

Saari, Haziah and Amin, MohdRushidi Mohd and Saleh Abbas, Mohd and Ismail, Albert Feisal @ Muhd Feisal and Haris Fadzilah, Asmaul Husna and Nordin, Mohd Norazmi (2023) Transforming industrial operations with blockchain: the healthcare application health-chain. In: 3rd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering, ICACITE 2023, 12 May 2023through 13 May 2023, Greater Noida.

Amin, Mohd Rushidi Mohd and Abbas, Mohd Saleh and Ismail, Albert Feisal and Rahmat, Robaisya and Zolkefle, Nor Zuleikha Nawal and Nordin, Mohd Norazmi (2023) Blockchain systems and applications: evaluating the opportunities of the blockchain technology in various industries. In: 3rd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering, ICACITE 2023, 12 May 2023through 13 May 2023, Greater Noida.

Abuhoureyah, Fahd Saad and Wong, Yan Chiew and Mohd Isira, Ahmad Sadhiqin and Chuah, Joon Huang (2023) Addressing location dependency in human activity recognition using channel state information via 3D- CWT approach. In: 5th IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering and Technology, IICAIET 2023, 12 September 2023through 14 September 2023, Kota Kinabalu.

Zakaria, A. and Mid, E.C. and Mohamed, M.F. and Hussin, M.H.M. and Shaari, A.S. and Ruslan, Eliyana and Hadi, Dayanasari and Masri, M. (2023) Control algorithm for two-tank system using multiparametric programming. In: 8th International Conference for Man Machine Systems, ICoMMS 2023, 4 September 2023through 5 September 2023, Hybrid, Kuala Lumpur.

Widodo and Chandra Purnomo, Rasyid and Susanti, Wiwi and Wan Ibrahim, Nik Rahila (2023) Customer motivation in the purchase of halal-certified chicken products through online delivery applications in Yogyakarta. In: 4th International Conference on Agribusiness and Rural Development, IConARD 2023, 9 August 2023through 10 August 2023, Virtual, Online.

Widodo and Shofi Wicaksono, Muhammad and Azilah Hamdzah, Nor Lailatul (2023) Customer satisfaction towards service quality of purchasing chicken meat on-site and through whatsapp services (Study of UD Sulastri). In: 4th International Conference on Agribusiness and Rural Development, IConARD 2023, 9 August 2023through 10 August 2023, Virtual, Online.

Arina Manasikhana, Dita and Permanasari, Avita Ayu and Puspitasari, Poppy and Mohd Rosli, Mohd Afzanizam and Sukarni, Sukarni and Kusumaningsih, Haslinda and Dzulfikar, Muhammad (2023) Effect of TiO2/Al2O3 hybrid nanofluid and irradiation time on solar photovoltaic thermal performance. In: 4th International Conference on Green Civil and Environmental Engineering, GCEE 2023, 8 August 2023through 10 August 2023, Bali.

Sriyadi and Hanifah, Nurul and Heri Isnawan, Bambang and Budiarto and Wan Ibrahim, Nik Rahila (2023) Efficient production factors taking into account the risks in shallot: case study in Nawungan Village, Imogiri district, bantul regency, DIY. In: 4th International Conference on Agribusiness and Rural Development, IConARD 2023, 9 August 2023through 10 August 2023, Virtual, Online.

Saad, Norhashimah Mohd and Zawawi, Tengku Nor Shuhada Tengku and Abdullah, Abdul Rahim and Sudirman, Rubita (2023) Electromyography features information based on functional range of motion for health screening program. In: 16th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications, ATC 2023, 19 October 2023through 21 October 2023, Da Nang.

Rahayu, Lestari and Wijaya, Oki and Syaputra, Rino and Robani, Anidah (2023) Food security and welfare of red rice farmers on dry land in Ponjong district, Gunungkidul regency. In: 4th International Conference on Agribusiness and Rural Development, IConARD 2023, 9 August 2023through 10 August 2023, Virtual, Online.

Wijaya, Oki and Susanto, Deni Aditya and Satriyandari, Yekti and Kasim, Anisah (2023) Is the household food security the nucleus determinant for the prevalence of stunting in Purworejo Regency? In: 4th International Conference on Agribusiness and Rural Development, IConARD 2023, 9 August 2023through 10 August 2023, Virtual, Online.

Triyono and Anggi Wiradhani, Faozia and Nur Mila, Amalia and Nur Habibi, Luthfan (2023) Millennial generation s perception on organic rice farming sustainability in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In: 4th International Conference on Agribusiness and Rural Development, IConARD 2023, 9 August 2023through 10 August 2023, Virtual, Online.

Triyono and Al Uth Aini, Toha and Nur Mila, Amalia and Kamrudin, Mohd Fauzi and Mamnuah (2023) Optimization of production factors in organic rice farming in Sleman regency, Yogyakarta. In: 4th International Conference on Agribusiness and Rural Development, IConARD 2023, 9 August 2023through 10 August 2023, Virtual, Online.

Sriyadi and Aulina, Finka and Hanifah, Nurul and Hamdzah, Nor Lailatul Azilah (2023) Perceptions of farmer group members towards the implementation of the vegetable alley in Yogyakarta city. In: 4th International Conference on Agribusiness and Rural Development, IConARD 2023, 9 August 2023through 10 August 2023, Virtual, Online.

Susanawati and Endang, Ayu Fitria and Diah, Rina Kamardiani and Zainal Abidin, Nadiah (2023) Price fluctuation and vertical market integration of shallots in the production center of central Java Indonesia. In: 4th International Conference on Agribusiness and Rural Development, IConARD 2023, 9 August 2023through 10 August 2023, Virtual, Online.

Rahmawati, Nur and Yogatama, Candra and Winahyu, Wulansari and Kasim, Anisah (2023) Production risk analysis for organic cabbage farming in Semarang district, Central Java. In: 4th International Conference on Agribusiness and Rural Development, IConARD 2023, 9 August 2023through 10 August 2023, Virtual, Online.

Risvansuna Fivintari, Francy and Ayu Rachmasari, Farida and Iriani Ekawati, Francy and Rina Kamardiani, Diah and Robani, Anidah (2023) Red chilli farming on beach sand and rice land with various irrigation systems in Bantul. In: 4th International Conference on Agribusiness and Rural Development, IConARD 2023, 9 August 2023through 10 August 2023, Virtual, Online.

Suhaimi, Mohamed Aidil and Mat Tokit, Ernie and Mohd Sa'at, Fatimah Al-Zahrah and Mohd Rosli, Mohd Afzanizam and Herawan, S. G. and Oktarina, R. and Setyandito, O. (2023) Preliminary theoretical design of crossflow water turbine for rainwater rooftop harvesting system. In: 6th International Conference on Clean Energy and Technology 2023, CEAT 2023, 7 June 2023through 8 June 2023, Hybrid, Penang.

Yulio, Noviando and Herawan, Safarudin Gazali and Oktarina, Rienna and Setyandito, Oki and Mat Tokit, Ernie and Mohd Sa'at, Fatimah Al-Zahrah and Mohd Rosli, Mohamad Afzanizam (2023) The effect of number of blades on the horizontal axis water turbine performance. In: 6th International Conference on Clean Energy and Technology 2023, CEAT 2023, 7 June 2023through 8 June 2023, Hybrid, Penang.

Mohamed Saiful Firdaus, Hussin and Idris, M.I. and Abdullah, H.Z. and Azlan, Khairul Azri and Mohamad, Effendi (2023) Worldwide trends on hydroxyapatite from animal waste for biomedical applications - a bibliometric analysis (2012-2022). In: 5th International Conference on Green Energy and Environment 2023, ICoGEE 2023, 26 September 2023through 27 September 2023, Pangkalpinang.

Hossain, Md Hasnat and Hossain, Md Showkot and Mohd Radzi, Mohd Amran and Rahman, Saidur and Shafie, Suhaidi (2023) Preparation and performance characteristics of reduced graphene oxide-based electrolytes of vanadium redox flow battery for green energy storage. In: 6th IEEE Conference on Energy Conversion, CENCON 2023, 23 October 2023through 24 October 2023, Kuching.

Hossain, Md Showkot and Hasan, Md Akib and Mohd Said, Nurul Ain and Abd Halim, Wahidah and Jidin, Auzani (2023) Reduced device count multilevel inverter topology for renewable energy applications: a brief review. In: 6th IEEE Conference on Energy Conversion, CENCON 2023, 23 October 2023through 24 October 2023, Kuching.

Jasmi, M.S. and Fathil, M.F.M. and Arshad, M. K. Md and Nuzaihan., M. N M. and Halim, N.H.A. and Rahman, S.F.A. and Ayoib, A. and Shaifullah., A. S M. and Mat Ibrahim, Masrullizam (2023) Impact of nanogap thickness on dielectric-modulated field-effect transistor biosensor performance for uncharged biomolecules detection. In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Sensors and Nanotechnology, SENNANO 2023, 26 September 2023through 27 September 2023, Putrajaya.

Jahava, Marlina and Jali, Mohd Hafiz and Md Johari, Ashadi and Norasikin, Mohd Adili and Mohd Yusof, Haziezol Helmi and Ahmad, Aminah (2023) Optimizing scattering area of ZnO nanostructures on glass substrates platform for sensing. In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Sensors and Nanotechnology, SENNANO 2023, 26 September 2023through 27 September 2023, Putrajaya.

Khalil, Asad Y. and Rashid, Marzaini and Idris, Muhammad Idzdihar (2023) Synthesis and characterization of inorganic perovskite quantum dots (CsPbI3) based thin films for solar cells applications. In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Sensors and Nanotechnology, SENNANO 2023, 26 September 2023through 27 September 2023, Putrajaya.

Andre, Hanalde and Seyepa, Teguh Putra Trila and Luthfi, Amirul and Fitrah, Ridho Aidil and Zaky, Toha and Ramlee, Rizda Azri (2023) Metal crack size recognizing used circular patch antenna. In: 2nd International Conference on Disaster Mitigation and Management, ICDMM 2023, 29 September 2023through 30 September 2023, Padang.

Xin, Bee Wei and Muhammad, Nor Aishah and Saleh, Mohammed Mehdi and Anwar Apandi, Nur Ilyana (2023) Performance evaluation of UAV-assisted cellular network using stochastic geometry-based model. In: 8th IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile, APWiMob 2023, 10 October 2023 through 12 October 2023, Bali.

Abidin, Aa Zezen Zaenal and Othman, Mohd. Fairuz Iskandar and Hassan, Aslinda and Murdianingsih, Yuli and Suryadi, Usep Tatang and Faizal, Muhammad (2023) LoRa-based waste bin monitoring for making decision waste disposal using C 4.5 method. In: 8th International Conference on Informatics and Computing, ICIC 2023, 8 December 2023through 9 December 2023, Hybrid, Malang.

Yusop, Noorrezam and Mustapha, Haslinawati Mohd and Ah Khaliludin, Nur Idayu and Shapiee, Norrlaili and Ismarau Tajuddin, Nur Ilyana and Mohd Mokhtar, Maizatul Farisah (2023) A systematic literature review: metaverse in educational learning for TVET student. In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Computing, ICOCO 2023, 9 October 2023through 12 October 2023, Langkawi.

Othman, A. and Majid, H.A. and Al-Fadhali, Najib and Shairi, Noor Azwan and Zobilah, A.M. (2023) A mm-wave T-R RF switch incorporated with CSRR switchable DGS for 5G application. In: 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2023, 30 October 2023through 2 November 2023, Kuala Lumpur.

Mohd Nor Azami, Mohd Adzimnuddin and Abd Aziz, Mohamad Zoinol Abidin and Ja'afar, Abd Shukur (2023) Analyzing the impact of various geometries on tri-band antenna performance. In: 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2023, 30 October 2023through 2 November 2023, Kuala Lumpur.

Ab Rashid, Amier Hafizun and Ahmad, Badrul Hisham and Abd Aziz, Mohamad Zoinol Abidin and Hassan, Nornikman and Mazalan, Mazlee and Mahmod, Nurzaima (2023) CPW pentagonal patch antenna with multiple slots effect for WLAN and WiMAX applications. In: 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2023, 30 October 2023through 2 November 2023, Kuala Lumpur.

Ab Rashid, Amier Hafizun and Ahmad, Badrul Hisham and Abd Aziz, Mohamad Zoinol Abidin and Hassan, Nornikman and Mazalan, Mazlee and Mahmod, Nurzaima (2023) Dual band CPW pentagonal island with modified sierpinski gasket structure at 3.5 GHz and 5.8 GHz. In: 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2023, 30 October 2023through 2 November 2023, Kuala Lumpur.

Mohd Nor Azami, Mohd Adzimnuddin and Abd Aziz, Mohamad Zoinol Abidin and Ja'afar, Abd Shukur (2023) Enhanced resonance and bandwidth performance of triband antenna through bending effect. In: 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2023, 30 October 2023through 2 November 2023, Kuala Lumpur.

Subramaniam, Sree Aran and Asan, Noor Badariah and Asli, Muhammad Azwan Faiz and Augustine, Robin (2023) Graphene-based antenna: enabling fat-intrabody communication at 2.45 GHz ISM band. In: 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2023, 30 October 2023through 2 November 2023, Kuala Lumpur.

Othman, A. and Majid, H.A. and Al-Fadhali, N. and Shairi, Noor Azwan and Zolkefli, Amirul Aizat and Abidin, Z.Z. and Mohd Ibrahim, Imran and Zakaria, Zahriladha (2023) High isolation of mm-wave T-R switch design using open loop square ring DGS. In: 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2023, 30 October 2023through 2 November 2023, Kuala Lumpur.

Alam, Syah and Shairi, Noor Azwan and Zakaria, Zahriladha and Alaydrus, Mudrik and Surjati, Indra and Firmansyah, Teguh (2023) Independent permittivity sensor based on dual T-shaped resonator for solid material characterization. In: 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2023, 30 October 2023through 2 November 2023, Kuala Lumpur.

Jahava, Marlina and Jali, Mohd Hafiz and Md Johari, Md Ashadi and Norashikin, Mohd Adili and Mohd Yusof, Haziezol Helmi and Ahmad, Aminah (2023) ZnO nanorods coated glass substrate based on side coupling technique for lactosesensing application. In:, 30 December 2023through 31 December 2023, Dubai.

Nordin, Mohd Nur Azmi and Mustafa, Zaleha and Ratanawilai, T. (2023) Effect of water ageing on fatigue damage of rubberwood/recycled polypropylene composites. In: 23rd International Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM 2023, 30 July 2023through 4 August 2023, Belfast.

Singh, Onkar and Singh, Koushlendra Kumar and Das, Saikat and Akbari, Akbar Sheikh and Abd Manap, Nurulfajar (2023) Classification of lung cancer from histopathology Images using a deep ensemble classifier. In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, IST 2023, 17 October 2023through 19 October 2023, Copenhagen.

Lin, Lua Wei and Saealal, Muhammad Salihin and Ibrahim, Mohd Zamri (2023) Exploring 3D convolutional neural networks for enhanced detection in lung cancer classification. In: 9th IEEE Information Technology International Seminar, ITIS 2023, 18 October 2023through 20 October 2023, Batu Malang.

Poo, Jeckey Ng Kah and Saealal, Muhammad Salihin and Ibrahim, Mohd Zamri and Yakno, Marlina (2023) Leveraging u-net architecture for accurate localization in brain tumor segmentation. In: 9th IEEE Information Technology International Seminar, ITIS 2023, 18 October 2023through 20 October 2023, Batu Malang.

Abu, Nur Azman and Kedah, Zulkarnain and Rahardja, Untung and Sibarani, Blasius Erik and Kosasi, Sandy and Dewi, Susanti and Fadli, Ihya Syihabul (2023) Digital ringgit: a new digital currency with traditional attributes. In: 11th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management, CITSM 2023, 10 November 2023through 11 November 2023, Hybrid, Makassar.

Kurnianingrum, Dian and Wijaya, Andrian and Jumri, Isma Addi and Savitri, Mila Andria and Tanuar, Evawaty and Karmagatri, Mulyani (2023) Analyzing customer sentiments in genshin impact: a business intelligence perspective on player perception. In: 3rd IEEE International Conference on ICT in Business Industry and Government, ICTBIG 2023, 8 December 2023through 9 December 2023, Indore.

Alieyah, Nurul and Buja, Alya Geogiana and Masri Sahri, Nor and Ahmad, Rabiah and Abdul Latip, Shekh Faisal and Fadly Habidin, Nurul and Darus, Mohamad Yusof and Shahril Hussin, Mohd and Saat, Saharudin (2023) Development of a new synergistic cyber security awareness model for the elderly in Malaysia (SCSAM-elderly). In: 8th IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering, ICRAIE 2023, 2 December 2023through 3 December 2023, Kuala Lumpur.

Norddin, Nurbahirah and Shafie, Suhaidi and Idris, Muhammad Idzdihar and Liu, Xinzhi and Lawal, Ismail and Rummaja, Mohd Iskandar Dzulkarnain M. and Abdul Aziz, Ahmad Muhajer and Nor, Rozilawati Mohd (2023) Performance comparison of different electron transport layer for perovskite solar cell with NiO as hole transport layer using SCAPS 1D. In: 8th IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering, ICRAIE 2023, 2 December 2023through 3 December 2023, Kuala Lumpur.

Razak, Tajul Rosli and Jarimi, Hasila and Ahmad, Emy Zairah (2023) Simplified artificial neural network configuration in R programming for predictive modelling. In: 8th IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering, ICRAIE 2023, 2 December 2023through 3 December 2023, Kuala Lumpur.

Ismail, Abdul Halim and Sunang, Godrey Amos and Azmi, Muhamad Safwan Muhamad and Ayob, Mohd Nasir and Hashim, Mohd Sani Mohamad and Basri, Hassrizal Hassan and Widyasmoro, Widyasmoro and Ismail, Mohd Muzafar (2023) Does the height matter? a case for wi-fi based wireless positioning system. In: 2023 International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing, IWAIIP 2023, 1 December 2023through 2 December 2023, Hybrid, Yogyakarta.

Samranmak, Pongsiri and Salim, Mohd Azli and Photong, Chonlatee (2023) Effects of electric motor speed and direction of a horizontal rotary dyeing machine on indigo dyeing quality and performances. In: 2023 International Conference on Power, Energy and Innovations, ICPEI 2023, 18 October 2023through 20 October 2023, Phrachuap Khirikhan.

Palagud, Jose and Lim, T.S. and Jasmee, Solehah and Masdzarif, Nur Diana Izzani and Wang, S.W. and Hoo, K.I. and Omar, Ghazali (2023) Analysis on bonding wires of Au-Coated Ag alloy for IBGA automotive application. In: 25th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, EPTC 2023, 5 December 2023through 8 December 2023, Singapore.

Lim, T.S. and Sukiman, Muhamad Shafiq and Jasmee, Solehah and Masdzarif, Nur Diana Izzani (2023) Mechanical modelling and analysis of CMOS image sensor package. In: 25th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, EPTC 2023, 5 December 2023through 8 December 2023, Singapore.

Suhairi, R. and Raja Othman, Raja Nor Firdaus Kashfi and Md Zuki, Nor Aishah and Asyraaf, R.M. and Dezfouli, M.M.S. and Kadir, K.A. (2023) Performance characteristic of double stator slotted rotor permanent magnet motor. In: 2023 International Conference on Engineering Technology and Technopreneurship, ICE2T 2023, 15 August 2023through 16 August 2023, Kuala Lumpur.

Haroon, Hazura and Othman, Siti Khadijah Idris and Abdul Razak, Hanim and Mukhtar, Wan Maisarah and Rahim, Hazli Rafis Abdul and Zain, Anis Suhaila Mohd (2023) Characterization of a zinc oxide coated polymer optical fiber for limonene concentration measurement. In: 9th International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technology, ICEET 2023, 27 October 2023through 28 October 2023, Istanbul.

Yusop, Yusmarnita and Qi, Cheok Yan and Saat, Shakir and Husin, Huzaimah and Shaktivel, R. (2023) Simulation analysis of double-sided lc network for wireless capacitive transcutaneous energy transfer. In: 9th International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technology, ICEET 2023, 27 October 2023through 28 October 2023, Istanbul.

Razak, Hanim Abdul and Haroon, Hazura and Yusop, Yusmarnita and Zain, Anis Suhaila Mohd and Rahim, Hazli Rafis Abdul and Ghafar, Ahmad Mubasyir Abdul (2023) Performance of fiber optic sensors based on waist enlarged tapers for solubility of naringin in water. In: 9th International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technology, ICEET 2023, 27 October 2023through 28 October 2023, Istanbul.

Hendradi, Purwono and Abd Ghani, Mohd Khanapi and Mohamad, Siti Nur Mahfuzah and Aissaoui, Karima and Yudatama, Uky (2023) Review of e-learning service framework based on cloud computing. In: 3rd Borobudur International Symposium on Science and Technology 2021, 15 December 2021, Magelang.

Ishak, Mohammad Haziq and Ramlee, Ridza Azri and Mahammad Noor, Muhammad Zulhakimi and Rusydi, M. I. (2023) Smart energy harvesting using portable pelton turbine with IoT data feedback for rural area application. In: 1st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Emerging Technologies, ICOMEET 2021, 3 November 2021, Padang, Virtual.

Sahroni, T.R. and Ahmad, Saifol Anuar and Akmal, Suriati (2023) Thermal expansion flow analysis in designing a sustainability computer personal unit casing. In: 6th International Conference on Eco Engineering Development 2022, ICEED 2022, 16 November 2022 through 17 November 2022, Virtual, Online.

Susanti, Leni and Alamsyah, Doni Purnama and Othman, Norfaridatul Akmaliah (2023) Toward an E-learning adoption: Sustainable technology used. In: 2022 4th International Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, Materials and Technologies, ICSMMT 2022, 11 June 2022 through 12 June 2022, Coimbatore.

Khairunnisa, Nuha and Arifin, Zainal and Kristiawan, Budi and Mohd Rosli, Mohd Afzanizam (2023) The thermophysical properties, configurations and applications of nanofluids on solar PVT system : a review. In: 7th International Conference on Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical Engineering 2021, ICIMECE 2021, 5 October 2021, Surakarta, Virtual.

Goh, Kah Ong and Law, Check Yee and Tin, Cu Kang and Tee, Connie and Sek, Yong Wee (2023) Attendance management system with half-covered and full-facial recognition feature. In: 9th International Conference on Computational Science and Technology, ICCST 2022, 27 August 2022 through 28 August 2022, Johor Bahru.

Mubarok, Sukri and Puspitasari, Poppy and Andoko, Andoko and Lubis, Abdul Munir Hidayat Syah and Permanasari, Avita Ayu and Abdullah, Muhammad Ilman Hakimi Chua (2023) Failure mechanism on Ti-6Al-4V material processed using Selective Laser Melting (SLM). In: 5th International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing and Materials Engineering, ICAMME 2022, 9 August 2022 through 10 August 2022, Kuala Lumpur.

Adnan, Nur Hidayah and Ahmad, Ibrahim and Sarudin, Norziah (2023) The designing an augmented reality application for autism user using perception and response attribute: A conceptual framework. In: 1st International Conference on Frontiers of Digital Technology Towards a Sustainable Society, ICDiTS 2021, 26 January 2022 through 27 January 2022, Virtual, Online.

Puspitasari, Poppy and Wardana, Muhammad Raffli Putra and Pramono, Diki Dwi and Lubis, Abdul Munir and Permanasari, Avita Ayu and Abdullah, Muhammad Ilman Hakimi Chua and Risdanareni, Puput (2023) Tribology properties of titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) at various temperature on α/β solution treatment and aging condition. In: 5th International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing and Materials Engineering, ICAMME 2022, 9 August 2022 through 10 August 2022, Kuala Lumpur.

Johan, Nurul Fatiha and Shah, Hairol Nizam Mohd and Sulaiman, Marizan and Naji, Osama Abdullah Ahmed Mohammed (2023) Laser line detection for groove butt joint type based on vision system. In: 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic, Communication and Control Engineering, ICEECC 2022, 15 December 2021 through 16 December 2021, Johor Bahru.

Noordin, Aminurrashid and Basri, Mohd Ariffanan Mohd and Mohamed, Zaharuddin and Lazim, Izzuddin Mat (2023) Position and attitude control of MAV quadrotor using super twisting sliding mode control. In: 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic, Communication and Control Engineering, ICEECC 2021, 15 December 202 1through 16 December 2021, Johor Bahru.

Saat, Shahrizal and Ghazali, Mohd Riduwan and Ahmad, Mohd Ashraf and Mustapha, Nik Mohd Zaitul Akmal and Tumari, Mohd Zaidi Mohd (2023) An implementation of brain emotional learning based intelligent controller for AVR system. In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems, I2CACIS 2023, 17 June 2023, Hybrid, Shah Alam.

Lee, Wei Wen and Hashim, Mohd Ruzaini (2023) A hybrid algorithm based on artificial bee colony and artificial rabbits optimization for solving economic dispatch problem. In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems, I2CACIS 2023, Hybrid, Shah Alam, Hybrid, Shah Alam.

Farhi, Faycal and Jeljeli, Riadh and Aburezeq, Ibtehal and Zamoum, Khaled and Al-Shami, Samer Ali Hussein and Hacini, Ishaq (2023) Determinants behind continuous intention to use data journalism among Emirati journalists. In: 2023 International Conference on Multimedia Computing, Networking and Applications, MCNA 2023, 19 June 2023 through 22 June 2023, Hybrid, Valencia.

Hussin, Nor Hafizah and Yusof, Fadhilah and Norrulashikin, Siti Mariam (2023) A comparative study of ARIMA-GARCH model and artificial neural network model for wind speed forecasting. In: 5th ISM International Statistical Conference 2021: Statistics in the Spotlight: Navigating the New Norm, ISM 2021, 17 August 2021 through 19 August 2021, Virtual, Online.

Mohd Rosli, Zulkifli and Layu, Elsee and Wan Zulkifli, Wan Amirul Shafiz and Mohamad Juoi, Jariah and Abdul Aziz, Fariha Awatif and Jumaidin, Ridhwan (2023) Investigating the mechanical performance of new green concrete based on unglazed fired roof tile waste. In: Green Materials and Electronic Packaging Interconnect Technology Symposium, EPITS 2022, 14 September 2022 through 15 September 2022, Langkawi.

Mohamad, Noraiham and Abd Ghani, Anis Aqilah and Anen, Marvrick Anak and Abd Razak, Jeefferie and Raja Abdullah, Raja Izamshah and Mohd Ali, Mohd Amran and Ab Maulod, Hairul Effendy and Se, Sian Meng (2023) Optimization of recycled polypropylene concrete aggregates processing using water-assisted melt compounding via response surface methodology. In: Green Materials and Electronic Packaging Interconnect Technology Symposium, EPITS 2022, 14 September 2022 through 15 September 2022, Langkawi.

Mohamad Juoi, Jariah and Yusuf, Yusliza and Mohd Rosli, Zulkifli and Mustafa, Nuzaimah and Wan Zulkifli, Wan Amirul Shafiz and Abdul Aziz, Fariha Awatif and Abd. Wahab, Nur Umairah Afifah (2023) Recycling of glazed roof tile waste for fine aggregate in green concrete. In: Green Materials and Electronic Packaging Interconnect Technology Symposium, EPITS 2022, 14 September 2022 through 15 September 2022, Langkawi.

Mohamad, Noraiham and Ab Maulod, Hairul Effendy and Abd Razak, Jeefferie and Ghani, Mohd Sharin and Rahim, Nor Hidayah and Mohd Isa, Mohd Hanafiah and Che Halin, Dewi Suriyani and Shueb, Mohammed Iqbal and Ismail, Norshafarina (2023) Tensile and dielectric properties of tin dioxide reinforced deproteinized natural rubber nanocomposites for electrical insulator. In: Green Materials and Electronic Packaging Interconnect Technology Symposium, EPITS 2022, 14 September 2022 through 15 September 2022, Langkawi.

Ismail, Iszmir Nazmi and Azman, Nur Najwa Umirah Binti Nor and Roslin, Nursyadzatul Tasnim and Isa, M.R. and Zahari, N.M. and Abidin, S.Z. and Zuhdi, Ahmad Wafi Mahmood and Eqwan, M.R. and Mohamed, Hassan and Ramli, M.Z. and Mansor, M.H. and Syaifoelida, Fevi and Zakaria, A.A. and Zawawi, M.H. and Mohamad, Daud and Jaafar, M.F. and Kamarudin, Kamarulzaman and Hussin, Mohamed Saiful Firdaus (2023) Customer survey analysis for design and development of golf ball retriever prototype. In: Green Materials and Electronic Packaging Interconnect Technology Symposium, EPITS 2022, 14 September 2022 through 15 September 2022, Langkawi.

Thong, Li Wah and Kok, Swee Leong and Ramlan, Roszaidi (2023) Modeling and analysis of electrical circuit connections in the piezoelectric cantilever array for vibration energy harvester. In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2023 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC / I and CPS Europe 2023, 6 June 2023 through 9 June 2023, Madrid.

Abdul Aziz, N.H. and Mahadi, M.A.A. and Mohd Noh, Zarina and Othman, K.A. (2023) Drone detection using ultrasonic sensors for passive forward scattering radar system. In: 4th International Conference on Emerging Electrical Energy, Electronics and Computing, ICE4CT 2022, 28 December 2022 through 29 December 2022, Hybrid, Arau.

Mid, E.C. and Mukhtar, N.M. and Syed Yunus, S.H. and Abdul Hadi, Dayanasari and Ruslan, Eliyana (2023) Explicit solution of parameter estimate using multiparametric programming for boost converter. In: 4th International Conference on Emerging Electrical Energy, Electronics and Computing, ICE4CT 2022, 28 December 2022 through 29 December 2022, Hybrid, Arau.

Wan Mohamed, Ghazi and Hossain, A K M Zakir and Abd. Aziz, Mohamad Zoinol Abidin and Azam, S. M. K. (2023) A quarter-circled multi-resonator for UWB re-transmission based chipless RFID. In: 4th International Conference on Emerging Electrical Energy, Electronics and Computing, ICE CT 2022, 28 December 2022 through 29 December 2022, Hybrid, Arau.

Khalid, K.A. and Fahmi, M.I. and Nanyan, A.N. and Bohari, Zul Hasrizal (2023) PCB Rogowski coil sensor by using saw blade pattern for arcing fault detection. In: 4th International Conference on Emerging Electrical Energy, Electronics and Computing, ICE CT 2022, 28 December 2022 through 29 December 2022, Hybrid, Arau.

Saealal, Muhammad Salihin and Ibrahim, Mohd Zamri and Shapiai, Mohd Ibrahim and Fadilah, Norasyikin (2023) In-the-wild deepfake detection using adaptable CNN models with visual class activation mapping for improved accuracy. In: 5th International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet, ICCCI 2023, 23 June 2023 through 25 June 2023, Fujisawa.

Guan, Low Ming and Yakub, Fitri and Hanapiah, Ahmad Redzuan Mohd and Rahim, Muhamad Sharifuddin Abd and Azizan, Azizul and Ab Rashid, Mohd Zamzuri (2023) Water quality detection system using real time vision computing with trash collector. In: 14th IEEE Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium, ICSGRC 2023, 5 August 2023, Shah Alam.

Koma'rudin, Nur' Atika and Zakaria, Zahriladha and Hassan, Nornikman and Jumidali, Mohd Manoi and Soh, Ping Jack (2023) Compact dual-layered wideband wearable monopole antenna with circular parasitic element for breast cancer detection. In: 2023 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications, ISIEA 2023, 15 July 2023 through 16 July 2023, Kuala Lumpur.

Ahmad, Mohd Ashraf and Mohd Tumari, Mohd Zaidi and Ghazali, Mohd Riduwan and Suid, Mohd Helmi and Jui, Julakha Jahan (2023) Robust PID tuning of AVR system based on Indirect Design Approach-2. In: 2023 International Conference on System Science and Engineering, ICSSE 2023, 27 August 2023 through 28 August 2023, Virtual, Ho Chi Minh City.

Suid, Mohd Helmi and Ahmad, Mohd Ashraf and Ahmad, Salmiah and Ghazali, Mohd Riduwan and Tumari, Zaidi Mohd (2023) Optimal model order reduction based on hybridization of adaptive safe experimentation dynamics-nonlinear sine cosine algorithm. In: 2023 International Conference on System Science and Engineering, ICSSE 2023, 27 August 2023 through 28 August 2023, Virtual, Ho Chi Minh City.

Zakaria, Neili and Sundaraj, Kenneth (2023) VGG16-based deep learning architectures for classification of lung sounds into normal, crackles, and wheezes using Gammatonegrams. In: 11th International Conference on Information Technology, ICIT 2023, 9 August 2023 through 10 August 2023, Amman.

Siswanto, Boby and Alamsyah, Doni Purnama and Morika, Doni and Othman, Norfaridatul Akmaliah and Wijaya, Billiam Christofer and Adinda, Putri Giyan (2023) E-Learning Satisfaction Analysis of the Support Factors. In: 10th International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical Engineering, ICITACEE 2023, 31 August 2023 through 1 September 2023, Virtual, Online.

Mohamed Kassim, Anuar and Jamri, Mohd Saifuzam and Mohd Aras, Mohd Shahrieel and Ab Wahab, Norfariza and Jaya, A.K.R.A. and Yasuno, Takashi (2023) Development of unmanned surface vehicle with real-time water quality monitoring system. In: 3rd International Conference on Computing and Information Technology, ICCIT 2023, 13 September 2023 through 14 September 2023, Tabuk.

Balasupainam, Vasugi and Abdul Rashid, Nurulizwa and Jabar, Juhaini (2023) Eco-innovation capabilities towards SMEs food manufactures' sustainability in developing countries. In: 11th International Conference on Applied Science and Technology 2022, ICAST 2022, 13 June 2022 through 14 June 2022, Hybrid, Putrajaya.

Rahim, Norafni Farlina (2023) Rapid scoping review of blockchain adoption in halal industry supply chain. In: 11th International Conference on Applied Science and Technology 2022, ICAST 2022, 13 June 2022 through 14 June 2022, Hybrid, Putrajaya.

Fawazi, Noor and Man, M. H.C. and Parnon, Mohamad Afiq Amiruddin (2023) Damage detection in a free-free beam structure using reconstructed mode shape data: Experimental approach. In: 2021 International Conference of SNIKOM, ICoSNIKOM 2021, 18 September 2021, Medan.

Yaakub, Muhamad Faizal and Mohd Radzi, Mohd Amran and Mohd Noh, Faridah Hanim (2023) Simulation of DC-DC converter considering parasitic element in flyback transformer and its effect on the converter's input current. In: 11th IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control, ICSPC 2023, 16 December 2023, Malacca.

Fawazi, Noor and Mqan, M.H.C. and Parnon, Mohamad Afiq Amiruddin (2023) Damage detection in a free-free beam structure using reconstructed mode shape data: Numerical approach. In: 2021 International Conference of SNIKOM, ICoSNIKOM 2021, 18 September 2021, Medan.

Bimazlim, Muhammad Aniq Shahmi and Ismail, Baharuddin and Aihsan, Muhammad Zaid and Ali, Rosnazri and Talib, Md Hairul Nizam and Muhammad Azhar Walter, Muhammad Sirajuddin and Mazalan, Siti Khodijah and Hafizi Rohani, Mohamad Nur Khairul (2023) Selective harmonic elimination pulse width modulation for three-phase nine-level inverter using improved whale optimization algorithm. In: 2nd International Symposium on Engineering and Technology, ISETech 2021, 5 October 2021, Virtual, Online.

Azemi, Saidatul Norlyana and Iffah Azhar, Nur Hafizah and Amir, Amiza and Che Beson, Rashidi and Kamalrudin, Massila (2023) Localization of person under surveillance using GPS mobile apps. In: 2nd International Symposium on Engineering and Technology, ISETech 2021, 5 October 2021, Virtual, Online.

Basri, Nurul Aqilah and Ahmad Affendi, Nor Afifah and Krishnan, Vijayletchumi and Razeman, Hafizah and Ibrahim, Siti Zuraidah and Mohd Sultan, Juwita (2023) Electronic medicine organizer box with telegram bot. In: 2nd International Symposium on Engineering and Technology, ISETech 2021, 5 October 2021, Virtual, Online.

Azemi, Saidatul Norlyana and Azreen Azemin, Wan Nur and Amir, Amiza and Che Beson, Rashidi and Hassan, Nornikman (2023) UHF RFID tag antennas for wearable devices. In: 2nd International Symposium on Engineering and Technology, ISETech 2021, 5 October 2021, Virtual, Online.

Ali, Muazam and Omar, Siti Sarah and Ali, Murtaza and Ahmad, Idayuwati and Yen, Wendy Teoh Ming (2023) A cross-culture study of entrepreneurial intention: The moderating role of national culture. In: 18th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE 2023, 21 September 2023 through 22 September 2023, Porto.

Rozaki, Zuhud and Barnabas, Tearine and Triyono, Triyono and Kamarudin, Mohd Fauzi and Ariffin, Ahmad Shabudin and Ramli, Mona Fairuz (2023) Agrotourism development strategy during and post Covid-19 pandemic findings from Caping Merapi, Indonesia and Tobwakira Farm, Kiribati. In: 1st International Conference on Environment and Smart Society, ICEnSO 2023, 9 August 2023 through 10 August 2023, Yogyakarta.

Abdul Hamid, Norihan and Jasny, Muhammad haziq hazmani and Ibrahim, Mazree (2023) An evaluation of the system performance of alarm and vehicle detection (AAVD) through internet of things (IoT). In: 3rd International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2021: Versatility of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Future, ICON3E 2021, 6 September 2021 through 7 September 2021, Virtual, Online.

Anuar, Muhammad Zahirulhaq Zainol and Zambri, Nor Aira and Salim, Norhafiz and Yi, Sim Sy and Hassan, Omar Abu (2023) Automated bicycle crash detection system. In: 3rd International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2021: Versatility of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Future, ICON3E 2021, 6 September 2021 through 7 September 2021, Virtual, Online.

Alwi, Shaliza and Salleh, MasrinaNadia Mohd and Abu, MohdFathi and Ismail, Albert Feisal @ Muhd Feisal and Saleh Abbas, Mohd and Haris Fadzilah, Asmaul Husna (2023) Concept of integration of blockchain and artificial intelligence. In: 3rd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering, ICACITE 2023, 12 May 2023 through 13 May 2023, Greater Noida.

Abdul Kadir, Aida Fazliana and Sulaima, Mohamad Fani and Ab Aziz, Nur Hakimah and Mohd Zin, Ahmad Najmi and Shareef, Hussain and Rahman, Zulkifli Ab (2023) Evaluation of charging costs for various types of EVs in Malaysia. In: 2023 10th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering, CPESE 2023, 8 September 2023 through 10 September 2023, Nagoya.

Basari, Amat Amir and Yan, Ng Xue (2023) Experimental evaluation of impact mode multiple piezoelectric power generator. In: International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2021: Versatility of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Future, ICON3E 2021, 6 September 2021 through 7 September 2021, Virtual, Online.

Omar, Siti Sarah and Mohd Aris, Nurul Fadzilla and Yen, Wendy Teoh Ming and Chao, Dorrie and Higgs, Malcolm (2023) Exploratory study of multidimensionality elements of small entrepreneurs' network change and development in the southern region of Malaysia. In: 2023 18th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE 2023, 21 September 2023 through 22 September 2023, Porto.

Yahya, Muhammad Sani and Hamzah, Shipun Anuar and Ramli, Khairun Nidzam and Seman, Fauziahanim Che and Abu, Maisarah and Nordin, Shahilah and Malik, Nik Noordini Nik Abd and Mustapa, Mohammad Sukri (2023) Multiband and wideband characteristics of grid array antenna. In: 3rd International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2021: Versatility of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Future, ICON3E 2021, 6 September 2021through 7 September 2021, Virtual, Online.

Hanafi, Dirman and Salleh, Ahmad Faris and Rahman, Hisyam Abdul and Zakri, Azriyenni Azhari and Ribuan, Mohamed Najib and Ghazali, Rozaimi (2023) Portable solar panel with Mamdani fuzzy logic controller for sun position tracking and IoT monitoring system. In: 3rd International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2021: Versatility of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Future, ICON3E 2021, 6 September 2021 through 7 September 2021, Virtual, Online.

Istiyanti, Eni and Anitasari, Dian Widi and Zainal Abidin, Nadiah (2023) The development strategy of organic rice farming in Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In: 4th International Conference on Agribusiness and Rural Development, IConARD 2023, 9 August 2023 through 10 August 2023, Virtual, Online. (Unpublished)

Batumalay, M. and Zain, H.A. and Abdul Rahim, Hazli Rafis and Harun, S.W. (2023) Development and analysis of whispering gallery mode model for refractive index sensing. In: 6th Photonics Meeting 2023, PM 2023, 10 June 2023 through 11 June 2023, Kuala Terengganu.

Zaini, Muhammad Aizat Zaim and Md Saaid, Nur Farzana Fasihah and Mohd Rusdi, Muhammad Farid and Abdul Latiff, Anas and Ab Rahman, Mohd Fauzi and Al-Masoodi, Ahmed Hasan Hamood (2023) Dual-wavelength q-switched fiber laser generation by incorporating 2D materials in D-SMS fiber structure. In: 6th Photonics Meeting 2023, PM 2023, 10 June 2023 through 11 June 2023, Kuala Terengganu.

Jamaludin, Junainah and Chin, Chee Keong and Lay, Yoon Fah and Ng, Khar Thoe and Cyril, Nelson and Pang, Yee Jiea and Kumar, Rajendra and Choong, Careemah and Anggoro, Subuh (2023) Empowering conceptual and procedural knowledge/skills development in technology-enhanced environment: Challenges and exemplars to promote innovations through digital transformation. In: 7th International Conference on Research Innovations: Trends in Science and Technology, iCRI 2022, 11 November 2022 through 12 November 2022, Penang.

Abdul Aziz, Ahmad Mujaher and Muniandy, Subathra and Idris, Muhammad Idzdihar and Mohammed Napiah, Zul Atfyi Fauzan and Baharudin Zamani, Zarina and Norddin, Nur Bahirah and Rashid, M (2023) Investigation of the performance impact of active layer parameter variations on inverted perovskite solar cells using GPVDM. In: 14th IEEE Regional Symposium on Micro and Nanoelectronics, RSM 2023, 28 August 2023 through 30 August 2023, Langkawi.

Mohamad Ali, Ummu Umairah and Md Johari, Md Ashadi and Jusoh, Zulzilawati and Harun, Sulaiman Wadi (2023) Single and dual optical microsphere resonator as Humidity Sensor. In: 6th Photonics Meeting 2023 , PM 2023, 10 June 2023 through 11 June 2023, Kuala Terengganu.

Ismail, N.H. and Omar, M.N. and Ishak, M.S.A and Yahaya, N.Z. and Khalid, K.A.A. and Mohd Ab Halim, Mohd Firdaus (2023) An innovative approach for natural gas liquefaction using a mixed-multi-component-refrigerant. In: 8th International Conference on Applications and Design in Mechanical Engineering, ICADME 2023, 4 September 2023 through 5 September 2023, Kuala Lumpur.

Mahadzir, Muhammad Nadzirul Izzat and Halim, Isa and Zainal Abidin, Muhammad Zaimi and Abdullah, Zulkeflee and Radin Umar, Zaid @ Radin Zaid and Abdul Rahman, Muhammad Husna and Kasim, M.S. (2023) Design and fabrication of test rig for static pushing and pulling experiments. In: 8th International Conference on Applications and Design in Mechanical Engineering, ICADME 2023, 4 September 2023 through 5 September 2023, Kuala Lumpur.

Zulkarnain, Mohamad and Lubis, Sobron (2023) Numerical study on mechanical behavior of honeycomb sandwich with random fiber reinforcement. In: 4th Tarumanagara International Conference of the Applications of Technology and Engineering, TICATE 2023, 5 August 2023 through 6 August 2023, Virtual, Online.

Rahim, Norin Hafizah and Onn, Munirah and Rahim, Nor Hidayah and Sabri, Nurul Hazwani and Hambali, Norhafini (2023) Physical characterization of effective microorganism (em) paint on anti-corrosion. In: 2nd International Conference on Oil and Gas Industry, Technologies, and Applications, ICOG-ITA 2022, 14 September 2022, Virtual, Online.

Alamsyah, Doni Purnama and Aryanto, Rudy and Mulyani, Mulyani and Kurnianingrum, D and Indriana, Indriana and Othman, Norfaridatul Akmaliah and Hasan, Hazmilah (2023) The development concept of digital advertising preference. In: 4th Tarumanagara International Conference of the Applications of Technology and Engineering, TICATE 2022, 5 August 2021 through 6 August 2021, Virtual, Online.

Puspitasari, Poppy and Pramono, Diki Dwi and Putra, Chandra Setiawan and Permanasari, Avita Ayu and Hidayat Syah Lubis, Abdul Munir and Abdullah, Muhammad Ilman Hakimi Chua (2023) Optimization of performance carbon-based nanolubricant on Ti6Al4V Pin on disc testing using taguchi method. In: 8th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering, ICEEIE 2023, 28 September 2023 through 29 September 2023, Malang City.

Hadiana, Asep Id and Kamal Baharin, Safiza Suhana and Othman, Zahriah and Putra, Eddie Krishna (2023) Improving first responder preparedness in indoor evacuation through advanced numerical simulation techniques. In: 2nd International Conference on Computational Modelling, Simulation and Optimization, ICCMSO 2023, 23 June 2023 through 25 June 2023, Hybrid, Bali.

Mohd Noh, Faridah Hanim and Wan Kamri, Wan Mohd Amin Khalili and Zakaria, Ahmad Hawari and Gimin, Nor Arina and Iqbal, Safa'at and Yaakub, Muhamad Faizal and Mohd Shah, Nor Shahida and Mashori, Sumaiya (2023) Development of physiological mouse for anxiety disorder identification system. In: 12th International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering 2022 , ICME 2022, 9 August 2022 through 10 August 2022, Virtual, Online.

Abdullah, Haslina and Isa, Nurshafinaz and Zakaria, Mohamad Shukri (2023) Optimization machining parameters in pocket milling using genetic algorithm and mastercam. In: 12th International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering 2022 , ICME 2022, 9 August 2022 through 10 August 2022, Virtual, Online.

Ikiri, Yuki and Yotsuyanagi, Hiroyuki and Ali, Fara Ashikin and Lu, Shyue-Kung and Hashizume, Masaki (2023) A DFT technique for electrical interconnect testing of circuit boards with 3D Stacked SRAM ICs. In: 12th IEEE CPMT Symposium Japan, ICSJ 2023, 15 November 2023 through 17 November 2023, Kyoto.

Mohd Sa'at, Fatimah Al-Zahrah and Hasbullah, Nurjannah and Shikh Anuar, Fadhilah and Johari, Dahlia (2023) Heat transfer comparison between the one-directional and the bi-directional flows across heated tube banks with staggered configuration. In: 14th International Conference on Thermal Engineering: Theory and Applications, ICTEA 2023, 25 May 2023 through 27 May 2023, Yalova.

Ishak, Anuar and Mohamad, Effendi and Arep @ Ariff, Hambali and Ito, T. (2023) An explanation of lean six sigma barriers Malaysia wastewater treatment chapter. In: 5th International Conference on Green Energy and Environment 2023 , ICoGEE 2023, 26 September 2023 through 27 September 2023, Pangkalpinang.

Rosli, Nor Ana and Alkahari, Mohd Rizal and Mohamad Norani, Mohamad Nordin and Abdollah, Mohd Fadzli bin and Paijan, Lailatul Harina and Furumoto, T (2023) Evaluation on the performance of sustainable wire arc additive manufacturing using micro plasma arc welding. In: 5th International Conference on Green Energy and Environment 2023 , ICoGEE 2023, 26 September 2023 through 27 September 2023, Pangkalpinang.

Mohd Zaki, Sharif and Azmi, W.H. and Ismail, Mohd. Farid and Awalludin, M.M.N. and Ghazali, M.F. and Amirullah, A.R.M. (2023) Performance analysis of automotive air conditioning systems with electric compressors using R1234yf refrigerant: Insights into power consumption, cooling capacity, and energy efficiency. In: 5th International Conference on Green Energy and Environment 2023 , ICoGEE 2023, 26 September 2023 through 27 September 2023, Pangkalpinang.

Sohoo, Arslan A. and Ahmed, Izhar and Seman, Fauziahanim Che and Ishak, Nurul Syafeeqa and Khee, Yee S. (2023) Leaky-wave wires antenna for future D- Band 6G communication systems. In: 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2023, 30 October 2023 through 2 November 2023, Kuala Lumpur.

Qureshi, Suhail Asghar and Kamarudin, Muhammad Ramlee and Abbasi, Muhammad Inam and Abidin, Zuhairiah Zainal and Dahri, Muhammad Hashim (2023) VO-2 assisted unit cell for designing THz reconfigurable Reflectarray antenna. In: 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2023, 30 October 2023 through 2 November 2023, Kuala Lumpur.

Mohd Asri, Fatin Atirah and Ayob, Mohammad Afif and Rohaziat, Nurasyeera and Rahman, Hisyam Abdul and Rahman, Khairul Azlan A. and Ayob, Mohd Erdi (2023) Development of an open-source and low-cost robotic arm based on STM32 microcontroller for promoting STEM education. In: 2023 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Informatics, ISCI 2023, 14 October 2023 through 15 October 2023, Hybrid, Shah Alam.

Seng, Chan Hwa and Abas, Norafizah and Kasdirin, Hyreil Anuar and Abas, Mohd Azman and Ghani, Normaniha Abd and Hanafi, Ainain Nur (2023) EMG-based assessment device for hand rehabilitation with cloud analysis. In: 12th IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences, ICCAIS 2023, 27 November 2023 through 29 November 2023, Hanoi.

Loh, Wan Ying and Lee, Weng Fook and Hussin, Razaidi and Jidin, Aiman Zakwan and Ahmad, Norhawati and Zakaria, Nor Azura (2023) Novel March WY approach for dynamic fault detection in memory BIST. In: 16th IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-Core Systems-on-Chip, MCSoC 2023, 18 December 2023 through 21 December 2023, Singapore.

Fuad, Ali and Mohd Aboobaider, Burhanuddin and Abd Ghani, Mohd Khanapi (2023) Intelligent systems-enabled decentralized e-government framework for higher education in Iraq: a conceptual data fusion approach. In: 1st IEEE International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023, 7 December 2023 through 9 December 2023, Hybrid, Coimbatore.

Fuad, Ali and Mohd Aboobaider, Burhanuddin and Abd Ghani, Mohd Khanapi (2023) Key factors influencing a decentralized IoT-based electronic government model for higher education in Iraq : an intelligent systems perspective. In: 1st IEEE International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023, 7 December 2023 through 9 December 2023, Hybrid, Coimbatore.

Ghazali, Rozaimi and Ghani, Muhamad Fadli and Hanaffi, Mohd Saidi and Jaafar, Hazriq Izzuan and Soon, Chong Chee and Has, Zulfatman (2023) Real-time electro-hydraulic trajectory tracking using an optimized sliding mode control design with PID Structure. In: 5th International Conference on Control and Robotics, ICCR 2023, 23 November 2023 through 25 November 2023, Tokyo.

Pratondo, Agus and Novianty, Astri and Pudjoatmodjo, Bambang (2023) Prediction of payment method in convenience stores using machine learning. In: 11th IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control, ICSPC 2023, 16 December 2023, Malacca.

Pratondo, Agus and Zani, Tafta and Novianty, Astri and Pudjoatmodjo, Bambang (2023) Raw coffee bean classification for roasting suitability assessment using transfer learning. In: 11th IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control, ICSPC 2023, 16 December 2023, Malacca.

Khan, Sher Dali and Abbasi, Muhammad Inam and Mohd Ibrahim, Imran and Sohu, Izhar Ahmed and Khan, Sanaullah (2023) Dielectric material characterization for reflectarray antennas designed at sub-6GHz and millimeter wave bands of 5G. In: 6th IEEE Malaysia International Conference on Communication, MICC 2023, 10 December 2023 through 12 December 2023, Kuala Lumpur.

Johari, Muhammad Amirul Aiman and Anwar Apandi, Nur Ilyana and Muhammad, Nor Aishah (2023) Power allocation with non-orthogonal multiple access for 5G heterogeneous network. In: 16th IEEE Malaysia International Conference on Communication, MICC 2023, 10 December 2023 through 12 December 2023, Kuala Lumpur.

Yucheng, Wang and Jinlin, Yin and Jiaxuan, Li and Danlei, Ying and Cheong, Chew Boon (2023) Application research of computer intelligent building carbon emission reduction system. In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Automation and Computer Engineering, ICEACE 2023, 29 December 2023 through 31 December 2023, Changchun.

Hossain, Jahangir and Shareef, Hussain and Hossain, Md. Alamgir and Manojkumar, Rampelli and Abdullah, Qazwan and Al-Masoodi, Ahmed Hasan Hamood (2023) Optimizing battery energy storage and solar photovoltaic systems for commercial buildings in Malaysia; a case study. In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Energy Technologies for Future Grids, ETFG 2023, 3 December 2023 through 6 December 2023, Wollongong.

Tee, Boon Tuan and Lim, S.C.J. and Siew, P.W. and Lee, M.F. (2023) Application of sensor technology for energy consumption analysis; a case study in a smart office building. In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM 2023, 18 December 2023 through 21 December 2023, Singapore.

Ahamat, Amiruddin and Jaafar, Adib Akram and Shah Wahid, Mansor and Robani, Anidah and Ismail, Albert Feisal @ Muhd Feisal and Aris, Amir (2023) Challenges of SME exporting ; a case study of a halal food manufacturer. In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Technology Management, Operations and Decisions, ICTMOD 2023, 22 November 2023 through 24 November 2023, Rabat.

Kayser Azam, S.M. and Othman, Mohamadariff and Latef, Tarik Abdul and Illias, Hazlee Azil and Hossain, A K M Zakir and Ababneh, Ahmad A. (2023) Chipless RFID tag by v-shaped multi-resonator for partial discharge-affected equipment identification. In: 2023 Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies, i-PACT 2023, 8 December 2023 through 10 December 2023, Kuala Lumpur.

Khan, Sanaullah and Hossain, A K M Zakir and Kayser Azam, S. M. and Othman, Mohamadariff and Hassim, Nurulhalim (2023) Design Prospects of Parallel U-shaped Multi-Resonator for Fabric-based Chipless RFID Tags. In: 2023 Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies, i-PACT 2023, 8 December 2023 through 10 December 2023, Kuala Lumpur.

Zahari, Nur Elida Mohamad and Mokhlis, Hazlie and Mansor, Nurulafiqah Nadzirah and Sulaima, Mohamad Fani (2023) Modelling of hybrid energy system for demand-side management; a case study of industrial customer in Malaysia. In: 2023 Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies, i-PACT 2023, 8 December 2023 through 10 December 2023, Kuala Lumpur.

This list was generated on Wed Mar 26 19:41:35 2025 +08.